Page 27 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 27
October 18, 1984IWe8tem Maryland College/Page 3 Gelhard takes over Development Office continued from page 1 money for renovation of the residence halls. She would cessful start has according to also like to obtain more Gelhard given everyone "a equipment for the science shot in the arm." department and update our Also included under fund library. raising is planned giving. This involves developing trusts in As a 1974 graduate of the College's name, donating Franklin and Marshall, Ge1- real estate, or setting up an- hard received an A.B. degree nuities. Annuities are trust and worked at F&M for two funds through which investors years. She also served at earn interest on the principal Duquesne University in Pitts- investments and then at their burgh and the Winchester death the money is given to Thurston prep school. For the the college next five years, Gelhard was director of annual giving at Another division of the De- Wesleyan University. When velopment office is Public In- she left, the annual fund had formation. This is further increased to $2.5 million with A student volunteers his blood during the annual fall blood drive. divided into public relations, 60 percent of the alumni con- media relations, and publica- tributing. Wesleyan's capital tions. Under public relations, Circle K sponsors blood drive brochures about the college lion at her departure campaign stood at $58.5 mil- are distributed to inform pros- Gelhard stated that her suc- by Lao Ryan came to give blood. Twenty- Special Olympics are cur- pective students about WMC. cess is closely linked to her The Blood drive was held three of those were deferred rently held at Towson State To spread this message even liberal arts education further, media relations places on Tuesday Oct. 9 in the from giving because of medi- Universityas well as at West- the college's name in news- Though entering Forum. It was sponsored by cal reasons. One hundred minster High School. papers and on the radio and Franklin and Marshall as a the WMC Circle K club. Circle fifty-five pints of blood were It is only this year that Circle television psychology major, after taking K is a campus service organi- actually collected. K has become more active a course in French, she zation affiliated with Kiwanis . Circle K hopes to sponsor For the past three years it has Future plans include signifi- changed her major to French International.While th·eclub is another blood drive in the been relatively unknown and cantly increasing the annual literature. She says, "Lan- concerned mainly with cam- spring but the club is al~o inactive. Chung is confident fund and obtaining long-term guage is one of the most pus service projects, it also involved in other community about the club's progress, financial support. Gelhard important subjects a student goes off campus to help service projects already. but he knows that there is still also wants people to give can study in college. It helps those in need Members of the club partici- work to be done. both time and energy, as well them to read, analyze and Two hundred and thirteen pated in the Crop Walkfor the as money, to help the Col- understand subtleties and to students signed up to give hungry earlier this month, and Circle K currently has 40 lege. Her message to the think and examine values." . blood but Circle K president plan to visit a retirementhome members, and meets each alumni is that WMC has Gelhard believes that WMC Jim Chung felt that the turnout during the holiday season Wednesday at 9 pm in the changed and needs their in- is the most friendly college at would be lower because of Their long-range goal is to Leidy Room. Anyone inter- creased support so the col- which she has worked. "The illness. In fact, only 178 of host the Maryland Special ested in community service is lege can continue to offer its people are warm and gener- those who signed up actually Olympics this spring. The encouraged to attend. standards of educational ex- ous." The faculty has a "real cellence. Gelhard's plans for unified sense of the mission Sweren leaves SGA, next year include increasing of the college. The people the endowment by 8.5 to nine work hard and have a sense million dollars, and raising of mutual interest" ! faces off with Brooks Homecoming victory by Michael Kraig ideas. "Last year Pete asked highlights weekend On Wednesday, Oct. 7, Jeff me to be his advisor if he was Sweren resigned his position elected, so I supported him. as SGA Treasurer. He left for But that promise fell through." continued from page 1 dents danced to sounds of a number of reasons, saying, He thinks the current presi- seated on both sides of the "Ignition" at the Homecoming "I am tired of SGA and don't dent is not getting advice street to get a good ·view of dance which was held in the enjoy it as much as I used from any members of, the the parade's many attractions. Forum. "The dance was really to." He added that the deci- executive board and only The crowd consisted of cam- a success. Everyone had a sion had little to do with not runs things the way he wants. pus and community residents good time. enjoying them- being elected as vice-presi- Sweren comments, "He won't along with many alumni. A selves," commented one stu- dent although he probably listen." variety of floats were exhib- dent. Rhonda Myers said, would not have resigned if Sweren also claims that ited by campus organizations. "The dance was .great and had he won. Sweren was Brooks is not doing his job Sophomore,Beth James said, the band was excellent" Beth corresponding secretary and "Pete did not offer his help "I really liked the chorus float James stated, "There were a chairman of the food commit- with Homecoming. Three of I think that float should have lot of people at the dance but tee last year. He comments, us did all the work even won a prize.' it wasn't so crowded that you "I like SGA last year but though homecoming is the The football game got un- couldn't dance." things are not the same this biggest SGA event of the derway early Saturday after- Those who didn't attend the year." year" He adds, "SGA is head- noon. The Terrors defeated dance were havinq a good right but doesn't have the - not think the blame should go 22 to 10. Many students time at other events. Many ing backwards." Swerendoes The main reason he has left, the Red Devils by a score of is Peter Sweren claims, fraternities and sororities held Brooks, current SGA presi- on one person's shoulders, stated that they were glad to r the football but he believes that Brooks is parties after dent. Sweren exlaims, "Pete have seen the team win a game is trying to do things that are mostly responsible. Sweren dent observed that since the never had a great deal of experience to know what to claims that the SGA has game at home. Another stu- One freshman added, Terrors played a good game "Homecoming weekend was do." He adds, "We are get- Jeff Sweren, former SGA power and he thinks this that made everyone excited terrific. I had such a good ting nothing done this year. treasurer. pro~lem will probably for a night of celebrating their time that I hope that every Last year I achieved a lot continue throughout Brooks' victory. other Homecoming is just as on the food committee." to do, but was not given the Sweren feels he knows what chance to implement his continued on page 6 Saturday evening many stu- fun."
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