Page 79 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 79
ThePhoenix April 26. 1984 Western Maryland College • Dean Higbee resigns Bill Ma"" Dean Higbee is leaving. Higbee leaves there will be dent Affairs, wrote the pro- After being passed over for no more women in high eche- poset for the renovation of the promotion to Dean of Ion positions at WesternMary- ANW, Blanche, McDaniel,and Student Affairs, left vacant by land College. MacLea Halls; brought the Dean Mowbray, Dean Higbee Had the Dean been given concepts of area coordlna- will resign. the position there would have tors, peer governance, and Her resignation will be final been many changes in the programmingto the residence come June 30th, the date she office. Job responsibilities hails; co-led the first women's was due to go on maternity would have changed and the consciousness raising group leave, The decision to give position of Assistant Dean with Georgia Royalty; fought the job of student Affairs would have been eliminated. for equity between male and Dean to anyone but Higbee Because she is leaving she female students, Greeks and came as a shock to most but is still doing her full job trying independents. the Dean expected the news. to ease the transition. Dean As Acting Dean of Student Apparently she had been Higbee is the acting dean Affairs, currently chairing hearing rumors through the and she said that her commit- committee to reorganize new "Grapevine" prior to the ctti- ment to WMC has not tess- student orientation; leading cial announcement. ened. She is, "not flushing it." the Student Affairs Staff in Dean Higbee's decision to Dean Higbee has been an completely revising the Stu- leave after 4 years as the integral part of the workings dent Handbook. Assistant Dean seemed to be of the student affairs office "If you were to ask me what a logical choice. If you hold a and she has completed many I would be remembered for, position for some time and projects on behalf of the stu- and I don't think I will be then there is an opening in a dent community, here are a remembered long, I would job just above and you are few of her accomplishments: say that students would re- .-------------- --J not selected, your chances Contributions to WMC member the point system and hoi policy, while apparently Dean of students chosen for advancement are very As Director of Counseling strict enforcementof the alco- small. _ and Career Services, initiated Dean Higbee looks upon workshops in the areas of certain members of the fac- her departure as, "graduating study skills, test anxiety, math ulty will remember me as that We are happy to announce with her class." She also said anxiety, seeking federal ern- radical feminist who thought the appointment of Dr. Philip Shoreand Middlesex comma- that. "it is my turn to move." ployment, preparation for the that girls should be called R. Sayre to the position of nily colleges (Massachusetts) and carried administrative re- Although she does not know GRE and LSAT; revised the women." Dean of Students at Western sponsibilities at these same mame"nYtsdheetal'siISawOafrehethratrehPe'a,Gsea~credentials service for use by Maryland College effective institutions. He has been at all students, not just eouca- July 1 1984 Presently Dr the Universityof Maine Since man. The dean said about tion majors; created the "Buf- Sayre 'is Dean of Students: 1981. this, "I' am disappointed letin Board" to improve University of Maine (Fort that they i ' i a woman and communication. Kent). - Dr. Sayre and his wife have two small children. They ex- L.;;fo::.r...:t;;:he::....::::::;=;...:;::::::....;:=~~:....:~~~~~W!~ ....J p~fad~~~i!S :r~:~iV~~f ~~~ peet to move to a college home on campus early in the Boston College (higherI-h- celved his undergraduate de~ summer. We look forward to D.C. bill raising drinking age defeated gree from Hamilton College (govemment and journalism), his master's from the Unlver- sity of Massachusetts(English Repeating their performance age or limit 18-year-olds to issue," Bingaman says. and education) and his Ph.D. of a year ago. student groups buying wine or beer. Bingaman says his earn- from ~~~~~ohn were instrumental in recent "Drinking age is still a hot paigns against raising the education administratiion).He weeks in defeating bills that issue,and probably:will be for minimum drinking age argue taught English at the North would have raised the legal a while," observes Michele that better education and drinking age in Georgia and Glastetter, who tracks drink- tougher drunk driving laws Washington, D.C. ing laws for the NationalCon- are more effective solutionsto Iowa has also just rejected ference on State Legislatures. alcohol abuse than prohibi- two attempts to introduce "There are still bills in quite tion. drinking age legislation, a tew states proposing to "I think many students are though student groups there raise their drinking age," she duped into thinking that rats- INSIDE were not as significantly in- says. jng the drinking age is a sort volved in the lobbying against Twenty-six states have of panacea for all the traffic the bill, reports Bob Binga~ raised their legal drinking lim- accidents and other problems man, director of the State its since 1976. At least a associated with alcohol Student ASSOCiationin Wash~ dozen ~~including SouthCar- abuse," Bingaman believes. inglon, D.C., who has helped olina, Alabama, Vermont,Col- While Bingaman organizes organize student opposition to orado, Connecticut, Florida, students opposed to drinking Phi Delta 10K Charity run ••••Page 2 drinking age bills in a number Tennessee, South Dakota, age increases, Students of states. Hawaii, Kansas, Mississippi, Against Drunk Driving has Drama Dept. Presents LUV.••Page 3 But many state legislatures and Virginia -~ have bills established chapters on a Rock review •••.••••••••••.••....•.. Page 7 that have not finished their pending to hike the minimum number of campuses to lobby spring sessions are still age, Glastetter reports. in favor of raising the mini- WMC baseball is back •.•...... Page 8 weighing laws that would ei- "We thought this year it mum age. ther raise the legal drinking would be a relatively dead s., r., ,' ~I--------------------------~
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