Page 80 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 80
Page 2IWestern Maryland College/April 26, 1984 Letters A word from Dr. John Phi Delt 10K run Dear Editor: The Phi Delta Theta Fratern- 3rd place finishers in the male There always are issues, counter to everything that specnve. ity of Western Maryland Col- and, female open divisions, as real and perceived, on a Western Maryland College at Western Maryland College lege and Natural Ught are well as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd college campus. A long time its best represents. There is stands for humanity, diversity sponsoring the Natural Light place finishers in the various ago, I learned that, as a no place for anti-semitism on and respect for individual per- May Day 10K cross country age divisions. Registration general rule, a dean or presi- this campus. sons. When anyone assumes race on Saturday, May 5, for packets can be picked up on dent should not get embroiled It is poor consolation to Jeff or acts to the contrary we all the benefit of the Carroll the day of the race between in them. Occasionally, how- that we discussed the inci- lose stature County Senior Citizens Over- 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. at Baker ~ ever, something happens that dent, and I expressed regret land Service. Memorial Chapel. The race will begin at 9:30 In addition, Western Mary- for the unfortunate thing he demands a response. I The matter that prompted was compelled to endure. 1 "tCOtdldlly, a.m. at Baker Memorial land College is holding its Jeff Sweren's letter in the Let's hope the anti-semitic Chapel on the campus of annual May Day carnival. The April 19 Phoenix is profoundly immature mind that will grow 1 Western Maryland, and cover festivities begin at 9:30 a.m. slur written on the ballot was distrubing. An individual was only an insidious, thoughtless the challenging paved and with the start of the race, so affronted and hurt. That is lapse on the part of one R lp C. John cinder roads, and rolling bring the whole family. bad enough. Beyond this an P slden country hills of the Westmin- Application forms are avail- attitude surfaced that runs into a more generous per- ster area, including the infa- able at the following locations: mous "Cardiac Hill." Fleet Feet, Westminster; Hess Registration is $7.00 and all running stores in Hunt Valley entrants will receive a T-shirt, Mall, Harbor Place and the Father of computer to speak in May headband, and free beer (mi- information desk at WMC. information For additional nors will receive free alternate beverage.) Prizes wilt be call Phi Delta Theta at 848- awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 9775 or 857-0541. John Vincent Atanasoff, the Wisconsin, developed the first for. "father" of the computer, will electronic digital computer It was not until 1973, follow- The New York City Band speak at Western Maryland while teaching at Iowa State. ing years of intense patent College's Investiture and Hon- As a professor at Iowa rights litigation, that a court ors Convocation on Sunday, State, Atanasoff saw the need ruled that Atanasoff's original for Parents Weekend May 6, at 2 p.m. in Baker for a "computing machine" computer was in fact the Memorial Chapel. which could solve complex progenitor of the computer The public is invited to this mathematical equations. Atan- revolution. Based on Atana- Each spring the Western are invited to dance to the traditional event at which Sen- asoff's studies and inventions soft's unpublished paper, Maryland College Parents tunes of Chuck Mangione, ior Class President Suzie served as a "launchpad" for "Computing Machine for the Board and the Student Foun- Glenn Miller, Buddy Rich and dation sponsor Parents Week- Manning, a sociology major the modern electronic com- Solution of Large Systems of end, inviting parents to visit Count Basle. Tickets to the from Brigantine, N.J., will for- puter, as he developed major Linear Algebraic Equations," and experience "col- dance, to be held in Englar mally be invested with cap concepts which are the fun- it was determined that it was campus Dining Hall, are $2.50 per lege life." This year many and gown as a representative damental bases for today's the studies and developments special activities are planned person ($1 for students) and for this year's graduating computers: he chose to work by Atanasoff and his graduate for Parents Weekend, April are available from the College class. The ceremonies also on a number system based assistant Clifford Berry, in the 27-29. Activities Office. honor the recipients of WMC's on two rather than the base- basement of a physics build- Saturday will be futed with On Sunday morning, at the major academic, activity and 10 system; the need for 'a ing in Iowa, that had paved 11 a.m. service in Little Baker leadership awards, presented "jogging" function to refresh the way for future develop- mock classroom sessions, Chapel, members of the the- events, athletic and fun annually to outstanding mem- the computer's memory and ments in the computer indus- and more. Topping off atre Performance Class will bers of the graduating class, prevent loss of information; try. qames accompany the service with the evening will be a Swing as well as Trustee Awards to and the use of logic by the Since teaching at Iowa liturgical dance. outstanding alumni. computer instead of counting State, Atanasoff has worked Band Dance, featuring the For more information about Convocation speaker J.V. to solve mathematical prob- as a research scientist and sounds of The New York City Parents Weekend activities, Parents, students and Atanasoff will also be hon- lems. the Naval Ordnance Engineer- Band. call 848-7000 ext. 255. members of the community ored. Atanasoff, who received Following his 1939 inven- ing Company. Dr. Atanasoff is an electrical engineering de- tion, Atanasoff turned over the now retired and living in Mon- gree from the University of right to patent to Iowa State in rovia, Md. Florida, the M.S. in mathemat- exchange for grant funds, For more information about ics from Iowa State University, and, with the onset of the the May 6 Honors Convoca- and a Ph.D. in theoretical World War, the patent was tion, call the President's Of- physics from the University of overlooked and never applied fice at 848-7000, ext. 222. The Next Phoenix Phoenix Editor Gregory Elbo Associate Editor William Mann Staff Meet- Managing Editor Philip Block ing Monday News Editor ···.· Eric Greenberg Assistant Editor Michael B. Kraig April 30 in Sports Editor Greg Merrill Copy Editor Laura Kleber the Pub. All Layout Editor Paige Buchter Photo Editor Dave Dante Writers, Photography Beth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nicusanti Business Manager , Peter W. Spartin Photog ra- Advertising Manager Kathy Marvel Writers Joe Olcott, Stacey Pucci, liz Siegenthaler, phers, Laura Cole, Jim Chung, Fidy Kuo, Rosie Andrews, Bill Jeanne, Thomas Garland, Margaret Miller, Chris Ginther. Please At- Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. tend. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those 01 the staff or administration. We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Western Maryfantl COlI~e, Westminster, Md. ,,~...... 21157. .. .'\'.
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