Page 41 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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. Schmoke, Trudeau, Tobin get honorary degrees will begin on Saturday, Nov. 10 at 10:30 a.m. in the Physi- Friday, Nov; 9 will mark the cal Education Learning ceo- beginning day of activities for ter. Two-hundred delegates the weekend that will be high- from colleges, universities, Maryland f lighted by the inauguration and learned societies will ceremony for Or. Robert H. make up a robed proces- Chambers III, seventh presi- sional with the WMC facully, march into the Learning Cen- prepare an airlift to Fort Meade, dent of Western ter at the beginning of. the College, and an awarding of I Ranger platoon ~~r!~n~reg~~~~m~sfOOb~~~ < ceremony. Delegates will rep- resent among others Oxford and Cambridge Universities in invades Ft.Meade Pulitzer Prize recipient Garry h ~ England and Pontifical Grego- Trudeau, and Attorney State's rian University in Rome. Schmoke. Kurt - Dr. Richard Warch, Presi- by Chris Ginther movements. Friday evening at 8 p.m., dent of Lawrence University in On the weekend of Oct. 27· National Guard helicopters the first of three special ad- !Wisconsin, will deliver the 28, the college's Ranger pla- had been coordinated in dresses, a lecture entitled ikeynote address at the cere- toon went on operation to Fort order to take some Rangers "Unpopular Teaching," will be .rnony, entilled "Great Heav- Meade. The mission, held down to Fort Meade, while presented by distinguished ens, we Are mad!" Chambers under realistic conditions, other participants took the guest Dr. Dennis O'Brien, 'Will then be formally inaugu- dealt primarily with recon- bus. Once arriving at the President of the University of rated and presented with the naissance, but demolition of a airtield, the mission became Rochester in New York, in 'presidential necklace that is bridge and destruction of tacttcar-no speaking was al- Alumni Hall. The lecture will made up of links engraved power lines, were secondary. lowed. After 'moving towards be followed by a reception for with the names of the former objectives. the bridge, security teams special guests of the college presidents of the college. This expedition was the covered the approaches and at the President's House. largest executed by the pla- flanks of the area, while the The inauguration ceremony bury creator. continued on page 3 toon in recent years. Under third squad prepared the planning since early this se- structure for demolition. Gren- Art faculty shows works mester, the mission involved ade simulators were used to about 45 people, divided into provide the atmosphere with 4 squads. a greater sense of realism. The works of adjunct art display through Friday, Nov. her master of fine arts degree The entire platoon met at After blowing up the bridge, faculty members at Western 16, Monday through Friday, from George Washington Uni- the Military Science Depart- 'the Rangers did an extensive Maryland College will be on from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. versity. ment at noon in order to draw recon of the terrain and sur- display during an opening The adjunct faculty Ms. Sue Bloom, who gradu- weapons and equipment. rounding area. While moving reception for the artists in members, who work with ated with a bachelor of fine Weapons consisted of AK- in the dark, through dense Gallery One on campus on mixed media, include: Ms. arts from Maryland Institute 47's and M~16's, though they terrain, unbeknownst to the Tuesday, Oct. 30 from 7 to 9 Mary Aylor, who has a bache- and a master of science de- were only rubber replicas. Rangers, SSG. Wyatt, a p.m. lor of arts degree from Hood gree from Towson State Uni- After troop inspection, the en- cadre member, laid in am- College and has done gradu- versity. tire platoon moved to the bush. After causing a slight Sponsored by the Depart- ate work at WMC. Ms. Linda Van Hart, who is WMC soccer field and prac- tactical delay, the Rangers ment of Performing Arts, the Ms. Sally Babylon, who re- a graduate of WMC and has ticed the establishment of pa- brushed off the. attempt. reception and showing is free ceived her bachelor of sci- a master of art in education trol bases, security checks, and open to the public. The ence degree from Central degree from Towson State and various other patrol continued on page 7 exhibit will continue to be on Missouri State University and University. ,Sidtllghts: hat would you sup- Honeywell corp. holds port if nuclear arms discussions with the Soviets were reopened? futuristic· ess~y contest Honeywell Inc. wants to find It's a study of what's possl- and that's important be·cause a freeze out what college students ble." the future is where we are think the world will be like in Joseph looks at the future going to live," he said. "By the year 2009. The company .is a company that assists studying it, students will gain optimistically and feels it's a reduction an idea of what to prepare for under the public's control. ASI ts. sponsoring an essay con- - dlscusslo!ls future can be anything we .and computer scientist at nual Futurist Awards Competi- and the types of careers to test for college students to pursue." Honeywell's third an- businesses and individuals in learn their views; realizing and creating oppor- total disarmament tion was launched in early One local futurist feels the tunities for their future. Jo- seph, a former staff futurist October. The Futurist Awards contest want it to be. "However, we against reopening cannot predict; we can only asks students Sperry Univac, researches the to look 25 years into the future and write future so businesses and.lndi- forecast," said Earl Joseph, viduals can clearly focus their three essays of up to 500 president of Anticipatory Sci- 10 30 40 20 the future would be to tell you Joseph thinks the contest is says are to be written about significant developments a unique opportunity for stu- what will happen. Forecast- Number of people 50 60 ences Inc. (ASI). "To predict long-range planning activities. words each. Two of the es- in dents. "It gives students a ing, as a futurist, would be to survey sample: 130 source: Phoenix ,tell you what· could happen. .chance to study the future continued on page 3
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