Page 43 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 43
Warch to give keynote speech at inauguration Dr. Richard Warch, presi- Institute, "and a consultant for dent of Lawrence University the' National Endowment for (Wisconsin), will be the main the Humanities. He has been speaker Saturday Nov. 10 a recipient of several fellow- when Western Maryland Col- ships and in 1976 and 1977 lege inaugurates Dr. Robert served as associate dean of Hunter Chambers III, as its Yale College. seventh president. He is author of School of .Warch will speak at the the Prophets: Yale College, Inauguration Ceremony at 1701-1740 (Yale University 10:30 a.m. in WMC's Physical Press, 1973); co-editor of Education Learning Center. John Brown, part of the Great The public is invited to attend. Lives Observed Series (pren- Entitled "Great Heavens, tice-Hail, 1973); and has pub- We Are Mad!", Dr. Warch's lished articles and reviews on Kurt address will relate to the American religious history, theme of the inauguration: history, and liberal education. Wil- Trudeau, Schmoke Teaching and Learning in lib- Warch graduated from eral Education. In his address liams College, studied at Ed- and inburgh University, Warch will explore the values received his B.D. from Yale Tobin get degrees :~~~ug~~~~i~?s~~~~;~p~:~;Dr. Richard Warch Divinity School and his Ph.D. liberal education. Warch will president of Lawrence Univer- from Vale University. In 1968 continued from page 1 sity as a Rhodes scholar, and explain how that philosophy sity, Dr. Warch has been he was-ordained in the United Chambers will make an inau- obtained his law degree from differentiates small, independ- president of the Wisconsin Presbyterian Church of the gural address, after which he Harvard University. Prior to ent liberal arts colleges like Foundation of Independent USA. will award honorary degrees. his service as Baltimore's Western Maryland from otner Colleges, associate director He and his wife have three Dr. James Tobin, a gradu- State's Attorney, he was As- post-secondary institutions. and director of the program children and live in Appleton, ate of Harvard University, will sistant Director of President In addition to serving as for The National Humanities Wisconsin. be receiving a Doctor of Laws Jimmy Carter's White House Honeywell corp. sponsors degree. He served on Presi- Domestic Policy Staff in 1977 John F. dent Kennedy's and Assistant United State's Council of Economic Advisers Attorney in 1978. futuristic essay contest as welt as acting as consul- trustees in Gill Gymnasium A reception and luncheon tant to the Federal Reserve for special guest, faculty, and System, United States Trea- sury, and Cong ressional will follow the ceremonies. For continued from page 1 ence, mrrunq and ble-mention winners will each Budget Office. For contribu- all other guests, there will be manufacturing in space, be- receive $100. All contest en- tions in economic science, a reception in the Physical two of the following areas: ginning stages of designing a trants will receive a Honeywell Tobin was awarded the 1981 Education Learning Center. computers, energy, electronic super human race using blo- Futurist T-shirt. Nobel Prize. Saturday evening at 8 p.m., communications, biomedical engineering techniques, vaca- Completed essays must be In addition, Chambers will all guests are invited to attend I technology, marine systems tions in space hotels and a postmarked no later than be awarding "Doonesbury" a cocktail reception and or aerospace. In the third life expectancy of 150 years. Dec. 31, 1984. The essays essay, entrants are asked to Honeywell's contest is open will be judged on the basis of cartoonist Gary Trudeau the dance in Gill Gymnasium. Doctor of Humane Letters de- Students will have their own write about the social impact to all full-time undergraduate feasibility, clarity, creativity gree. Trudeau, a graduate 01 party in the Forum at 9 p.m of technological progress. and graduate students at any and legibility. Winners will be Yale University and Yale On Sunday at 11 a.m., Dr. • accredited college in the notified by Feb. 1, 1985 and. School of Art and Architec- Stuart Henry of Duke Divinity students, United States. This year the Joseph advised ~ "Read and read some more. number of winning entries has will be flown to Minneapolis ture, received a Pulitzer Prize School will make the final month for the later that Interview some experts and been increased from 10 to 30. awards ceremonies. in 1975 and the Cannes Film special address at worship service in Baker Chapel. At 3 Festival Jury Award in 1977. extrapolate recent past Each of the ten first-place For more contest informa- A Doctor of Laws degree p.m. that afternoon also in trends." essays will earn $2,000 and tion, write: Futurist Rules, P.O will be conferred upon Balti- Baker Chapel, the Choral Arts' an opportunity to work for Box 2009, 600 South County more City State's Attorney, Society of Carroll County and Honeywell next summer. Sec- Road 18, Minneapolis, MN Kurt Schmoke. Schmoke the Western Maryland College ond-place winners will each 55426 or call toll free 1·800- graduated from Yale Univer- choir will present a public receive $250 and ten honora- 328·5111. ext 1523. sity, attended Univer- cele.brate autumn //1 . I I?qnk L~apeake . Carroll Plaza, Westminster ~" HARD CIDER ,special this- we!!k•.:: .. 3.49 six pack 848-1314 F~ CHINESE' RESTAURANT Szechun earor- .~. .'Downtown Westminster 59 W. MaIn 51. PolynesIan , 1148-0919 A~lable at AmerIcan .' 876.3166 Carriage House Liquors CockIaIt seIVice Ouickay Lunch & Carry Out and 11 AM-10 PM Sun-Thur8 11 AM-l1 PM Fri-Sat . Country Liquors CaIe!Ing.!or Banquel8. Parties,., Hog, .o'_""
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