Page 81 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 81
April 26, 1984lWestern Maryland College/Page 3 Summer courses offered in musical theatre Luv on the Hill next weekend Again this summer Western musical theatre production _ Maryland College will offer lectures by the producer, ar- Polly Goethe another's sympathy, their dla- of the situation and the clever summer courses in musical tistic directors, music director, The Western Maryland Col- logue becomes almost Iudl- dialogue of the characters theatre - undergraduate costume designer, choreogra- lege Department of Dramatic crous. Harry talks about how, makes the scene comical. level work for college stu- pher, promotion manager and Art will present Murray Schis- as a child, his breakfast con- The dexterity of the play is dents and high school sen- so on. gal's comedy, Luv on Thurs. sisted of "A glass filled with derived from the characters' lors, and graduate level work This summer's Theatre on day, Friday, Saturday, and two-thirds water and one-third insecurities and uncertainties. for students holding a college the Hill season will run from Sunday, May 3, 4, 5 and 6, at milk." But Milt is not to be None of the characters truly degree. June 4 through July 30, but 8:00 P.M. promptly, in Alumni outdone. He tells Harry how know what love is or what Credit will be earned you may schedule your times Hall. ~e ate coffee grinds "straight, they expect from life. Harry through Musical Theatre around your school closing Luv. directed by Max Dixon, like oatmeal." and Ellen step on each Workshops involving the col- and summer employment. is a lighthearted look at the The search for the true other's feet and throw one lege's Theatre on the Hill Graduate students may heartaches of three passion- meaning of love is also a wit another's coats over the productions of Jesus Christ apply the courses to the col- ate characters and their and farce for the characters. bridge railing to see whether Superstar, Beauty and the lege's master of liberal arts search for love. The charac- First there is Milt who wants a their love for one another is Beast and Cole, a musical degree program. ters compare their unhappy, divorce from his wife Ellen so real. biography of Cole FYorter.In For further information write unsatisfactory lives while sit- he can marry his mistress. He The ludicrous examples of addition to technical work or call, Ira Domser, Depart- ting on a bridge, and each asks an old college friend, the characters' search for love under the supervision of Ira ment of Dramatic Art, Western one tries his or her hardest to Harry, whom he just happens and their attempts to win one Domser, assistant professor Maryland College, Westmin- gain the most sympathy. The to meet on the bridge, to another's sympathy, creates of dramatic art, and other ster, Md. 21157, 848-7000, manner in which each charac- marry Ellen as a favor. Harry the humor of Luv. The self- members of the staff, all stu- ext 592. ter attempts to draw attention has never been in love so he centeredness of the charac- dents will attend periodic lee- to him or herself allows for the willingly consents to the plan. ters accounts for the laughter work "'o.lunteer tures on various aspects of humor in the play. Ellen, the last paint in the love of the playas we, the audi- TT~r;:;:;;;;_:;::=:"':::'_-----.....---J For instance, when Milt and triangle, consents to the entire ence, see outselves mirrored falr'l sum mer Harry, the two male charac- scheme, divorces Milt, and in their images. absur;~ CHAPEL trer_sG_in_~_~_~_la~_,A_fi9T_ht_~0_rS_o~_e_U_Dm_~_~_ie;_s_Ha-,rryThe With the school year end- and knowledge gained, and" Id t f THIS WEEK ing, many students may be in the satisfaction of helping you are a res en 0 wondering what to do with others. Baltimore County or City and their summer. While the op- Some of the opportunities are studying Sight, speech or Nancy McGinn (and company) portunity for employment may available this summer for stu- h I doing Liturgical Dance- a prel- not be bright for youth, the dents are: ear ng therapy, please come to ude, the Lord's Prayer and a volunteer scene is. If you Day and residential camp the Financial Aid Office to be Benedlctlon. 11 am Sunday. All knnoawbleaStotudoebnttaW"nhOahasSumbmeeenraides considered for a scholarship. welcome. U Clerical assistance to agen- job, volunteering may be just cies what he or she needs. Day care aides Volunteer service can be a Teaching crafts to seniors MEN••• way to build experience in a Junior hospital volunteers particular field, explore a ca- Sports scorekeepers IF YOU'RE EIGHTEEN, reer area, gain job experi- If you or someone you know ence, and acquire references has a few hours a week to for future job applications. give, please call the Voluntary YOU SHOULD BE REGISTERING The pay eamed from a volun- Action Center at 876-6616 or teer job is in the experience 848-6160. FOR MORE THAN I How to get a roomma JUST COURSES. _j Title: HOW TO GET A GREAT keeper." who has lived with over 20 ROOMMATE It probably comes as no roommates, gaining more in- Author: Scott Orbach surprise that one week later sight during each experience. Price $5.95 Robin and lee are arguing Topics covered include ... NEW GUIDE SHOWS about dirty dishes thai have how much to share and for HOW TO FIND A been sitting in the sink for two how long ... a roommate for GREAT ROOMMATE ... days. convenience or for friendship APARTMENTMATE, HOUSE- Eight million Americans are too ... living with someone of MATE, MOBILE HOME- already living in a roommate the opposite sex or with a gay MATE ... situation. Many are unhappy roommate where to live Robin says, "I'm a responsi- because they did not know and how much to spend ble, mature and clean per- how to interview possible ...Iegal aspects of zoning and son." lee says, "I'm roommates or how to go occupancy ... how to adver- responsible and mature, but about making the final deci- tise ... interviewing and asking only relatively neat. But you sion of which roommate to the right questions ... how to know, if it becomes a prob- choose. handle shared expenses ... lem, if you want, I'll clean up HOW TO GET A GREAT and how to split up communal more." He chuckles. Robin ROOMMATE will help readers property. forgets the momentary determine what they want In addition, there is a Glos- unease she felt when Lee from a roommate relationship sary of Advertising Abbrevia- said, "I can be a little and how to go about finding a tions and an Appendix of cleaner." Lee forgets the little great roommate. It is written Roommate Agencies. Registration with SelectiveService is an important twinge he felt when Robin by Scott responsibility required by law.H you're eighteen or said, "I'm a house- of within a month of your eighteenth birthday, you should S.G.A. run-off elections for register.To register,go to any U.S. PostOffice, pick up a card and fill it out. It only takes about five minutes. That's not a lot to ask for a country as great as ties will be held today/ vote for ours. ~.'._ thetandidate ot--yOlifchoice~ 1~=·=J,!~='~~=L=~:;,=~~;ck.=.;;,='~~',.=:r=-.;"=~:=~:=~,th=ela~w,=~~'~~.',-J'
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