Page 38 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 38
Page 6IWe.tem·Maryland CoUegelNovember I, 1984 Stevenson, Russo Terrors squeak past lead Terrors again surging ahead with a 200 Lebanon Valley by 3 by Kelly Connor "Nobody's time was good meter lead for the number by Elizabeth Leik "....., "-;. ~ _ ..., "', ~! today. It was hot. The heat one position, Doug Nolder I ,.. • t ,.. . I definitely slowed them down." also ran in good form, finish- If WMC pertormed Ihrough- This was the comment made ing second with a time of by Dr. Rick Carpenter, coach 28:45. ~~ ~~eth~hf~~t~~~~ ~n~~~~ ~. ...;.... ....' • I of the men's and women's A large gathering of specta- 'of fourth quarter, the Terrors r..'....... -. iali. cross-country teams, after tors cheered our men. and would have tromped all over ~ ....- Western Maryland's home women on to victory. To most Lebanon Valley. Instead, ~_~ ~ • ~" meet against Lebanon Valley of the WMC runners, Satur- WMC waited until the last .... ~ ; .... and Washington on Saturday, day's meet was the last of the minutes to putout a pertorrn- fill< • ~ - J Oct. 27. season. Tyl Heinman best de- ance surpassmq their pre- , \ W 0:.' Despite the heat, both scribed Saturday's race as vious games, for a 15-12 win I J"":""", jI . squads were triumphant. The his "last chance to beat his over the Flying Dutchmen . women's team beat Lebanon personal record". Lebanon Valley opened with 41(14. ;, Valley, 21-34. The men's team The WMC squads proved a strong performance, head- ..'.\ was likewise successful victorious in their past two lng down the field and scar- , &. '-1 .. C .. aqamsr'Lebanon Valley, 18-41 meets. On Oct. 16, the lng less than five minutes into and Washington, 24-33. women beat Elizabethtown- the first quarter. WMC had -- At the start of the. race, Sue 25-30; Stevenson set a. new trouble moving the ball into ... '- Stevenson and Tracey Serra- course record in 18:39. The ~~~~~e~t t~~~t0ia'ala~~ew~~~ ~ __ telli formed an unpassable men also beat Elizabethtown, two minutes left in the half Terrors retreat to the locker room after a tough du? and matched stride for York College, and Penn State str!de .until they c~osse.d the - Capital Campus. At the without scoring. Putting on the game. finish line together In a time of Dickinson Invitational the pressure, the Terrors held movement but no score. The 12-7. It only took the Terrors 20:30, and. Karl Gustatsen. men's team tied York fo~ sec- their opponent and took over Dutchmen took control in' the 24 seconds to score. On third finishing fifth 'with 23:31. and with a score of 96 points. at the 15 yard line. From here beginning of fourth quarter, down and ten yards for a first, For the men, Brian Russo, Stevenson and Serratelli took quarterback Jack Buettner rushing and passing into Ter- Buettner connected with Mike once again dominated the the first and 'fourth positions pas~ed the. ~eam way ~into ror field. With 2:29 left in the Chavez who ran in for the course, leading the Terrors to respectively; however, the scoring, POSition, hitting Ray game, Lebanon Valley's Los- touchdown, gaining a total of victory. Russo ran alongside a WMC's women squad did not Evans lor the touchdown. toritto picked up Mehford's 74 yards on that play. Not to Lebanon Valley runner during enter for competition. Chuck Weistein's kick was blocked punt on the 22 yard be outdone" Buettner passed the first half of the race~ Ae On Nov. 3, both teams will good, and WMC led at the line and took it in for the to Scott Funk for the two point controlled his pace" and travel to Lebanon Valley for half 7-6. touchdown. Lebanon Valley conversion and a 15-12 lead. saved his energy for the hin, the Mid-Atlantic Conference. Third Quarter action was failed to make the two point " ',f:'ln' ~ slow, with back and forth field conversion, but came ahead continued on page 7 ,t-' EVEN'nRAIGHT liS CAN" HELP IF YOU FWNK TUITION. Today, the toughest thing about going Greet your Parents with to college is finding the money to pay for it. something special this weekend But Army ROfC can help-two ways! .\ Featuring roses, carnations, First, you can apply for an Army ROTC scholarship. It covers tuition, lilies, sweethearts etc. books. and supplies, and pays you up to $1,000 each school year it's in effect But even if R8T~rs~~sr til1 e,lp:lent:,If>"fU with financial assis- tance-upto$l,ooo a year for your last two years in me program. For mare information. contact yaur of 45 Pennsylvania Ave. W~STMINSTER . _ 848-3800 rCoUPON~1 I ~rg~!c!lfLa I For more info. stop by Forlines House ~ Good WitJ. Any Other Oller through No~
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