Page 30 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 30
Page 6/Western Maryland College/October 18, 1984 Field Hockey loses to Dickinson, beats Johns Hopkins by Bill Mann WMC field hockey is still in The stickers' latest game action after beating Susque- was away at John Hopkins, hanna Oct. 8, 1-0 in double Oct. 12, losing 2-0. The Ter- overtime. The two teams re- rors played the first half with mained scoreless until the astonishing tenacity. The of- first minutes of second over- tense was strong, with Sue time. The winning goal for the Malkus and Nancy Hutchin- Terrors was an amazing son throughly offending the spectacle. The ball, reflected Blue Jays, From the sidelines, by goalie's pads, 'sped into cheers resounded from the 15 ~:ss~w~~~~ t~~~~ ~f .~:~bi~ ~~gT~~~~~:~~t~:::~\~~~.' short ride to Alyce Haiden, players with remarks such as, who shot for the score. "keep those sticks down!" - The Terrors "continued. ~~~~~~at~~re~o;eW~~~;~~~ strong defense to beat Dicki- with two goals in the second son 1-0 on Oct. 10. Accurate half. passing moved to the Terrors Terror lineman battle it out in. the trenches in Saturday's game against down the field into scoring Marred by penalties Dickenson. The Terrors won 22-10 position throughout the game. early in the second half, the Nancy Huchinson scored in Terrors tailed to convert close the second halt to secure the plays into goals, remaining WMC stops Devils winning goal scoreless. in Homecoming match Sweren resigns by Cindy Schafer of 149 yards on 16 compte- day as did his brother, Joe amid controversy rors played a spirited game only 72 yards on 5 comple- WMC's most important turn- Callahan. Mike Chavez got The Western Maryland Ter- tions while WMC passed for for the large Homecoming tiona. But that included one over by intercepting a pass continued from page 6 Brooks also made it clear Oay crowd Saturday October 20 yard touchdown com ple- from Red Devil quarterback that SGA had to clean up 13, beating the Dickinson Red tion from junior quarterback Stan Abromavage and run- term. He explains, 'OJ wish the what was left behind last Oevils by a score of 22-10 Scott Bassett to sophomore ning it 61 yards for a touch- best for SGA, but I don't think year. He says, "We had to Although WMC did not gain Darrell Guyton in the second down at the start of the Pete's the one to pull it for- take a few steps back to go as many yards as their oppo- quarter. second half. Abromavage Despite running more often- ward." forward" Brooks wants more nents. the Terrors made bet- sive plays thanWMC, 85 com- was also sacked three times ter use of their own scoring during the qame on combine- power for the SGA and thinks I Although reslqninq from the students should make deci- opportunities and capitalized time of possession 34:19 to tions by defensemen, Norm pared to the Terrors' 57, the on Dickinson's Dahl, Ambrose Gmeiner, and many m!s- sions on policies that effect SGA, Sweren is not totally l withdrawing from student ac- them. He exclaims, "Students takes. score came 25:41, Dickinson's offense John Gomulka WMC's first WMC kicker Chuck Wein- played a sloppy game. They here can lead and are adults tivities. He is still active in the curriculum committee. Jewish I think that things are unfair about as the result of a fine gave up six turnovers to ~he stein hit an impressive 40 Student Union, Green Key now and should be rushing play. Sophomore full- WMC defense. The Red Dev- yard field goal late in the third Society, and has been invited changed." Brooks wants to back Ken Boyd broke free on ils fumbled three times, with quarter after a Dickinson turn- to attend the marketing task lay the ground work for these the right side for an 85 yard recoveries being made by over. Keith Lutgen missed two force. ' changes. gain to the Dickinson one Tony Callahan, Mike Fuller extra points while kicking into yard line. On the very next and Ken Novotlnl. The fumble a 15 mile per hour wind. Peter Brooks rebutted some As for not listening to exec- play Boyd again carried the recovery by Novotini was on a With this win WMC's record of Sweren's accusations and utive board's suggestions, ball and took it straight in for first and goal play from the was boosted to a 2-3 overall. first stated that he was Brooks claims, "Out of eight the touchdown eight yard line, Callahan also Next week the Terrors will visit shocked at his resignation suggestions from the execu- Dickinson passed for a total had one interception on the Franklin & Marshall. Brooks comments, "The stu- live board, I am backing six. I going backward or forward," suggestions more than once." Russo leads cross county dents should decide if we are have also listened to Jeff's He believes that the campus! Brooks said the next Quarter self and the two runners. He sixth position. population is most important will be spent trying to achieve by Kelly Connor maintained a healthy lead The weather was just right factor in his decision making. stability. "This will enable ua Brookssays, "Jeff didn't want to move in a positive direc- On Saturday, Oct. 13, the throughout the rest of the for racing. The sun was hot, to make waves, I did. It was lion, If Jeff wanted to change men's and women's cross- race, finishing with a time of and the wind cooled the run- necessary in orfer to get thing things he should have stayed country-teams ran a success- 27:32. Coming in fourth for ners. The Western Marvtand changed for the better." with it." ful race against Johns Hop- WMC was Doug Nolder, with teams as units ran in good a time of 28:38. times and competed in high ~=================~kins and Gallaudet. The Sue Stevenson and Tracey form. Other members of the women tied with Hopkins (28- r- have teams cross-country 28) and crushed Gallaudet Serratelli, the two top female worked steadily on improving runners for WMC, both ran a Plioenix Staff Meeting (15-50). The men's team lost good race, taking first and their individual records. Mem- but were to Hopkins (23-38), places respectively. second bers of both the men's and victorious against Gallaudet 4 pm. In The Pub, (15-48). Stevenson took the lead from women's teams were pleased the start and kept up the fast Finishing first tor the men's with their performances. Ser- team was Brian Russo. Russo pace, finishing in 20:04. The next cross-country meet Monday. was hotly pursued by two ratelli, not too far behind her will be away against York and teammate, ended the race in runners from Johns Hopkins Elizabethtown on Oct. 16. On during the first half of the . race. But upon completion of 20:34, Lynne Schuler also ran Saturday Oct. 20, both teams in exceptionally good form, the first loop, Russo was able completing with a time of travel to Juniata for another L- to put distance between him- 22:13. Schuler captured the away meet.
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