Page 34 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 34
Page 2IWesiem Maryland CollegelNovember 1.1984 SGA I9_day Sweren's resignation leaves vacancy, action publicity still open We feel that past SGA ad- full senate meeting at 8 p.m. ministrations have been less in McDaniel Lounge. Inter- successful at protecting the ested students should attend rights and expressing the this meeting and be prepared views of the students in mat- for an informal question and ters of campus policy. This answer period. Questions will years' administration, under pertain to their nomination, the readership of Peter these positionsare open to all Brooks, is seeking to effec- students and non-senate lively use the power that the members. SGA does possess. In order The Honor Board is looking to establish a platform from for sophomores and juniors which to draw student opln- who wish to become a mem- ion, the SGA has composed a ber to serve the board. The survey which will be used to board considers cases involv- discern majority opinion on ing academic dishonesty, important issues. These ls- such as cheating in course sues include housing, tuition work and misuse of library hikes, drinking on campus, materials and borrowing prlvl- food services, disiplinary pol- ledges. To fully understand icy and so forth. To facilitate the board's function in depth, accurate representation by a cnpnon can be found in the College ready to aid victims the SGA, we would appre- student handbook. ciate your time in completing The Honor board is com- continued from page 1 Iris the victim's choice as to The administration is taKing and returning the survey. posed of six full time faculty a hearing by either the Dean the procedure that will be steps to make the campus a At present there are three: as well as six full time stu- of Student Affairs or the Disci- taken, but once reported, "we positions vacant on the SG~ dents. There are six full time plinary Hearing Board and have a responsibility to act, if safe environment but, keeping in mind that no place is totally executive council, publicity student vacancies. If you are would probably result in sus- not we could be construed as invulnerable to violence. The and action committee chair- a sophomore or junior write a pension or expulsion for the negligent,"expressed George staff plans to continue to work manships and the office cif 'letter describing yourself and offender. The student can Poling, Area Coordinator. Pol- on improvements but urges treasurer. Applications for the get in touch with Julia Pal- also report the incident to the ing continued by saying that the students to help. Poling committee are located at the Iezzi. She-can be reached by Carroll County Sexual Assault "a heightened awareness is says that incidences of date information desk. The va- phone on extension 337, and! Service and the police, which of information. When the facts rape, sexual assault and cancy in the treasurer's posi- or by putting the letter in her would result in more serious come from the students, it physical abuse must be reo tion will be filled at the Nov. 7 post office box, 214. disciplinary actions taken seems to be more effective ported in order for the vio- ~=================~~a.:.ga_in_s_t_th_e_v_io_I._to_r. t_ha n_i_fw_e_is_su_e_a_s_ta_t_em_e_n,t." lence to stop. - 7 FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT Westminster I Szechun ~owntown 59 W. Main St.. Catanese l Polynesian . 848-0919 American 876-3166 Cocktail service Quickey Lunch & Carry Out 11 AM-'O PM Sun- Thurs "AM-" PM Fri-Sat I Catering for Banquets. Parties, Hers d'osuvres 10% off art supplies with this coupon BaOWSEU "'LeO'" 243-1456
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