Page 76 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 76
Page 2IWestern Maryland College/April 19, 1984 Letters Opinio A disgrace Dear Editor: - dumbfounded ..I came across A'positive eye on the futur For the past two years, I have felt Western Maryland a ballot on which a number of College has been a pretty names had been circled. Next Thoma. P. Garland from one aggrieved student taking to heart anything the good place to acquire an to. my ,~ame, ha,d education. There didn't seem wntten anyone but him, he s A couple of nights ago I or another, or manifestos from IFC, the ISC, or the general to be much to worry about a Jew." Understand, in all my was talking to a visiting friend groups, fraternities, sororities, student body had said. now By the _interested other than who would win the years, I have never had any- who graduated last year. He clubs, departments, and of- reader is probably asking couldn't believe the changes fices to last us at least until SGA elections or what the thing like this happen to me. I housing outcome would be. I am .shocked. . that have come about on this graduation. what I might suggest as a I campus since he graduated What I propose is more solution to the problems hadn't seen the racism that Fnends of mine have told other people spoke of or me stories about ~imitar oc- We talked about the good old along positive lines. Airing have, perhaps a bit vaguely, times for most of the night one's grievances, presenting alluded to. I do not have any been aware of anti-semitism currences on WMCs campus. on our campus. Unfortunately, But, till now they were just and we tried to decide what one's point of view, and peti- answers, for that is not my this all changed for me on stories, they never touched could be done to make things tioning for a cause are all fine. purpose. My aim is to nudge Thursday. my life. I .believe th~t most better once again. It seems At least it shows that there us all, a little rudely, out of our Though my name did ap- students Will be surprised to amazing to rne. that' these are concerned people out complacency. We cannot sim- pear on the SGA ballot, I was find out that incidents like th!S good old times we spoke of there who are willing to take ply gripe our way through asked to assist in counting ~ne do actually o?cur. Is thl~ were only about two or three enough time to share their what many of us would have the ballots after dinner voting. nght? I hope this letter, If years ago, but in terms of a thoughts with the rest of the to call a crisis, yet at the (My win had already been nothing else, opens eve.n a place like Western Maryland a campus. But in the end, one same time we cannot lie few short years can become assured following lunchtime few eye.s. R.a.clsm, sexl~m, must ask just what all of this down and be manipulated like voting.) As I began reading and anti-semitism are alive as good as an eternity. The accomplishes except, per- pawns in a game. In the last through the SGA ballots, I and well right here at WMC! administration, it seems, has haps, to stir up more contro- issue of The Phoenix a group succeeded found something that left me Sincerely. in breaking the versy. I cite as a case in point of independent students Jeffrey S. Sweren spirit of the students. The only a letter entitled "Independents claimed to be a force to be hope we have to hold on to speak out on cooed housing" reckoned with. That is good. some vestige of the past e that appeared in The Phoenix Although many non-Greeks through those students old several issues past. As I just may not have a clear percep- enough to remember it. The said, everyone is entitled to tion of the contributions made greatest shame is that even an opinion and everyone else by Greeks every day and in they have the attitude that it should respect it. However, every aspect of life here at doesn't matter because they other students with different Western Maryland and al- won't be here next year any- opinions were bound to, and, though it may sometimes way. in fact did, jump on such an seem that Greeks do not I don't think many of us article angrily in an attempt to respect the rights of inde- have really stopped to think defend their own position. pendents we have to remem- about what's happening, be- These pieces spurred two ber that we are all in the cause jf we did I think more more articles on the same same tenuous position. Tran- of us would be as mad as I topic, albeit in the spirit of sitions are difficult, but I am am and as my friend was. I'm free exchange of ideas, that confident that ultimately we not talking about the whining served neither to make any will be able to find a middle complaints, characteristic of valid points, nor to draw the ground comfortable for all of many of the letters that grace debate on cooed housing to a us. All I ask is this: maintain the pages of this paper, nor definitive close. In short, what the spirit that made this col- do I speak of the righteous I am trying to say is this; that lege a good place to be in indignation that even I have the administration has been the past and never take lightly been guilty of in past col- employing an age old maxim issues that effect everyone so umns. No, when I use the in their attempt to see their fundamentally as this housing word mad I am trying to wishes carried out. The name question does. This is written describe the feeling one has of their game is divide and primarily for those of you with at the loss of something really conquer. While all of the inter- what could be a few more important, at the passing of ested groups talked around in great years here ahead. Make an era if you'll forgive my circles, the Administrative this a fun place to come back rather trite choice of words. Council made its own deci- to and make it a place you We've all read enough letters sion without, might I add, can be proud of. Communication of the senses The Phoenix Joe Olcott munication among various human brains over animal Certain actions require com- If you close your eyes and brains, but tests with chimps pick up an unknown object and touch it, and then put it senses, Malone said. These using cross-modal tasks have Editor . . Gregory Elbo down and open your eyes, are called "cross-modal disproved this belief. Associate Editor William Mann you can probably pick out tasks." An example is when Malone took this a step Managhg Editor... . Philip Block that object from other objects. one equates a heard word further by showing "whether News Editor . . Eric Greenberg But how is one capable of with a written word. monkeys too could behavior- Assistant Editor MichaelB. Kraig this? After all, touch and sight So where in the brain do the ally integrate various sense Sports Editor.. . : Greg Merrill ~~~s:~ ~m~~e~o::p~~~~~ senses communicate with one modalities." So he tested Copy Editor .. . Laura Kleber sense of touch transmit infor- another? Where do the five monkeys by having them look Layout Editor .. . Paige Buchter mation to the sense of sight? senses integrate? The brain is at a photo of an object and Photo Editor. Dave Dante Dr. Daniel Malone ad- composed of four main sec- then try to find that object Photography 8eth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nlcusantl dressed this topic in his tions, or "lobes." The places behind a screen, using just of sensory are integration Business Manager.. . Peter W. Spartin speech, "Sensory Integration called areas 39 and 40, and the sense of touch. Thus, they had to transfer visual data to Advertising Manager... . Kathy Marvel In the Brain," last Thursday these are nestled among the sense of touch in order to Writers Joe Olcott, Stacey Pucci, Liz Siegenthaler, afternoon in McDaniel three of these lobes: the par- pick up the correct object. Laura Cole, Jim Chung, Fidy Kuo, Rosie Andrews, Bill Lounge. Dr. Malone, the di- ietal lobe, which is associated These behavioral tests, Jeanne, Thomas Garland, Margaret Miller, Chris Ginther. rector of the Neuropsychology with the hands and touch; the along with evidence from Publishedby and for the studentsof WesternMarylandCollege. Laboratory at the Springfield occipital lobe, associated with monkey brains showing inte- The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily Hospital Center, was partici- the eyes and sight; and the gration areas, proved that reflect those of the staff or administration. ~~~~o~~ ~yea~~fst~?g(~~ temporal lobe, associated monkeys too could perform We welcomecommentsand/or suggestions.Pleaseaddressall National Honor Society in Pay- with the ears and hearing. cross-modal tasks. mailto ThePhoenix,WesternMarylandCollege,Westminster,Md. chology) and the WMC Pay- Cross-modal tasks, Malone Monkeys and chimps have L.:2':.;':57~. ..;_ --I chology Department. said, were considered as the same neuro-anatomical proving the uniqueness of Continued on page 3
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