Page 84 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 84
Page 6!Western Maryland College/April 26, 1984 Volleyball camp held this summer ~.~ C track The first Western Maryland ence championships and sports camps and clinics who took a first in the long College Volleyball camp will three trips to the NCAA Divl- around the country. jump and second in the high a highlight,as well as George Brenton, who finished first in be conducted August 13-17 sion Itl Tournament. Martin The Physical Education jump. Other stand outs for the the javelin. Also John Hackner at the new PhysicalEducation played on four of the champi- Learning Center at Western men were Joe Hedrick who Learning Center on the WMC onship teams and has served Maryland College provides took first in the 400m hurdles who took second in shot put and Keith Highsmith with a campus. as assistantcoach at Western five courts for use during the and second in the 400m. second in a 110m hurdles The co-directors of the Maryland since 1980. camp. The court coaches will Brian Russo, who placed first helped the team. camp will be Western Mary- The head coach of the be successful college and in the five kilometer run, was land head volleyball coach camp will be Dr. Joan Barbar- high school coaches from Dr. Carol Fritz and assistant ich, head volleyball coach at around the Middle Atlantic coach Becky Martin. . Southern Connecticut State area. ENGLISH TUTORING Fritz and Martin have con- University. The student-athletemust be tributed greatly to a rich vel- Barbarich has coached at entering the ninth grade or IS AVAILABLE leyball tradition on the Hill. In SCSUfor 17 seasonsand has older to partiipate in the her sixteen seasons as head also directed the Universityof camp. For applications or FOR EVERYONE!!! coach of the Terrors,Ftiz has Delaware camp, the United more information,call Western led the Green and Gold to a States Volleyball Association Maryland College at (301) The tutor's hours are as follows: 316-64 record which includes Olympic Development camp 848-7000 estension 580. five Middle Atlantic Confer- at Rhode Island, and various Chris Beyers - Monday & Wednesday 7-8:30 pm MOVIE PIANO RECITAL (Apt. 1C), and Thursday 2:30-4:30 Bonnie and Clyde :~o o:c~~a:.I1~~ pm (MEM. 212) Chris Soto - Monday 1-3 pm Friday 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. ~;!: k~r::::,ln: Decker AUd. plano student of David (MEM. 212), and ....--r--.;;;....;;,.;;.;,,;;;;;;.;;-,;;,.;==.;;..--,...-~ Kreider. Compositions Tuesday and Thursday 6:30-8 pm THE EAR~Y~ t? by Mozart, Medelssohn De- (Blanche 310) Liszt, & buay will be played. BIRD... ~: MCAT .i..SAT :GMAT .' SAT· ACT •OAT ·GRE •CPA • =:;::l:~~n~n~e~~~e=in d.ys, • ?:~r~~.nlty 10 mlb u, mlS~ · h:-. hsO,:W eest, D.dle.l.d f"U· • ~~~~!i:tr;~:d.~:Ju::~e~~e:::~~ • Complete TEST·n·TAPE'~llI:lJitJes ers "pell In 'hell "eld. lor r.ylew III ellSs lessons Ind • Opportunityto IIlnsltr to.o4 '''Pplem'ntlry m.terilis. cantin" study.t Iny 01 eur 'fr:s-:::to~~lb1IkItlH oyer 100cente" Join our "Early Bird" and Summer Classes In Preparation lor Your Fall 1984 Exams OTHER COURSES AVAILABLE GRE PSYCH & 810, MAT· PCAI· UCAI· VAT· TOEfl MSKp· NMB· f'I,lGEMS • FlEX· NOB· RN BOS ON COLOR FILM SSAT· PSAT· SPEfDREAUING SAT ACHIEVEMENTS f ~:H. Baltimore, Md. 21218 DEVELOPING =-- St. Paul Street MPIAII 3121 --- $1.00 OFF 243·1456 our regular low prices on processing [)~SCfilm or any roll 110 - 126 . 135 color print film at NEED CASH? Earn $500 + W.Il\. C. each school year, 2-4 (flexible) CI) 1I~1~S.fotte.. hours per week placing and filling posters on campus. Seri- G-.~-rtl: ous workers only; we give rec- ommendations. 1-800-243-6679. fr!1I~ "-/fit{- 11 ~
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