Page 35 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 35
November 1, 1984IWestem Maryland College/Page 3 Practices hurt Greek image Texas centers continued from page 1 of alcohol poisioning because many more positive ways to build trust and teach brother- This should be obvious to he was, "required by mem- hood or sisterhood, which, present chivalry those who are pledging a bers (of the fraternity) to con- Greek organization at present, sume large quanities ot after all, is what pledging and and to those who wish to do alcohol." Not long ago, a iniation are all about. Fratern- display, film so in the future. pledge of a national fraternity ity members stress that it is Of course, it is often difficult was severly burned in an important to keep one's own to distinguish between harm- iniation rite, after brothers put moral and social standards less play and intentional hu- alcohol on his chest and ig- continually in mind. Allowing "The Art of Chivalry," a uled for 7:30 p.m. on Monday, miliation. nited it. someone to do anything that display of 65 photographs of Nov. 12 in Decker Center For instance, recently a violates your sense of well- arms, armor, and major fig- Forum. I Ten nesse State pledge of the A majority of campus off/- being, they suggest, is con- ures from the world of chiv- Starring Katherine Hepburn appear in Decker as Eleanor of Aquitaine and Omega Psi Phi fraternity died cials agree that here are sidered hazing. airy, will beginning Monday, Peter O'Toole as King Henry Center Medoff joins as coordinator Nov 5 and continuing II of England, the film won through Wednesday, Nov. 21, three Academy Awards and from 9 a.rn. to 9 p.m. the New York Film Critics continued from page 1 Coordinators play an impor- although he has finished his The display is open to the Award as best picture of the tant part in this aspect. tnct- classes, he is in the process public with no admission year when it was first re- even meet with resident advi- dents that may demand of obtaining his doctoral in charge. leased. sors when needed. discipline and brought before Human Development. In addi- Created by the Texas Hu- "The lion in Winter" pro- "Being considerate of one the coordinator to discuss the tlon to Area Coordinator, he is mamties Resource Center of vldes a clear and sometimes another is a key to resident factuality and extent of the involved in school activites. the University of Texas at shocking perspective on dy- life. When we become con- problem. The Area Coordina- He has for instance replaced Arlington, the photographs iI- nestle marriage and divorce, scious of the situation we are tor may decide if the case Ms. Kathy Dawkins as Year- lustrate a major exhibition of as well as on the question of in, with people other than should progress for a hearing, book Advisor. arms and armor currently' on succession to the throne in ourselves doing different or, depending upon the se- This is a new poslton for tour with selected museums what is generally called the things at different times, re- verity of the case, taken dl- him, Medoff says, and he across the country. This exhl- Age of Faith. - spect should come naturally. rectly to the Disciplinary looks forward to a lot of bition, organized from the col- Credited with establishing Residents must become Hearing Board. support from the students and . lection at the Metropolitan the standards of proper chi- aware of their own actions." Medoff, explains that he can social organizations, ~HqyeQ; Museum of Art, is the first vatric conduct. Eleanor of relate well to the pressures of courages students to stop by major one devoted to arms Aquitaine was Queen of ReSponsibility leads to dis- college life. He is currently his office, McDaniel 111, any- and armor in nearly 30 years. France and then of England cipline, he claims, and Area attending College Park, and time for discussion. Some of the it.ems.shown:,in .~:r~~~I~ ~~~t~o 1~:~ri:~:sie~ the photoqrephtc dlsplaY·"i,n- her sons in rebellion against Students vote in mock election elude a~ like a dragon, .an if"!g husband, Henry 11,who helment their father and her philander- exotic shaped armor made to wear at a rdyal Rept her Imprisoned in one continued from page 1 polls, they say, were manned "Of course," Koontz adds, wedding, a parade shie.Jd~m- jcrrn or another from 1173 to by both Republicans and "we have also seen people bossed Wlt~ the Biblical 1'189, occasionally summon- -asalated at the polls, also Democrats throughout the 11 who fear tfie President and scene of Saul s conversion on ing her to rejoin him. believes that the mock elec- hour voting day, so as to his policies." Either way, he the road to Da~ascus, and a "The Lion in Winter" drama- tion was a success. avoid the problem of one assures, students will exer- co:OPlete matching armor for tizes a Christmas reunion in "Things went much better party dominating the scene of cise their right to vote this knight and battle-charger. 1184 with Henry and Elea- than the last time, in 1980," the ballot box. year. The exhibit of these items nor's three sons, Richard, he says. "Then, we only had But what about the accusa- "This is an ejection that will on tour was produced under Geoffrey, and John. While the 100 voters." tion that teenagers are not influence our future," Koontz a grant from the National sons engage in vicious sibling rivalry for inheritance, their enough to de- insists. Endowment for the responsible Whitlock, in addition, thinks Humera-: I that the mock election may be serve the right of suffrage? clear victor in Tuesday's ties, in collaboration with The parents contest position and Ronald was the Reagan American Federation of Arts, power. an accurate Not true, Koontz suggests. gauge of the l outcome on Nov. 6. trend toward lower turnout of election receiving 323 of a who organized the major exhi- The film is presented by "I think there has been a "Hopefully, the voting here bition. and the Witte Museum Western Maryland College as total 486 votes. The Mondale! will be a reflection on the college-aged voters," he Ferraro ticket obtained 155 of San Antonio, Texas, spon- part of its ongoing humanities national trend," he says. says, "but this year, I do feel votes, and eight ballots were sor of its southwestern ap- program, "The Art of Chiv- Koontz and Whitlock each that these people will get out cast for independents. pearance. airy." This special presenta- stress, however, that great and vote because the Presi- The political science depart- A free-admission screening tion is also made possible by care was taken to obtain a dent has instilled in them ment assisted in tabulating of the award-winning film arrangement with the Texas r,e_p_,e_s_e_nl_a_tiv_e_,_eS_U_II_,_T_h_e_s_o_m_e_e_nl_h_US_ia_s_m_, I_he_v°_le_s_, ----.=---,'~"T=h=e::L=io=n:in:w=in:te=('=i=S =sC=h=e=d-=Hl!:m~n~ji~~R~~U'~~~=: cele,brate autumn r>I I Need Extra Drtnk Lhejapeake . ,~. HARD CIDER apply within 140 Village Shopping Center 848-0007 .Carriage House Liquors "At the Forks" 113 W. Main Street, Westminster A~allableat specials this week .... - -_- Moosehead Beer $3.59/six pk. Country Liquors Riunite Wines 3-5th $6.99
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