Page 75 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 75
February 21, 19851We.tem Maryland College/Page 3 King studies British upclose Wheel [olns staff dents must take, Shake- ence London." She also feels by Nancy Shaw in admissions dept speare, and British Art that the college is "aware of History, These courses were 'the fact that you're there to On August 28, 1984 Laura part of an involvement see things and you learn that King, a junior drama major, project, aimed at meeting Sri- way. 100." There Were many by Rhonda Myers left for a semester in London. King studied in England :~~ne~e~~~~t th~ B~t~s~i~~~: ~~~~s ~in~~sd~~~~ri~~S ~~: The admissions office wel- through a program with Cen- atre Association where she shopping in the open mar- comed Karen O. Wheel last tral Uriiversity of Iowa, a lib- took Voice for Actors and kets. She also liked the fact week. Wheel, the new admis- eral arts school. Production Workshop. Iota 1- that the theatre was accessi- siena counselor who replaced ing 15 credits. King feels that ble and very inexpensive. She Mr. Mark Gay. will advise King said she wanted to "experience a different cut: working with the Theatre As- saw major Broadway caliber students and handle the re- cruitment of minorities. Her shows. such as The Real sociation was her "best British ture," a "radically different way of life." However, she experience" because she got Thing, The Boyfriend, and job also includes traveling, Passion Play for $4.50. There and starting in March she will to work with not only English wasn't fluent in any foreign people, but people from Can- language, so she decided on ada, Scotland, Brazil, and is however, one disadvantage all try to obtain new students from Baltimore, Washington, to the London nightlife _ an English speaking, country. New England, as well. the pubs close at 11 p.rn. and Prince Georges and Howard Since she had "fallen in love" with England on a vacation King also had the opportun- ;hoeUI~~~tbSst:~20~·~~a~0Ia~:.~ ~~~n~eU~b~h~~h g~~~~ltei~ with her family, London was a ity to trave! outside of tonoon. King felt the "pub life was 1980, interned at Johns Hop- natural choice. With this deci- She visited Paris and Edin- fabulous." It is not like a kins, and was an exchange sion, King went to talk with burgh, and took weekend typical American bar, she ex. student at Clarke College in Dr. Joan Coley, Associate trips with her British Studies plains. In London people go Atlanta. She graduated from Dean for Continuing Educa- tion about the many study- ~~~ssh~~eSt~~tf~~li~~ons~~~~~to "get to know people." ~~~,isg~iou~vf~: ~~h~r~~~- abroad programs offered. speare. Other sights she vis- A major. culture difference, in Communications. King chose the Central Pro- ited included Windsor, Bath, King reveals, is that the "Bri- :\ gram because she wanted to and Eaton. King also saw tish are a lot more quiet and W~eel, who resi~s in Col- uve with other American stu- Queen Elizabeth, Prince reserved, until you get to ~~e~aab~~ ~~Y;g~h:r~~' '~eh~ dents, While in London, she resided in a large townhouse, ~~~~:sA~~i~~s~u~~~aa _~n: ~~~e;rce~ "atSh~m~~S :~~ also continued to say the which housed 30 students, one head resident, one cook, rade before the opening of missed American TV and ~~~i~;a~~~r rcin~~~k h~~r~ ~~~II~da~dcgll~~~ti~~m~~~~il~ae and one housemaid. Parliament food. However, King felt that Wheel believes that being Her future plans include re- The students were given a she "gained valuable per- asked to come work at WMC turning to school, getting a King earned 15 credits last lot of free time. As King sonar experience" and that and receiving her LSAT law degree, and becoming a semester by taking British explains. "the classes were the semester "taught me in· scores were the best things to consulting international law- Studies, a basic history less difficult because they dependence," and happen to her. Her hobbies yer. course which all of the stu- were giving us time to expert- ;m:e~g:ro=w~u:p~a::_::litt=le~._"__ ~==================~ Consortium succeeds £lmericnll
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