Page 28 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 28
Page 4IWe8tem Maryland College/October 18, 1984 Editorial Vandals destroy I part of Western I Maryland's heritage All righI, WMC, who cut down Dr. Johns tree? Yes, it is a fact some time during homecoming weekend, the tree dedicated to President Ralph C. John was detruncked by unknown assailant or assailants. What possible reason Gould one have for Preacher customs last perloining a sapling? What Gould this roguish band of fir nappers have against despite crack down a man who has left the college and is now seekinag a peaceful retirement. Could this act of ultimate bravery have-been joke, simply some harmless fun? Why Dr. John's tree? Why not just burn down Baker Memorial Chapel. Or perhaps even Alumnai Editor, How terrible of us to commit by accusing us of thievery. Of Hall. Wouldn't that save some time; get the entire college in I wish to make the WMC such an unlawful act.! Sen- course, after she took some one night of fun. There seems to be a harsh underlying campus aware of a situation sing that this action would of her precious time to investi- mentality haunting this campus. A small portion 'of the which for too long has been undermine their policy to- gate the matter, she found community has the notion that once' they pay their tuition they placed on the back burner of wards us by demonstrating to that we had legitimately ob- are suddenly free to destroy public as well as private property concern. For too long we the campus that we are still a tained everything on agree- Is this written in fine print somewhere in the First Principles. endured the insults and thriving fraternity, George Pol- ment with the cafeteria After committing some of the more destructive acts such as harassment levied on us by ing and Nancy Young tried to officials. Perhaps Nancy arson, vandalism and burglary, the segment of the guilty the administration. For too stop us. They argued that we . should exercise better judge- population, it seems, simply cannot understand why the long have our fellow students were breaking the rules ment before she dares to college wishes to be rid of them held an unwarranted preju- "What rules apply to us?", \ accuse us of committing an dice towards us. asked "Well," Nancy said, illegal act. "you are an unrecognized fra- 11you have such a difficult time abiding by some 01the I speak, of course, for the ternity but we recognize that When I spoke to Dean basic college rules, let alone a few of natural premises 01life, eighteen who comprise my you are singing fraternity Sayre on Monday, I ex- then why are you in coUegeto begin with. Perhaps it is time for fraternity, (should I dare say, songs and acting like a fra- pressed my outrage at the the tree snatchers, light breakers, and hal! trashers to start am I allowed to say?) Delta Pi ternity." What a pathetic and treatment we have received at looking for new places of residence. May we suggest the Alpha. I have been a member ludicious statement! This di- the hands of his lieutenants Maryland State correctional facility. At least, in the "pen" you of this proud organization for chotomy of perceptions is in- Never before have I been will have the freedom to destroy anything you wish. But rest the last three years, during consistent and intolerable. treated in such a conde- assured, you will pay tor it. which the administration de- These people then called the scending and downright hate- nied us the official right to ful manner. Obviously, Dean exist time after time. We have Westminster Police to pre- Sayre, instead of thinkinq and ,-----------------------, no clubroom and no use of sumably have us aU arrested. formulating policy on his own, The any college facilities. We can- Of course, when I spoke to has choosen simply to adopt the officer in charge, he rec- not advertise or push our ognized that we were doing the old prejudices towards us. fraternity like the others. Phoenix However, Delta Pi Alpha nothing illegal and let us This man, I believe, is not worthy of holding perhaps the pass. most important office on this Is this a legitimate exer- Editor-in Chief BiI! Mann continues to attract quality cise of authority by the Office campus. He obviously has no Individuals who wish to be Managing Editor Michael Kraig part of the Preacher tradition. of Student Affairs? I submit sense of the diversity of stu- Layout Editor C. lloyd Hart We have five starting players that they are willing to let us dents and their interests. His aim, as far as I can see, is to Copy Editor. :-:-:-:.. . Jonathan Slade on the football team (one is a all be arrested -- with total create a thoroughly structured Features Editor . Barbara Abel captain). Two of us are ROTC unconcern as to the ramifica- and sterile environment which Sports Editor. . Elizabeth Leik scholarship students (one tions this action would have has no place for creativity. Photography Editor... . Stacey Pucci with a 3.9 GPA in Econom- on our futures. I submit that ics). Two are starters on the Photography Margret Gemski, Ursula Weidmann we do not have administrators The Preachers are serenad- Business Manager.. . Eric Greenberg champion baseball team (one dedicated to improving the ing. "Heavens, we cannot tol- is a captain with a 3.5 GPA in Advertising Manager. Carol O'Brien Business/Economics). I could quality of life on this campus; erate this exercise of rather, we have people who Reporting Staff Robert Miller, Steven Rossman, go on listing our achieve- actively oppose us and try to individuality." The Preachers are having a party for their Michael Quillin, Jill Grabowski, Cindy ments, but that's not the point ruin us! old brothers. "Oh. no, we Schafer, Melissa Renehan, Jennifer I wish to make. The point is must isolate this group of Martin, Michael Miller, Rhonda Myers, that the Preachers are not an Last Saturday, Hcmecorn- trouble makers from their con- Kelly Connor, Andrew P. Jung, assorted group of idiots, and ing, the story was the same tributing alumni." Thomas Garland that we show no sign of We organized a crab feast for weakening even though the our alumni to show them that Now that I have vented my administration has tried their the tradition they helped to frustrations, I leave you with Publishedby and for the studentsof WesternMaryland damndest to do us in! develop is still alive and well. this: the Preachers are the College.Theopinionsexpressedin this publicationdo not Again, the Student Affairs closest knit organization on necessarilyreflectthoseof the staff or administration.The Please consider the admin- henchmen tried to stop' this this campus. The administra- Phoenix reservesthe right to headline, edit for length, istration's actions, of the past event, perceiving it as a de- tion has taken everything they clarityand libelouscontent.All lettersto theeditormustbe signed, authorshipwill be verified several days and it will clarify liberate attempt to undermine could from us. However, they my assertion concerning ha- can never take the pride we their policy. That night in front We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleasead- rassment. Last Thursday night of our alumni, Nancy Young have in ourselves and the dress all mail to The Phoenix,WesternMarylandCollege, our fraternity chose a Sweet- accused us of stealing chairs love we have for one another Westminster,Md. 21157 heart, and as part of our and tables from the cafeteria. It's_your ball, WMC Memberof the AssociatedCollegiatePress tradition, we serenaded her Besides embarrassing us, she Desmond Walton L- -----' and presented her a rose. libeled eighteen individuals President Delta Pi Alpha
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