Page 78 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 78
Page 4lWe.tern Maryland College/April 19, 1984 Baseball, softball teams streak sexual attitudes The hottest teams on the (Baltimore, Md.) hit a three- three goals respectively for From page 1 Hill at Western Maryland Col- run homer to lead the Green the Terrors which led 6-4 with eg~a~nj~(ihiS ego problem is loutish friends. Her initial fear lege are the diamond clubs. over Mount St. Mary's, 11-4. five minutes remaining. Fran the result of the male attitude turns to passion. "This occurs The baseball team is currently Pesik also delivered a two-run in 0% of all rapes," Gross riding the crest of a six-game. shot in WMC's 5-3 win over ~ar~a~:~~~~nw~~! recorded that men should initiate the states. Violent pornography, winning streak while the soft- Gettysburg. Missy Mules TRACK AND FIELD (men 1- ~~eacf~e~:e;h~e ~:x h~~' ~~: not erotica, reinforces this ball team has taken its last (Towson, Md.) allowed just myth. three outings. The men's la- five hits in recording her fifth ~~;0~~nJ~h~SH:t~~~,7A~~: responsibility to insure its Gross reminded the audience crosse team had its heels win of the season. The sec- 21 vs. Franklin & Marshall) _ "success." If he does not that what influences us sociol- cooled a bit after a loss to ond game of the scheduled Senior Joe Hedrick (Elizabeth- ~no~wh:~~a~~~~~dwr~nga::' ogically is just as hard to FDU-Madison ended its three- twinbill was rained out. town, Pa.) set a new WMC "This 'facade of knowledge is overcome as what influences game winning streak. But the MEN'S LACROSSE (3-6 record in the 400 meter inter- a falsity," said Gross. He biologically. For counteracting other teams on the Hill seek overall, 3-0 MAC West - Apr. mediate hurdles to highlight admits that more sex manuals influences that create better sexual attitudes among men, to end streaks of another sort 18 vs. Washington, Apr. 21 at the Terrors' performance in are being sold than ever. This this week. Franklin & Marshall) - The the Messiah Invitational. Hed- may mean that men are at Gross recommended more awareness for both sexes. BASEBALL (7-2 overall, 3-1 Terror laxmen took two of rick, who finished second in least trying to obtain some MAC Southwest - Apr. 17 their three outings last week the event, covered the dis- information privately. "It's bet- He stated that most rapists vs. Susquehanna (2), Apr. 21 drubbing Lebanon Valley, 16- tance in 55.6 to set the new ter than nothing," Gross re- don't just keep being created, vs. Franklin & Marshall (2), 1, and nipping Dickinson, 9-8, standard. Seniors Dana Hill marked. but that a set of men are Apr. 23 vs. Lebanon Valley before losing to FDU-Madi- (Walkersville, Md.) and Bruce The ultimate manifestation repeatedly raping. However, he also sees that women are (2)) - Good pitching and son, 11-5. Senior midfielder McCallon (Hyattsville, Md.) of male sexual agression atti- timely hitting boosted Western Troy Barnes (Hampstead, took third places in their spe- tudes is rape. It fulfills the becoming more aware of their rights. "Women who used to Maryland to five wins in five Md.) scored four goals in the cialties. Hill finished third in need for dominance and trips to the old ballyard last win over LVC. Warren Michael the 200 meter dash with a power. In one study, Gross define a "date rape" as just a "rough-date" are willing to call week as WMC bettered Johns (Sykesville, Md.) and Mark 23.4 clocking while McCallon claimed that 25% of all male Hopkins, 6-3, and took twin- Carter (Ellicott City, Md.) each finished third in the discus respondents expressed feel- it "rape" now. Women are also pursuing retribution. bills from Gettysburg, 3-1 and added three scores. Fresh- with a toss of 136-1. Julie ings of sexual agression. In As for the government's at- 7-6, and Dickinson, 7-5 and man Matt Jackson (Catons- Craig (Allendale, N.J.) took another survey, Gross tempt to legislate better atti- 7-1. Mike Paglione (Burlington ville, Md.) tallied three goals second place in the 10,000 claimed that the results Twp., N.J.) delivered the tie- as WMC squeezed past Dick- meters with a time of 39:42 showed that at a college tudes through ERA, Gross breaking single and Steve inson. Bill Brewster (Manhas- The men's squad finished campus over half of the said that he didn't see it as Lutche (Forest Hill, Md.) set, N.Y.) recorded 16 saves second in a triangular meet women respondents reported the total answer. He also drove in two runs with a for the Terrors. Carter scored with Messiah and Dickinson at least one act of sexual stated that any legislation, like reviewed ERA, has to be single to lead the Green to its three goals in the 11-5 loss to scoring 58 points to outdist- agression, either physical or win over Johns Hopkins. FDU-Madison. The sopho- ance the Red Devils. Hill and verbal, within one semester. carefully for its legality and "Still, constitutionality. you Freshman Jay Haymaker more leads the Green in scor- McCallon won their events "Remember, this is among a (Northfield, N.J.) picked up ing with 21 goals and two while Hedrick won the 800 population of supposedly in- have to start somewhere," he two saves in the double- assists for 23 points. The meters. Bill McGoey (Marlton, te\ligent people. What of other said. When questioned as to what header sweep of the Bullets. Terrors are just one victory N.J.) won the javelin with a populations?" Gross asked. he considered the ideal rela- Sam Kerns (Silver Spring, away from the Middle Atlantic throw of 174-9 while Brian To add to the list of miscon- Md.) drove in four runs in the Conference title game on May Russo (Timonium, Md.) won ceptions are myths contribut- tionship or the prescription for one, Gross advised against two games. Ray Thompson 5. If WMC can defeat F&M (Benin, Md.) ripped a two-run this Saturday, the Green will ~~CFo~_3m~~~~r:~ 11_~2~·~C ~~t~~e~~nJn:rrf:~~~~ ~fx~~ forming proportions, such c;tS triple to lead WMC past Dick- take on Swarthmore for the - Apr. 17 at Mount St. Rape Myth. Gross referred to 50-50 give-and-take. He said inson in the opene: and Ron conference title. Mary's, Apr. 21 vs. York and a controversial scene in Sam that no correct complemen- tary relationshiP.for everyone Lutgen (Marlton, N.J.) twirled WOMEN'S LACROSSE 1-4 Catholic) - Junior Todd Lowe Peckingpah's film Stray Dogs. a five-hitter to record his third overall, 0-2 MAC West - Apr. (Gettysburg, Pa.) fired a four- In the film, Susan George, could be prescribed. He said "whatever works" is best, but win of the year in the night- 16 vs. Lebanon Valley, Apr. over-par 74 to earn medalist playing the wife of Dustin cap. The 7-2 start is the best 19 at U.M.B.C., Apr. 21 at honors but it was not enough Hoffman, is gang-raped by that both men and women should have the freedom to for the Green and Gold since Johns Hopkins, Apr. 23 vs. as Loyola downed Western her former boyfriend and his be aware. 1970. Washington) - Ardie Ander- Maryland, 406-407. Gordon L ------' I SOFTBALL (5-2 overall, 1-2 son (Kingsville, Md.) and Digby (Newton, N.J.) and I MAC Southwest - Apr. 16 Nancy Hutchinson (Ellicott Jack Collins (Columbia, Md.) vs. Lebanon Valley, Apr. 21 at City, Md.) each scored five recorded 81's for the Green Dickinson (2), Apr. 23 vs. goals to lead Western Mary- and Gold. Digby fired an 80 Gettysburg) - The Terrors land to an easy 23-4 victory to lead the Terrors in a 408- showed some "true grit" in over Hood. Melissa Renehan 419 loss to Gettysburg. Col- the words of Coach Carol (Baltimore, Md.) and Carville lins posted an 82 while Lowe Fritz to record three wins last Dorshow (Catonsville, Md.) shot 85. THEEARLY$ week. Freshman Betsey each added four scores while WOMEN'S TENNIS (1-4 over- Swope (Conowingo, Md.) Barb Hess (Huntingdon Val- all, 0-1 MAC Southwest - drove in the game-winning ley, Pa.) chipped in five as- Apr. 18 vs. Gettysburg, Apr. BIRD... - : run in the 10th inning to give sists. Anderson notched two 21 at Dickinson) - The Green WMC a 9-8 victory over Mes- scores in a 12-4 loss to and Gold suffered through a siah. The Terrors scored five Dickinson. The Green and trying week as Susquehanna 'times in the bottom of the Gold gave Gettysburg all they blanked the Terrors, 9-0, and seventh to send the game wanted in a 10-8 overtime Johns Hopkins downed the into extra innings before loss to the Bullets. Anderson Green, 7-2 Swope's heroics. Nicky Pesik and Renehan scored four and • Permanent Centers open da)'$. • Oppo,tuniiy to mike up missed e.enln,s .nd wukuds materi~IS • ~~e h~~i7.eest. Ded,e.ted .I~II. · J~f:~~~oushome·study by research updlle!l constantly N~:___.::tJ[l." HBLE DUR NG SPECIALS • CompleteTEST·n·TAPEI"fJe,l,t,n ers nplft in the" f'eld lor re>jew of clJ$$ lessons .nd • Opportunity 10 tnnd er to.nd s~pplemenllrY materials. o Clusn tauclll by skilled ~~;:I~C:O~~~~~'t Iny 01 our It uk. 20 mlnutet to 'nstruc:ton. melt. a .,...... doutn pi .... Join our "Early Bird" and If you',. 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