Page 74 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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Page 81W .. tem Maryland CollegelAprll 12, 1984 f~minism ~~!~I_C~~1"~~~":~:!>.,:, tNomen are unaware that they Several people have as.k~d associate prof~ssor of soctot- County. Department of :UbJI~ ~r. Elwell has 'published a re feeding sexist attitudes by me ~hy there IS a Feminist ogy and social work, Mary Welfare, as. a casewor ef.~ number of papers and articles ';"vt questioning themselves Coahtion at our school. Th~y Ellen Elwell, .recent~y com- the ~ethodlst Board of C~ ~ on child abuse, child welfare and malelfemale relations. say it is not needed. It IS pleted her dissertation and Care, ,and ,as ~ c~sewor e and rape awareness and is a Men are also guitty of this needed. As long ,as there are was a~ard~d a Ph. O. from ~upervlsor In a option ser:vi member of many pr~fessional ignorance, These injustices examples of sexrsrn, caused the University of Maryland. A ~es,. Dep~rtr~ent Of S~~~~ organizations including the , are further perpetuated by either actively or by igno- summa cum laude graduate etvrces, a tl~re, n . t Council of Social Work Educa- both sexes in an active way, ranee, such as sexual harass- of Western Maryland college, Elwell was f ma e. ,assocla ~ tlon the National Association as a means to further one's ment or sexism in the Elwell received th~ M:SW. pro~essor a socrotoqv an _ of Social Workers, the Na- ends, However. it is more classroom, respectivley, the degree frof!l the Unlv~rslty of social work at Western Mary tional Conference on Social often the case that men use Feminist Coalition's push for Pennsylvania. The tOPICof .Dr. la~d. II h d th Welfare and the International women as a means ~wareness and action is lusti- ~lw~II's doc.t~Jratediss.ertat,on I~tyeasasas~~~ntee~ ~~~~ Council on Social Welfare. than vice versa. This Justifies fled. IS The 1~ltlal Rea~tlons "of mum k nd ra e Elwell lives in Westminster the emphasis of female rights. Sexually Mlsu~ed Chll~e~. ~~~~s~:~r,':~~:r erat Carr~1I with her husband, Ronald. Harvard on UN M:~::~d cg~,~8e ti~ 1~~ e~~ County Sexual Assualt Serv- They have three children. Laura, Ellen, and Ronald. ice, and she has spoken on assistant professor of sociol- From _pile 1 ogy, Dr. Elwell had served as the topics of.child abuse a~d rape counseling to community a caseworker su ervisor of parity of the actual UN were "They were trying to simulate accomplished. Scott Scroggs, diplomacy in four days. Good a graduate of Robert E. Peary relationships between coun- High School in Rockville, and tries take years to develope." Van Halen rocks • a senior political science and The HNMUN wished to reaf- In 1984, history major. felt the "frustra- firm that the United Nations is tion and impotence" of the a valuable organization - its Greg Elbo C. David Lee Roth of Van single Jump command the actual UN: "Things were said specialized agencies aid de- As the bare-chested man Halen number one position on the over and over. It really does veloping countries. and its swaggers across the stage I know this was a real hair charts for five straight weeks. parallel the real world." Junior humanitarian ones assist chil- with a fifth of Jack Daniels in puller so I won't keep you in Several other songs from the John Palmer, a graduate of dren and refugees. hand (frequently taking shots suspense any longer. LP are receiving heavy rota- Rockville High School, ex- The hope is that these dele- from the bottle) a fan in the Van Halen exploded on the tion by the rock stations and ' plained, "I was dissapointed gates learned something front row draws his attention. rock scene in 1978 like a the album is already in the after the first meeting, nothing about what barriers must be "What's the question?" in- loaded ICBM at Ground Zero. multi-million seller status. was getting done. Then I overcome if the UN is to truly quires the tussle-haired Their first album is one of the On March 25 and 26 Van realized this was the intent - solve the problems before it, singer. "Is it real? You bet strongest debuts the music Halen descended on the to show a realistic view of the for ultlrnataly this will be their your a- it is honey, this isn't industry has ever witnessed. Washington area for two sold- UN and the problems it en- responsibility as tomorrow'S Quiet Blot!" he sneers. Several songs can still be out shows at the Capital Cen- counters," Robert Miller, a leaders. SPOT POP QUIZ heard daily on rock stations ter. To the dismay of many, iunior political science and Who in Rock and Roll would today. seating was by general ad- French major from Peary High have the sheer audacity to Brilliantly utilizing the 1984 mission. For those who may School, also felt frustration. utter such a remark in front of Orwell hype to the limit, the have forgotten. it was general 20,000 rock audiophiles? band titled their newest album A Ann 1984 and watched their first admission that resulted in the tragic deaths of eleven pea- Sculpture: Paul Sisko B. Eddie Van Halen (Left) and Laura Cole - Metal sculp- Paul Sisko, a graduate of tor Paul Sisko was recently Montclair State Cctleqe. commissioned to create an began his work as a high elegant sculpture that func- school industrial arts teacher. David Lee RoIb (Rqbt) of Van tions as a fountain for the He started his artistic career Loews Glenpointe Hotel in working with metal and wood, Teaneck, N.J. The 15-foot creating unique hand-crafted work, constructed of stainless furniture, and moved on to steel, reflects the grandeur of creating metal art from alumi- the hotel's lobby. as water num, bronze and steel. cascades down from its Paul's work reflects continu- pie in Cincinnati at a Who Running With the Devil, the performance, Eddie Van sides. ous growth - precise in its concert. When I heard this I Dance the Night Away, You Halen was classically trained Sisko will present a collec- pattern, exciting in its diver- could not believe it and seri- Really Got Me, and Ain't Talk- on the piano in his youth. He tion of his architectural sculp- sity and visual in its display. ously considered boycotting ing About Love. is very good on keyboards as ture from April 10 through 27 His total control of both mate- the concert in protest. But The reason Van Halen is well as the guitar. in Gallery One of the Fine Arts rial and concept is apparent then I asked myself, could the massively popular and very After the fourth or fifth song Buifding on the Western Mary- by the comtemporary archi- yellow journalistic, sensation- good in concert can be David Lee was about to say land College campus. tectural house he designed alistic heavy metal roadie of summed up in one word: something when the audience The unique imagery of and built. WMC miss the hottest rock Eddie. Eddie Van Helen. the began cheering. I'm not talk- Sisko's work is created by the The public is invited to the band performing today? I band's guitarist, is nothing ing about a mild appreciative dynamics of force and tension opening of Sisko's show on bought my tickets. short of incredible QO. his cheer - it was an all out top- on shapes and forms. Nothing Tuesday, April 10 from 7-9 To my .cornplete astonish- instrument. He has a style of-the-Iungs Banshee battle- appears static in his sculp- p.m. Refreshments will be ment the crowd was so well that is unique to the point of cry type screem. And it con- ture. He bends, twists and served. Gallery One is open behaved you would have being instantly recognizable. tinued for a remarkably long convolutes his material to the weekdays from 9 a.m. - 4 thought it was an Ann Murray/ He is voted best guitarist time. In all the years I have stress polo_tof breakag.~~ p.m. Barry Manilow concert. They every year by all the major been going to concerts I have did rush the door when it never witnesses anything like opened, but it was a smooth rock publications reader's that. When it finally subsided polls and deservedly so. Carriage House Liquors one and to my knowledge no At the concert Eddie David Lee reported that we one was hurt. The last time I saw Van seemed more relaxed than put the 35 audiences before the last time I had seen him. us to shame. Halen they were great. This He was smiling during most The band finished the show Blue Nun 750 ml $3.99 time they were better. The of the show. as if he truly with a massive lighted 1984 Moosehead $3.66 six pk. & two-hour set was one show enjoyed every moment in front covering the entire stage. This another stopper after as is the year of Orwell. in rock of his fans. (Anyone married Eddie Van Halen and David to ValeTie Bertlnelll ought to music it is also the year of Lee Roth leaped and stutter- Free Moosehead Cup stepped across their expan- be smiling) Van Halen. sive stage. They performed The addition of his key- 1M article is dedicated to Chris man of their hits such as ~onar~ fc1~~~ngne~nd~e~her~' (Sneal(y) Beyers.
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