Page 36 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 36
Page 4lWe.tem Maryland CoUegeJNovember I, 1984 Wt\m "DID Editorial You DO ON 'FALL 'BREnK? Mr. Candidate: l Come on down! Has anyone seen the latest prime time 'TV game show? It's a cross between Family Feud ang Jepardy. The players must be very careful because the stakes are high. The grand prize winner receives ultimate control of the most powerful nation on earth. The game is called the presidential debates. Here is how the game is played. Two presidential candidates are locked in a room with about 700 cameras. The contestants are then asked Questions of relative importance to the well being of this country. There are several ways to score the who can successfully The player evade and win the game. 10 points. The opponent that can make light big scores come rolling in when a candidate makes light of a Mondale fails to stop receives question of a serious question and gel a laugh receives 20 points. The serious issue, evades the Question, gets a laugh and a hugh contestant can make funny faces behind his opponents back Reagan jugernaught round of applause. Other minor points are scored if a while his opponent is speaking. At the end of the game points are tallied and the winner usually. turns out to be the network. lim religious leader Louis Far- Before the first Presidential The loser more often than not is the viewer. by C, Lloyd Hart akan have haunted Mondale debate the White House When a team is down with to this day. Mondale is not talked of the Reagan coattails There already has been' a" pilot for a spin-off of the Seconds to play, the coach alone though. The memory of that swept through the Senate presidential debates. The new show is called the vice usually calls for the despera- former Secretary of the Inte- and the House in 1980. Sud- presidential debates and will be' placed in a later time slot so tion play and prays for a rior James Watt returns every denly after the president did as not to put the audience to sleep before the A-Team. miracle. Walter Mondale has so often to remind us of poorly in Louisville and Mon- thrown up his hail Mary. But Watt's particularly tasteless dale gained almost ten points - there's not going to be any- remarks about Nazi environ- in the polls, talk of realiqn- one but Ronald Reagan to mentalists and other minori- ment ceased. Now that every- In the Oct. 18 issue of The Phoenix the story catch it. ties that offended practically one is satisfied that the "Homecoming victory highlights weekend" (pagel) was incor- Though in the final days of everyone. Yet Reagan seems president "is alright" it seems rectly by lined. The story was written by staff writer Jill the 1984 campaign, Mondale immune to the plague of the safe to talk of coattails again. Grabowski. The Phoenix regrets the error. is drowning large and enthu- past as Mondale suffers. In Some experts predict an in- I speaks, he is making no sig- addition, the president seems crease in the Republican ma- siastic crowds wherever he jonty in the Senate and up to to ignore the cries of environ- l The nificant gains on Ronald Hea- mentalists, blacks, and a 20 seat gain 'in the House. gan. Mondale his attracts women and the people go to That's coattails, not realign- supporters but is staunch him in droves. Mondale on ment. Realignment is almost Phoenix making no inroads in the the other hand tries to ap- impossible to achieve and Republican vote or the unde- pease these groups and is won't happen in this election. labeled a puppet of unions However Reagan will win bet- The latter is an unusual Editor-in Chief BiII Mann cided vote. and other special interest ter than 45 states and look for Managing Editor Michael Kraig case this election year. The groups. Hence the Teflon Maryland to go Republican Layout Editor C. Lloyd Hart undecided vote appears to presidency. for the first time in many Copy Editor Jonathan Slade be very small. People seem to years. have made up their minds Features Editor..... . Barbara Abel long ago. But considering that Though the president has Now that this election is all Sports Editor Elizabeth Leik Mondale has been running for polarized groups his tremen- but over, Mondale has de- cided to go out as "Fighting Photography Editor Stacey Pucci president since Jan. 20,1981, dous personal popularity is Fritz" He should be credited Photography Margret Gemski, Ursula Weidmann it's not so surprising that so winning this election. He is for his tenacity and refuses to Business Manager Eric Greenberg few choose to change their wildly popular among Hispan- give up. But if he had come ics. The Bible belt ministers Advertising Manager... .. Carol O'Brien minds. pray for him from the pulpit into this campaign as "Fight- Reporting Staff Robert Miller, Steven Rossman, At any rate, the second while less vocal religious ing Fritz" he might be going Michael Quillin, Jill Grabowski, Cindy aspect to this Mondale diĀ· groups strongly lean in his into the White House in Janu- Schafer, Melissa Renehan, Jennifer lemma is polarization at its direction. American business ary. Martin, Michael Miller, Rhonda Myers, best. There seems to be no would probably vote to strike Finally, Mondale claims that more middle ground. This is Kelly Connor, Andrew P. Jung, clearly reflected in both down the Constitutional am- Reagan is not leading the Thomas Garland party's platforms. The Demo- mendment limiting a president country, does not know what crats have gone "so far left to two terms. he's talking about and is the and for the studentsof WesternMaryland that they've left the country," Reagan's approval rat- most out of touch president in He modern history. has College.Theopinionsexpressedin this publicationdo not ings are at recently unheard- claimed that the American necessarilyreflectthoseof the staffor administration.The ~r~c:~~;~~3Ji~~nfarh~~~~ of levels at this time in his people are not fooled by Phoenix reservesthe right to headline,edit for length, right, that they are indeed presidency. He could possi- clarityand libelouscontent. All lettersto theeditormustbe wrong. rhetoric about "a shining city signed, authorshipwill be verified Perhaps no one, in the latter bly take this election in the on a hill" and want to debate same landslide proportions We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleasead- stage of the capaign, was that our last great Republican the issues. Who was the most informed, president in-touch dress all mail to The Phoenix,WesternMarylandCollege, more polarizing than the Rev. president Richard Nixon en- in modern hlstory-Jlrrmy Car- Westminster,Md. 21157. Jesse L. Jackson, a Mondale joyed in 1972. ter. That should tell you some- Memberof the AssociatedCollegiatePress IP ally. His remarks about Jews Which brings up the inter- thing about the next four and his association with Mus~_ esting topic of realignment. years.
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