Page 42 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 42
..... e 2IWeilem Marylaud College!November 8, 1984 SGA Today Executive council seeks constitution, by-law revision l out and available to students. committees, but in the ab- A new SGA survey is now eral student positions open on Survey forms are located in senee of interest by the stu- the cafeteria as well as in the dent body, open positions will post office. Students are re- be filled through appointment quested to fill this out and by the SGA executive council drop it into the campus mail Due to nature of the present by Wednesday, Nov. 14. SGA constitution and by-laws, Topics covered include I the council is seeking to re- drinking and disciplinary poli- : vise them. We will" be begin- cies, housing changes, tuition I ning the second week of hikes, food services, and so- November with a constitu- ctat life. The SGA is looking tional committee composed of· Beck, .Panek debate for students' viewpoints in SGA members. Approval of order to have a guideline to the new budget is voted upon work from when issues involv- by the entire student body. ing these topics are Present projections -are look- '84 campaign issues presented. ing to complete a new consti- tution by the second by Leo Ryan of bread winners if minimum In addition, there are sev- semester. The equipment was set up wage was reduced. dependent on building an of- fensive arsenal. rt . taxes, Regarding Panek MSA sponsors p.J. pa y for broadcast on WTTR radio. maintained that the only way which many in attendance A topic Which was not, but All of the seats were filled. In to reduce this nation's large On Friday, Nov.16, the Mi- p.j. partY-to be more success- !~~t,i~he~~~:~~eIP~~I;g~a~~t deficit was to raise taxes. She clearly wished to be ad- nority Student Association ful and enjoyable than last Thursday night to witness the explained that in Mondale's dressed, was the issue of tax plan, taxes would not be government grants and schol- (MSA) will sponsor their' 2nd year's p.j. party. The MSA Pro-Reagan vs Pro-Mondale raised until a person reached arships. After the debate, Annual Pajama Party. The also wants those who will be debate. President Ronald a yearly income level between each participant was individu- party will be held in the goin·gt to the party to wear Reagan was represented by $25 and $30 thousand. All ally asked about their candi- Forum trom 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. In appropriate sleepwear or an Bep. Raymond Beck (R-5), addition to refreshments, Up- additional fee will be charged. former Vice President Walter revenues from taxes would go date's views. Panek explained directly to a deficit reduction that the President had cut town Productions, featuring A discount will be given to all Mondale, by Professor Susan fund. Under this plan, two grant funds by 21 per cent, Western Maryland's Gary Wil- guests. Proper identification Panek, an alternate delegate thirds of the deficit would be and had only recently prom- Iiams, will play today's top 40 will be required in order to to the Democratic National cut by 1989. Beck, placing ised increased funds in an I hits. purchase alcoholic bever- Convention. blame for the deficit on the attempt to win student votes. The MSA wants this year's ages. Some of the major issues ex- Carter administration, Beck agreed that grant mon- ~===:::::=============~debated were President Rea- plained that the current tax ies had been reduced, but r structure could be changed gan's proposed reduction of mentioned that at the same the minimum wage, Mr. Mon- to fill the loopholes. He also time government loans to stu- dale's proposal to raise taxes, pointed out that the balanced dents had increased. ~ and the "Star Wars" defense only. two states short of ratifi- Occasionally, Panek ammendment was budget system. cation and is favored by Rea- seemed to more readily em- Panek argued that a reduc- gan. phasize the President's faults tion of the minimum wage instead of addressing area in would hurt "bread winners." If Panek felt that it was unnec- which Mondale is not strong. more youths are hired for less essary to expand the arms Just as often, Beck seemed money, companies will not race to outer space, and that to blame the Carter adminis- hire as many workers who the "macho" attitude of the tration for lingering problems have families for which they Reagan administration would of the Reagan administration. must provide. She proposed only lead to greater desire to The participants succeeded public works projects, such surpass the Soviets in weap- in once again exposing the as the conservation corps for ons counts. On the other issues, but those in attend- unemployed youths. Beck felt hand, Beck stated that the ance generally said they' that Panek's fear was un- "Star Wars" system would be found. little inspiration to grounded, and that business purely defensive, and would change their vote. would hire the same amount make the United States less CAPBoard plans Week-end by Sandra Carlson An ongoing CAPBoard 'former, Kier; the Cole Porter This weekend, November 8- event is the video series, review, Some Like It Cole; 11, is the College Activities "Rockworld." "Rockworld" is and the Election Party in the Programming Board's Cele- shown every Wednesday and pub. bration Week-end. The party Thursday at 9 p.m. in the pub starts at 8 p.m., on Thursday, on the _large screen TV. All Any questions about CAP- Nov. 8 with a comedy review students are invited to drop in Board activities or sugges- call "Make Me Laugh" in the for a quick study break. tions about improving Forum. On Friday, Nov. 9 at 9 entertainment may be di- p.m., singer Chip Franklin will This past week, CAPBoard rected to Ms. Kathy Dawkins, perform easy listening songs sponsored such events at the Direccr of College Activities, in the pub. To top off the Brian O'Leary lecture on or Mitch Alexander at the weekend, a dance featuring outer-space possibilities; the CAPBoard office, located in films, Motel Hell and The Big the College Activities Offlce. L~================~J"Lucifer" will be held in the Chill; the coffehouse per-' Forum at 9 p.m.
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