Page 32 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 32
.. ... Page 8IWestem Maryland Cbllege/October 18. 1984 Soprano, Lesson Dr~amsc~p~ captivates challenge audiences science fiction fans to think, then laugh by Jonathan Slade tlon does not clobber the set in this film. Capshaw ap- pears to have suffered a bit of audience like a frying pan So many summer movies over-exposure (get it?) this immediately after the opening vanish into the void of film history forgotten because they title. Instead, we are carried past season after venturing do not appeal to the popular gently through the ensuing into a number of projects, by Barbara Abel ing and yet the people in- audience. Several of this dream experiments with most notably Indiana Jones In ancf the tempie Gardner as our uninformed valved are so intent in the year's releases have sue- of Doom. companion. This allows both Doom, however, her portrayal t.::o~ld ~~ra~~a~nsd~~ ~~~~ss~fsn.~~i~ta~~~~~~~e~~~:7u~~:gt~heth~oll~~~~~t~: viewer and character to grasp of a saucy, fragile female was Eugene lonesco. were per- dialogue of the characters But. due to the ever-expand- the situation simultaneously. almost convincing. Here her Yet, despite all of this ap- formed Oct. 12, 13, and 14. Everythingseemed limed and ing VCR market, this review is parent tedium, the movie stale rendltionof the prudish scientist is very weak. The plays were held in Alumni almost mechanical, but then being offered to better edu- Hall in the understage. that is a trait of the play. The cate the avid movie addict never strays into boredom. The only remaining negative is its The audience found both Soprano's dialogue consisted who is awaiting its release on Intrigue abounds as we learn factor In Dreamscape plays humorous but found of over use of words .anc Though most Americans the real reason for the sudden soundtrack. Though most of the time it flows well with the that they were not typical statements that have nothing agree that they live in a interest in dream research: action, there are instances the President of the United comedies. They were billed to do with the conversation, relatively free society, all will. where Maurice Jarre's musical as absurd and lived up to it. and asides. The performers grumble, some even violently States (Eddie Albert), it The laughs did not come from were' excellent, especially protest, the invasion of qov- seems, is experiencing violent score becomes so overbear- ing that some dialoq is lost. jokes that were purposely Robert Sapora and Kevin ernment into personal lives. nightmares concerning a nu- told, buy merely from the Campher Audits, tax forms, and phone clear holocaust. Scientist are This is a trick that many cheap pictures employ to dis- dialogue of overused and The Lesson, made basi- taps loom waiting in the shad- hoping to halt these recurring misused cliches. cally the same statement as ows es bureaucratic tools of horrors by sendinq Gardner, quise flimsy plots and flat characters. There is no need via mind link, into one of The effect of pertorming the the preceeding play. Here intrusion, while reams of infor- plays in the uncterstagecon- none of the characters are maticn garnered from these them. There the young psy- for it here, though. The acncn tributed well. If you have ever what they seem and by the devices are silently employed chic is supposed to help the is gripping and the personali- been in the uncterstage, you end of the play the real to slice personal freedoms Chief Executivesettle his sub- ties true-to-life. Surely more attention could have been have noticed how close the personalitiesqf the characters thinner' and thinner. Enter conscious dilemma. audience is to the players. shine through. The dialogue Dreamscape, where man's Max Von Sydow does an paid to the sound edits. Otherwise, this movie is a Neighter of the plays had moves quickly and there is last frontier of privacy -- the excellent job portraying a re- much in the way of scenery much _play on words. The human mind -- is finally vio- search specialist (Paul No- quest into sel-f excellence. U.nder the watchful eye of and setting, but that added to conversations are filled with lateo. votni) whose elation blinds director Joseph Ruben, the him to the shady motives of instead of subtracting from absurdities, but this time the Dennis Quaid stars in this complex plot is kept in check. the total effect of the play. In characters react more to it. Twentieth Century Fox release others. He plays the character The Bald Soprano the set Ed Stlipley'had . a smashing as Alex Gardner, a youthful with almost a childlike na- And though the opportunity ivete, for Novotni is overcome frequently presents ifself, the was symetrical and in black performance, which really rebel with a flair for clairvoy- and white and The Lesson's kept the play alive and mov- ance. Wearied by science's by the recent successes in storyline never wanders into a only props were a tat:5feand ing. relentless attempt to evaluate his field. Likewise, Christo- disjointed format. In addition, two chairs. There was no Having some background in his psychic abilities, Garner pher Plummeris superb. Star- Peter Kuran's special effects surrealistic, curtain so you see the setting understanding the statement flees from a research facility ring as Bob Blair, a leading are sufficiently capturing the constantly government official of the CIA I of the play immediately as the plays were trying to make, and proceeds to make a ilk, his callous lack of expres- mood of a fleeting nightmar- you walked in. living on a steady stream of helped me to enjoy them. Those who came in search of gambling return. Indeed, the sion and -tormat stage pres- ish fantasy. With all due re- spect ence underscore his role as to The for Search I play, was the urst performed. disappointed. I wondered if horses just never seem to the vil1ian. Yes, it is sug- Spack and its devout Trekkie The Bald Soprano, an anti- just a good laugh, were sadly stop "comng in for him." The easily gested, he harbors an interest fonowing, Dreamscape It made a joke of how some the audience really under- film opens as scientists once l '-:=================~ they require an individualwith in dream research for purely surpasses all other summer again seek out his aid, for conversations have no mean- stood what was g.oing on? malevolent reasons. The only attempts in the science fiction weakness here, though, is his genre. Its quality is astound- his talents to work on the r dreamscape program. At last, delayed introduction. Blair's ing, its premise riyeting, and House of Liquors they claim, technology has initial appearance does not its message clear. come until well after half of Alas, government cannot yielded a method by which one person can project him- .the film is over. Furthermore, yet monitor or control the Carroll Plaza, Westminster self into the dream of another David Patrick Kelly, who plays mind. Its devices of intrusion and actually participate in it. psychic-maniac Tommy Ray are still limited. Perhaps, though, if the free -specials this- week ..~: , is: s !~~~~~bl:t a~~~!t~r~~~ Glatman, is equally outstand- press could subconsciously ing. Indeed, the cast is liter- O'Keefe Ale $2.99 ~~;.erq~~t:~f;~I;n~c~~~:;: ally riddled with top-notch influence its readers in any talent. oeunntve manner, I would Only Kate 'Capshaw, who say.·.. 848-1314 six pack with coupon ~~~s~ri~ndLo~g::;h' ~~~~~ stars as research assistant Seethis film the first chance Dr. Jane DeBries, does not you get. It is positively out- 11~~,J(j.~....' Wildlife proves disappointing r L::======;::=======::;;~=~take meticulous care to see live up to the high standards standing. that such an absurd accuse- ~11 Times at least there I was, unfortunately, by Michael Quillin let In Fast but it is extremely difficult to people that we all could rec- After the slew of dismal movies that have appeared in down. The movie is not bad, was a sense of real kids, id~ntify with the characters. ognize and identify with. In the theaters recently, I ~hls is mainly because so Wide Life, however, the only thought I might finally find little personality exists that all one who comes across as a . Carroll Plaza something of worth in The action in the movie seens to substantial person is a 15 introduces Shopping Center Wild Life, Atter ail, this little revolve around cardboard year old Vietnam freak. And .The supposed hero is a e~en he doesn't have any- "College Night At The Pub" ~~s ~~d:h~y :;~n~~~ewpo:~ Wimp, his roommate is some- thmg happen to him that thing less than human,and alt Every Wed. night from 5·close. present ~:e~);;'g~~~~ce~i::'st:~Tc~~ women are portrayed as makes you want to get to know him. the W.M.C. LD. and receive . incidentally,I enjoyeda great either. pre-adolescents or get the chance to see some m Off All I hope is that I eventually something akin to the sex 1O -;0 of your total bill. . deal. Consequently, I was ex- machines in Woody Allen's real movies -- not hacked-out pecting something along the , -=-.=..:,:___:::,:=_:::,:,=:,,:::=:'::= __ _j same lines. Sleeper. Hollywood formula stuff. 1- ..
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