Page 40 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 40
Page 8lWe.tem Maryland CollegeiNovember I, 1984 Choral Arts Society Murray shines 'in tough to give program role in Razor's Edge at inauguration b~;pO~~~~':Ve~~~ee contemplation after the Euro- has grown wise to the ways of The Choral Arts Society of have oeen set to music that While most movie produc- pean conflict extremely dis- war. that Her anger turbing Indeed, weaknesses peaks Carroll County will open its ranges from early chant rnelo- lion companies aim at the when he asks to postpone arise from a lack of action are seventh season with a con- dies to present harmonies mainstream audience, occa- their wedding until he can more than compensated for cert of great choral music as and rhythms. The choral pres- sionally a film will appear "find himself," for here she by'the intense development of part of the ceremonies eele- entation of these two works whose nonconformity throws can only see the use of a personalities. There exists no brating the inauguration of will show the contrast of theater-goers into a slate of worn-out cliche to avoid mar- precedent for such an enor- Western Maryland College's Haydn's Germanic classical confusion and curiosity. Such riage. Darrell, however, truly mous array of interesting seventh president, Dr. Robert style to French composer's is the case with Columbia feels a certain inner turmoil characters-each one of which H. Chambers. Poulenc's lush, mystical Pictures' The Razor's Edge that is driving him on, pushing is entirely human. The concert will begin at 3 music. which dares to do the absurd. him to discover the ultimate, But the question of Murray's p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 11 in Following intermission the It places a well-established intangible satisfaction that success in the non-comic Baker Memorial Chapel. The Western Maryland College comic-actor, Bill Murray, into hovers hopelessly out of genre remains. concert is the closing event of Choir, under direction of Eve- the lead role of a sweeping reach for those who have Admittedly, it is. difficult to the college's inaugural week- lyn Hering, will join The Choral drama. Thus, anyone seeing enslaved themselves to daily watch him act in The Razor's end and is free and open to this picture suddenly. be- routine. His quest, we under- Edge, for the audience con- the public. Arts Society in performing comes an active participant in stand, is an honest one. And stantly fears that he will do The Choral Arts Society of shorter 19th and 20th century a three part test that will he dedicates his life to it something funny. And upon Carroll County, composed of works. These include Edward ultimately decide the success Theresa Russell also stars, such an action, we worry, he about 50 volunteer partici- Elgar's "The Snow," as well of this movie. Viewers are first playing Sophie, another of will be permanently branded pants, performs major choral as the late Randall Thomp- silently implored to judge the Darrell'S love interests whose as solely a comedian, only a ~rkS too extensive or difficult son's "The Last Words of plot's level of entertainment presence (or lack thereof) meatball counselor, or forever or average church choirs. David" and "Choose Some- Next comes the critique of eventually becomes a method a ghostbuster. of psychological torture to the Not so. Rest assured that p~ra~::~ ~~~n~e~~sei~~ ~~~~~i~~:~:~~r~~~~n~ ~~;r~~~r:~~~7 ~h~l~~ir~ s:~~ luckless soul-searcher. Rus- the ridges that run upward Haydn's 'Te Deum Leuda- Frost. most important test, however, sell's performance, though not from the corners of his mouth, rnus'' and continue with Jo- To conclude the concert may be one of the' audience outstanding, is competent. which have been carefully seph Poulenc's "Gloria In both choirs will be accompan- itself. Can people actually The potential of her acting doctored on the movie post- Excelcis," musical settings of ied by an organ and a brass cast aside their preconcep- ability does shine through in a ers, are part of his natural two of the greatest Christian quartet in the performance of tions of this renowned come. scene where she learns of a facial structure. He is not texts. Surviving in the liturgies "Christmas Cantata" by con- dian and accept him for an tragic family accident. always on the verge of break- of many denominations, the temporary American com- entire two hour stretch as a Denholm Elliott, however, is ing a smile, though occasion- 121:eX:ls:::of:l:h:es:e:a:n:C:ie:nl:h::vrm:n:s:p:o:se:r:D:a:n:ie:i :Pi:nk::h::am:::,=~ three dimensional character? superb. Portraying an elderly ally it does happen. r As for the story line, con- gentleman of considerable John Byrum, who directed noisseurs of the rip- roaring, wealth, Elliott successfully this picture as well, assumes a bold approach to alleviate action packed thriller will un- captures the sympathetic 1~~~ doubtedly be disappointed. kindness of a grandfatherly this tension, this fear of im- Screenwriter John Byrum, with pending inanity. Since every- patriarch without sacrificing a crusty facade. As Isabel's one expects Murray to do the aid of Murray, has headed toward the other end of the something humorous, he ca- only living relative, everyone spectrum with this feature, for ters to this notion in the first affectionately refers to him as - ,_.1 fJ,Jt=~~m Uncle Elliot. And though he five minutes of the film, and The Razor's Edge is a venture into the subtlety of human then goes about pursuing the never doubts the strength of Darrell's character, Elliot is emotion and the irony of indi- more serious aspects of the vidual destiny. plot. This movie, though, is the epitome of a man con- Larry Darrell, magnificently does it attempt to fool the an estate in America and a "College Night At The Pub" portrayed by Murray, exempli- sumed by materialism. With never a comedy, and never fies the disoriented youth of audience into believing as mansion in Paris, he seems Every Wed. night from 5.c1ose, present the post-World War I era. light years away from Darrell's much. Alas, the test grades are Having survived the slaughter simple, stark philosophies. In- W.M.C. I.D. and receive in France, he leaves his posi- deed, it appears that the finally in. For level of enter- tion as a front line ambulance former ambulance driver will tainment, The Razor's Edge _10% Off of your total bill. driver and returns home to never be able to identify with has garnered an "A." Murray, the cow pastures of America, this upper class gentleman's likewise, receives a top mark I a new outlook on life in tow. sense of values, or, for that for his performance in a de- No longer does he yearn for manding dramatic role. As for matter, the values of his niece - f1Rst" ~ ~ the materialistic goals that Isabel either. the general movie audience's those around him do. Instead, effort to accept his first trip James Keach also turns in a into thought-provoking fea- I he searches for emotional commendable performance tures, though, a lower rating Darrell's as Gray Maturin, complacency-me proverbial is in store. meaning of life. companion throughout the or- This, though, is very disturb- Don't sell this production I ing to Isabel (Katherine Hicks) deal in France; and Brian short until you've seen it. And Doyle Murray (yes, it's Bill's lmpReSS10nS bride before the war. She Piedmont, the callous leader ments that can so easily be I who was Darrell's intended brother) is magnificient as even then, avoid hasty judge- I finds his apathy and passive of the ambulance squad who colored by comic prejudice. I PHoenix Staff Meeting 30 W. Main St. Monday 4 pm I Westminster, Md. 21157 : - 857.0325 in the Pub I @REDKEN" 1~11111 - Coupons not voIidwittl any other ~ers \'11\' ,,:rfI. ,
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