Page 33 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 33
Pennsylvania Avenue apart- Western Maryland Col1ege l appointed a new Area Coordi- ments and the remaing stu- nator to assit the Dean of dent-run houses on campus Student Affairs this tall when to Nancy Young. Medoff resides in McDaniel Nancy Young was moved into the position of Acting Director suite, therefore relating well to the residents scene and the of Resident Life. Mr. Dave problems students may have. Medoff has been assigned "We (Area Coordinators) are Area Coordinator of Blanche greatly concerned with the Ward, McDaniel, and White- problems encountered in the ford dormitories. dorms, as we encounter them Medoff comes from Uni- ourselves. We make every versity of Maryland (College effort to correct -things. but Park) where he had been a the residents must realize that Resident Director for three we go through the same situ- years. After being in charge ations they do, he explains." Jeff Stebbins exits polls in the Forum. of 500 people from five ~ They are not alone, and not dorms at College Park, he . everything can be done when finds the Western Maryland needed. We are here to make Students cast votes community a big change. the effort and do what we n~~~~ei~o~Oo:a~~i:~~: ~~~~\fDavid Medoff, Area Coor- can." ad- in mock balloting and the residents with each dinator Roommate situations, other and the rest of the the other two Area Coordina- justing to the college and the school know that we are campus he says." "This tors, George Poljng and dormitory life are just a few 'by.,Jonathan Slade here," he says. "It seemed school's size makes it possi- Nancy Young. Poling is in activities that Area Coordina- 'Tis the season to be voting. like a feasible project so we ble to reach a personal level." charge of Albert Norman tors can concentrate on. They As political fever sweeps attempted it." He adds that Medoff interacts with all the Ward, Rouzer, and Daniel Mc- the nation, it blew threw the approximately 500 members students on campus as do Lea, leaving Elderice, the continued on page 3 halls of Western Maryland on of the college community par- Hazing injures pledqes r uesday when the newly- ticipated.· ' And though this represents reorganized College Republi- can club hosted a mock elec- only one-third to one-half of by Thomas Garland pledges. For all concerned, forms of paddling, any cause tion in the forum of Decker the student population, though, the topic of hazing of excessive fatigue, as well College Center. Koontz is not pessimistic Just before fall break, the becomes a point of fervent as inflicting physical or psy- "For most students. it's their about the tumout. sororties at WMC accepted discussion. chological shock. But more first time to vote for a Presi- "It's not so much that we pledges. This began a six First, what is hazing? Ac- important than these specific dent," says senior Kip Koontz, are disappointed. A large week pledge program for Phi cording to the student hand- do's and don'ts is many be- president of the organization. number of people did come Sigma Sigma, the only na- bood, it "is any action taken lieve, is that a constructive, "We want everyone to exer- out and vote," he explains. "It tional sorority on campus. To or situation created, intention- rather than a destructive, cise their right to vote." is upsetting, though, that the local groups, the first 7 ally, whether on or off college pledge program is much Koontz explains that the some apathy toward the elec- days of pledging is known as premises, to produce mental more effective. club, which had been active tion does exist, but again, it "Hell Week". Open smokers or physical dicomfort, embar- Some of the activities the in previous years, went was encouraging to see those and open houses give the rasment, harrassment or ridi- handbook calls destructive through a period of dor- who did participate." fraternities the chance to cule." The handbook goes on are those that are "morally mancy. Senior Guy Whitlock, who show themselves ott, and to list particular actions that degrading or humiliating". "We felt that this mock elec- soon they too will take constitute hazing, including all continued on page 3 tion was the best way to let continued on page 3 Sidelights: ow many states do Student Affairs urges you believe Reagan will carry in the general election? victi ms to report assau Its - by Monica Brunson equipped to handle any sex- been added and plans have all 50 been made to trim some of 45-49 reported. The key element is This is the last in a four part ual assault cases that are the bushes. An extremely im- series on rape and sexual portant change that has been assault. ~;ce~~~~no~t ~fro~~~r!:~~ made is that the Residence ing, there is no way to stop Life Staff, the community as- the violence. However, the sistants, have been especially This series of articles has - been written and printed to administration is taking some trained for handling two dlt- 35-39 rapes inform and educate the West- and sexual assaults. If stu- steps to make the campus a dents choose to report the - than 35 safer place. less ern Maryland College commu- assault to their CA, The Student Affairs office nity. We have learned of the The student can report the 10 20 30 40 50 myths that surround rape, the has issued a brochure of feerent routes can be taken general campus safety, which psychology of the rapist and assault and go through Resi- they hope that students will the agencies that can help. Number of people There is still another agency take very seriously. There has dence Hall channels of dls- that is willing to be of assist- also been an increase in the cipline This would consist of • urv~y sample: 124 source: Phoenix ance. visibility of the security offi- - The Student Affairs office is cers. Building spotlights have continued on page 2
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