Page 83 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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April 26, 19M1We.tern Maryland CollegeJPage 5 NEWPORT. R.I. - The Ameri- de corps and an enthusiasm Barque to a 70' Schooner can Sail Training ASSOCiation, which are unique. from Bermuda. Cruises are a non-profit organization now An ASTA counselor is between one and two weeks celebrating its eleventh anni- aboard each cruise to super- in length, often starting and versary, is offering a full pro- vise training--which follows returning to the same port. gram of sail training the course outtined in ASTA's Only normal rough clothes are opportunities during the sum- Syllabus and Logboo1<--and required, no special equip- mer of 1984. Although the the ship's Captain and crew ment. Cost of a cruise ranges training is especially geared also participate in the instruc- from $300 for a one-week sail toward people between the tion. However, trainees are to $750 for two weeks in the ages of 15 and 26, several of encouraged to take every re- "TaU Ships" Race. This in- the listings also are open to sponsibility they can--this is a cludes bunk, food and train- "youth of aU ages." These chance to dare. No previous lng--the only extra is cruises are unusual in that sailing is necessary, although transportation to and from they involve deepwater sailing applicants must be able to embarkation and debarkation in square-rigged ships or swim. For trainees with ade- ports-sand what a trainee large schooners, and are quate background, a personal wishes to spend ashore. working expeditions with train- qualification program leading Groups of ten or more book- Photo by M1cheal B. "'"" ees organized in watch teams to designation as deckhand ing the same cruise will re- Andent f.Ci.puu Art on Sun. 29th. to serve in four-hour, round- or able-bodied seaman will ceive a 5% discount. One the-clock, shifts. be undertaken. counselor is required to be EGYPTIAN ART tional), a trick at the wheel, cruises are concentrated within the total number. (Early Climbing the rigging (op- This year, several of the application is required to re- EXHIBIT OPENING galley and cleaning duties, within the framework of the serve these spaces.) There and sail handling are all part International Sail Training are also limited scholarship "Treasurers From Egyptian Tombs", a of the day's work. In addition Races which will bring the funds available where need showing of artlflcts from the Western Mary- to being an integral part of "Tall Ships" of many countries and interest are demonstrated land College Art Collection will be held on the work aboard ship, partici- on a route from San Juan to through confidential refer- (via Bermuda and pating trainees will have many Quebec SUnday, April 29th, 2-5 pm. At 2 pm, Dr. Julie memorable experiences-from Halifax) for festivities in honor ences. Those interested in these Badlee will present a slide lecture In Decker spectacular sunsets to group of the 450th Anniversary of once-in-a-lifetime opportuni- AUd. about the collection followed by a discussions to efforts at ce- Jacques Cartier's voyage of ties should write SUMMER reception and opening of the show In Hoover lestial navigation. Ali will find discovery--and the founding SAIL, American Sail Training Library. Come out and see these 3000-year-old that the demands of wind and of Canada. Association, Fort Adams State art works. sea bring into action The ships with berths for Park. Newport. RI 02840. or strengths previously unknown ASTA trainees range from a phone (401) 846-0884. to them--and build an esprit small three-masted English ROOM DRAWING Room Drawing will be held May 7th, 8th, & 9th. Please note the following new Information. 1. All floors of Blanche Ward hall will be available to students during room draw- Ing. No floors will be held, as three sororities have chosen not to live to- gather. 2. Roor plans for Albert Norman Ward hall will be posted on Tuesday, May 1st, In If you have at least Englar and outside of the Student Affairs two yean; of oollege left, OffIce. you Can spend six weeks at our Army' ROTC Basic Carnptbesumroerandeam Carnage approximarely$600. can ~!jf~R'8'r~_YOU House Year Program this fall and receive up to $1,(X)() a year. Liquors happens on graduation day. But the big payoff That's when you receive Heineken an officer's commission. So ~t your body in $7.99 12 pack shape (not to mention your bank account). Enroll inArmy ROTC. Szechun tiDown. For more information, FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT contact your Professor of Military Science. 59 W. Main Sl Catonese town westminster. ARMYROI'C. Polynesian ~19 BEALL10UCAM BE. American . 876-3166 AT WESTERN MARYLAND Cocktail service Quickey Lunch & Carry Out SEE " AM-'O PM Sun-Thurs "AM-" PM Fri-Sat THE MILITARY SCIENCE D~PARTMENT ·Gatering for Banquets. Parties, Hers d'oeuvres OR CALL EXT. 620/621
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