Page 37 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 37
Nov.mber I, 1984lWe.t.m Maryland con.geIP .... 5 60 seconds on camp-us Reader miffed What do you think at food opinions of a woman vice in 60 Seconds ,president? Editor, reports that there is one mal- I would like to express my diseased or has a stunted feelings concerning "60 Sec- nourished child, who either is onds on Campus" interviews body, for every single U.S, in the last issue of Ihe Phoe- citizen - that is right - for nix. As you recall the Question you and me. Many hungry proposed was, "What is your families commit suicide to- opinion of the food and serv- gether rather than die a lin- ice in Englar dining facility"? gering death of starvation Well, I was absolutely infuri- ated at the three responses I am not citing these dis- reported in the paper. Actu- turbing facts with sadistic ally, I should not have gotten pleasure but with deep con- so upset, because they are cern and a desire for change, the typical answers given by I am' not suggesting we go the majority of students on sing our praises to Englar. ~ this campus. "It is slop, the Yes - often the food is food is .pathetic, it is terrible, bland, not properly cooked, l they are doing a rotten job" under seasoned and just not and on and on with every up to par with Mom's cooking negative criticism you can - but STOP & THINK - it is imagine. FOOD and it is EDIBLE and it fills the emptiness in our stomachs and quiets the hun- I am sick and tired of ger pangs. I have yet to see a student's c9mplaints and der- student on campus whose ogatory attitudes. towards th.e 'vfib-caqe is sticking out or food we ar.e dally served In ";'whose belly is bloated from the. cafetena. Yes - ~OOd- improper nutrition. And not to Depends whether I don't believe it's If she's qualified which we are served dally, 3 ...mention the fact that many she's a conservative time for one. great! times. Over a fourth of the people worked hard to pre- in the in the world us. or a liberal. Doesn't population if they get one meal ~pare the we food show for them How our do often are lucky matter what gender a day. There are people billion appreciation? one undernourished in the they are, just so long world today. During those Be aware of the needs in as they're conserva- three "60 Seconds" interviews the world around us and then about tive. of students griping served, the 83 realize how privileged every we are to be able food day. they to eat are Dave Belden Andre White David Hammann human beings starved to And most important let's elimi- ignorant comments the Every Sophomore Freshman Sophomore death. human single day, die 40,- of nate be thankful for the food beings and 000 Cafeteria servers abused hunger! are These realities. UNICEF we are served. Nairy Ohanian sta- horrifying tistics Editor, the line and give 'her the get into the cafeteria without Cheerleaders deserve The cafeteria line is nearly same annoyed response, 1.0. or asks for extra helpings out the door and more people whether for being detained of his food, he is asking a credit for spirit are coming in. A student while waiting for food or for favor at the risk of the finally works his way up to the being denied a request for worker's job. serving area and notices that extra portions. In fact, the Editor, young men are to be com- the entree dish has been server, and other school Sometimes employees are It was a real pleasure to see mended, along with the emptied and he will have to workers like her, receives un- more subtly abused. They are the large home crowd cheer cheerleaders, for their spirit. wait for another one to be necessary abuse all the time. approached -by the student the Terrors football team to Princeton University was the prepared and brought out. As Admittedly, no one is ex- with a disdainful attitude. A victory against Dickinson Col- first college to have a cheer- he's waiting, he starts won- pected to have complete con- customer at the Grille, for lege. Homecoming is always leading squad at football dering about the problem of trol over their displaced example, who is asked to a special day for returning games, and at that time, the how he will approach his agressions at all times. Why, place his order at the cash alumni as well as for students. school was an all-male parents with his mid-term in though, must they always be register and pay in advance school. The "Ivy Spirit" was calculus, and then he makes directed at the same targets? may not say 'anything, but will The cheerleaders are to be famous throughout the coun- a mental list of aU his other Students tend to treat the instead act put out that the commended for their efforts to try, and many schools coree- immediate concerns and de- college working personnel as . cashier is simply complying generate enthusiasm in the quenlly began their own cides it will be necessary to people not necessarily de- with store policy. fans, Their dedication and cheerleading teams, including get to the library right after serving of any courtesies. A In fact, these workers are hours of practice payoff at both males and females. Per- lunch to start working on his student would not raise his probably given less consider- events like this. I found it haps the inclusion of males in research paper. The food isn't hand in class to complain that ation than anyone else in the interesting, however, that the Western Maryland Cheer- there yet, and he begins to the professor's lecture is college. If anything, these are there are no male cheerlead- leading Squad will enhance get anxious, thinking that he keeping him from doing his the people deserving of spe- ers who are evidently perma- the attempts to motivate the doesn't have time to stand homework or laundry, but he cial treatment because of the nent members of the crowds, and the resulting "Sis around waiting for food he usually wouldn't think twice student services they provide. cheerleading squad. A few Boom Bah" of colleg~te probably will not like anyway. about telling the other college They are tolerant of the many male students did come out school spirit will envelope the Glaring at the server, he de- employees how he feels. demands made on them by of the stands and cheered Hill. mands, "How much longer is These employees are vic- students, and they try to meet along with the cheerleaders it going to be?" The server tims in other ways, too. Often, them as best they can; like- for a while last Saturday, Once again, thanks to the shrugs, and he rolls his eyes students will simply be incon- wise, each student should try perhaps it was the novelty of women for their dedication and looks away disgustedly. siderate to the workers by to act with patience and con- obvious spirit that incited and fine performance at Before lunch period is over, putting them in awkward post- sideration towards them. more vocal and visible enthu- sporting events. .many more will pass through, , tiona. _When a student tries to , _Hilary Hansen slasm from the crowd. These Thomas N. Mitchell
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