Page 77 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 77
April 19, 1984,western Maryland College/Page 3 Contrast 1984 Bill Mann Looking for a few good students 1984 marks the twenty-sev- Kemlage, Richard Dillman, Liz Siegenthaler enth year for the literary mag- Meredith Kelley, and Kristie Have you ever wondered financial aid, and, with the Visitors attend plenary ses- azine, Contrast. Editor, Steve Adams Dean of Academic Affairs, sions of the Board and serve Rossman, marked the anni- This year's Contrast is filted how students are appointed proposes and reviews stan- as liaison persons between versary with a poetry reading with as Steve Rossman com- to the various college commit- dards of .academic achieve- the students and Board of tees which make decisions of the new Contrast as weHas mented. "The cream of the concerning college policies? ment. Trustees. some of last year's submis- crop." In addition to the liter- CALENDAR & SCHEDULE TRUSTEE COMMITIEE ON The SGA Executive Council COMMITTEE: one student, sions which were never pub- ary works, the stunning ar- is responsible for selecting STUDENT AFFAIRS: one stu- lished. tistry of Kjrsten Anne Nystrom, any class. This committee is dent, class of '87. The func- Thirty listeners and poets Jeff Stebbins, and James S. students. to serve on these charged with considering the tion of this Committee is to gathered for the reading and Rapp provide the book with a committees. All interested stu- academic calendar and provide a means of communi- to dents are encouraged were treated to thirty-three welcomed visual interpreta- apply. schedule as proposed by the cation among students, fac- works of poetry and short tion. Registrar and Dean of Aca- ulty/staff members, and stories. Sparkling pieces were The reading was something If you are interested in gain- demic Affairs. _ Trustees. It shall be the fur- made easy listening by their of a sneak preview of the new ing valuable experience while STUDENT LIFE COUNCIL: ther responsibility of this helping to formulate policy creators: Steve Rossman, Contrast, which will be on one commuter student and Committee to review and Sandra Carlson, Julie Ann sale in the bookstore. The decisions, then serving on a one non-Greek student, any evaluate for recommendation Elliott, Patricia Troy, Pascale reading also marks the first of college committee may be for class. The Student Life Coun- of the Board policy matters you. To apply, you must com- Bonnefoy, Lori McCoy, Mal- its kind in over 10 years. This cil serves as a forum for relating to student affairs, ln- colm Allman, Chris Beyers, event will hopefuUy become a plete an "Application for Stu- discussion with the authority cluding those referred to it by dent-Faculty Committee to make policy recommenda- Robin Purdy, Fidy Kuo, Brian tradition in the Contrast years Position," (available at info tions to the faculty, SGA, and/ the Board or the College President. Senses to come. desk) and retum it by Tue.. or administration on all as- ATHLETIC COJNCIL: one day, April 24, 5:00 p.m. to pects of student life. female student, class of '86. F;~=o~ as humans, Ma- Nevertheless, Malone said, ~~fan~~eg~~~~aler, Box 474 UNDERGRADUATE ACA- The Council serves in an lone said. This does not mean they are "rf\uch higher ani- All applicants v-:11 be inter- DEMIC POLICY & CURRICU· advisory capacity to the Di- that they can develop Ian- mals in neuro-anatomical viewed by the SGA Executive LUM COMMITTEE: one rector of Athletics in matters guage to the same extent as terms than we previously Council on Wed., April 25 student, any class. The relating to the conduct of the humans. gave them credit for." before any decisions will be UAPCC oversees the formula- intercollegiate athletic pro- tion of academic policy and Sports cont... . ~u~td~o~~r;t~~~e;t~~~i~~t The grams. design of curriculum. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS MEN'S TENNIS {1-4 overall, Westminster. Western Mary- The following is a list of committee also reviews all BOARD: one student, cannot 0-2 MAC Southwest - Apr. land was defeated by F&M, 6- openings for the 1984-85 aca- proposed changes in the cur- be on the staff of a college riculum, the introduction or 16 at Mount St. Mary's, Apr. 2, and Johns Hopkins, 8-0. demic year: withdrawal of courses, and publication or in SGA. The 17 vs. Susquehanna, Apr. 19 Freshmen Greg Merril (Rock- ADMISSIONS, STAN- fundamental changes in the Board exercises general su- at Washington, Api. 21 at ville, Md.) and Barry Gold- DARDS, & FINANCIAL AID: 2 description or intention of pervision over student publi- Catholic) - The Terrors meier (Columbia, Md.) were students, any class, min. 3.0 courses. cations and assists in dropped two matches last the lone singles winners for GPA. This committee screens maintaining the best stan- STUDENT VISITOR TO THE dards of collegiate journalism week and had two others the Green and Gold against applicants for admission to BOARD OF TRUSTEES: one in student publications. washed away by the April F&M. The pair boosted their WMC, establishes policy for -::==================:::; student, class of '87. Student rains that have swamped season singles marks to 3.2. ~;- New Omicron members Five students from Western Omicron Delta Epsilon, the Maryland College were in- nomics major. economics honor society and Victor Culatta, of Baltimore, is the senior class treasurer. ducted into Omicron Delta Md., is a member of Psi Chi, James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kappa, the leadership honor the psychology honor society. Donald L. Francis, is a mem- society, on March 16. Omi- He is a Resident Hall coordl- ber of the Big Brothers orga- I cron Delta Kappa is a national nator, freshman advisor and a nization and is involved in honor society whose purpose I is not only to honor leadership dormitory counselor. Victor, Trumpeters, the college lead- but to also encourage the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ership honor society. Robyn Quick, of Baltimore, J. Culatta, is also the secre- exercise of it on campus. To be considered for member- tary of the Junior Class. Md., is a tour guide for the college. She is involved in the Susan Maginnis, of Quincy, ship, students must be juniors who have attended Western ~:s~~Y~h~f~~~~~~~ ~!i~~~: dramatic arts department and Maryland for at least one year and was co-director of Junior ~o~n,t~~:tr~~~~~:~~ho,m~i~~~ N COLOR FILM and are in the top 35% of their class. Induction into this ~r"~~' and Sherma Quick, par- EVELOPING society is one of the highest ginnis. is involved in Sounds !~~~a~~i~~ t~a~s:M~tn~~nf~; honors attainable for a WMC of Silence, a singing/signing college. student. group and plans to work with Omicron Delta Kappa was $1.00 OFF Elizabeth Dorrian. of Silver Spring, Md., represented the the deaf. established on the Western our regular low prices on James Francis, of Rockville, Maryland College campus in college as Homecoming Md., was the Homecoming 1963 and represents those Queen. She is also a member of the sorority Phi Alpha Mu King for Western Maryland students who have shown processing ~~scfilm College. He is a member of outstanding leadership ablli- and is co-captain of the Pam Pam squad. Elizabeth, daugh- ~aeu,fr:~~mi~o-~~~~n G~m~: ~!.... --.I or any roll G.••rril: ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward varsity basketball team. He Dorrian, is a business/eco- also was vice president of Contrast 110·126· 135m/l~ ,,- FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT color print film at /wl On sale Szechun ~Downtown west.minster m. c.Coll~ ~ Catanese 59 W. Main St in the PolyneSian 846-0919 American . 876-3166 bookstore Carriage House Liquors Cocktail service Quickey Lunch & Carry Out 11 AM-10 PM Sun-Thurs 11 AM-11 PM Fri-Sal $ 2.00 Schaefer 16 oz. $2.19 six pack Catering for Banquets, Parties, Hors d'oeuvre. Budweiser '5.71 12 pk cans
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