Page 75 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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ThePhoenix April 19, 19841 Western Maryland College Vol. IV, Number 14 Lecture on male Rare art exhibit opens sex attitudes Michael B. Kralg Rely Kuo Back in 1956 Winter Myers "The concepts that charac- sible reason men feel this drove through Westminster The art works were not return to. This is why the terize men carry over into way, Gross mentioned that and asked the Art department always were in good condition. from dead were mumified. The re- They suffering their behavior, especially sex- masculinity begins early in at Western Maryland College bronze disease and needed a plicas are simply an insur- ual," stated Dr. Alan Gross in childhood for males and be- if they were interested in ance in case the body is of Recently Wasyl his lecture entitled "Male Sex- fore they can understand it. taking his art collection. They lot Palijzcuk, work. professor of Art and destroyed, "Magical substi- ual Attitudes in Heterosexual Also, men masturbate earlier gladly accepted and to this tute images for a person that Chairman Goedicke, Relationships." His guest ap- than women because their day a very fine collection of Hans Near East department of at dies," said Dr. Badiee. the pearance was courtesy of the organs are external. ancient art has been housed Others are figures of gods. Psi Chi Honor Society on As for the misconception in the basement of Hoover Johns Hopkins University se- A bronze statute of Anubis, a national endowment cured March 22 in McDaniel that sex is different from love, Library. The collection ln- the chief god of the dead is Along Grant. with Lounge. that many men feel, Gross eludes 98 Egyptian pieces of the Arts of 1983 art graduate depicted with the body of a the help Dr. Alan Gross cited four brought in Freud's definition mostly dating from the new man and the head of a jackal. they concepts males try to adhere of love: "Love is human ten- kingdom, several Greco- Suzanne all Herbert Egyptian re- This was to guard the body the stored to for a collective formation of derness mixed in with essen- Roman pieces, and native and insure fair judgement of procedure a mate identity: tial feetings." These "essential -American pottery. pieces. The summer. took the soul. Another is Bast, the one entire 1. "Don't be a sissy" refers feelings" are those biological ---............-...... cat goddess, who is the pro- to what males believe is their or sexual impulses inherent in 771111 funerary figure (on obligation to exhibit only "ma- all people. However, they can left) from the collection 111 choistic" behavior. Habits be coupled with feelings of a bronze depiction 01 Anu- such as showing sensitivity or tenderness. Men don't seem bl1J. the chle! 01 the god. of compassion are not included to realize this. the dead. Depicted In the in this category. Returning to the fact that Ibnn of a jadal. Anubl. 2. "Achieve" is the societal men are "Achievement" moti- WQ1J the guardian 01 the pressure males feel to be vated, sexual intercourse be- mummilled body. "go-getters" or figures that comes thought of in the same 171/. funerary Ifgure (on dominate, terms. Sexual "proficiency" right) Ii-om the collection I1J 3. "Sturdy as an Oak" and orgasm become the pin- a .tone IIhabtl, Shabtl. means that males feel that point of the sexual act; se- IDeI'W! placed In the lomb 10 they must exhibit outward duction becomes a nuisance. do worlt for the decell1Jed calm and cool aloofness at an These attitudes may suit In the realm of the dead. times. They must not feel men's needs, but women 171/. Mabtl holdtJ 100111 for vulnerable or the need to have different attitudes than tilling the Reldll and 111 relate to someone. men. Sex for men may be In.crlbed with the name of 4. "Sports Broadcaster" amoral, meaning that they feel the decemed. means that a streak of vio- it is purely an act and not an lence' or agression must exist interaction. However, women The pieces have never "My job was to design an tectress of the pregnant in man. The man must utilize feel that sex means intimacy. been on public display in all exhibit and get the sculptures woman and the personifica- this impulse for agression to The result of such sex differ- the years they have been installed," said Dr. Badiee. tion of the sun's fertilizing I achieve the four traits, as welf entiation in attitudes means here. On Sunday, April 29 this She has done this with the power I as satisfy result his desires. sought that, "Men must Gross stated to will change. The day will help of two WMC students, The collection also contains incompatibility. of this The not learn brochures, number of writing after identity by males is their evaluate sex in terms of their begin at 2 P.M. with a pro- Jim Start! Held helping with a maintain the work Shabtis who Decker in Auditorium and Fran gram responsibili- possessing two misconcep- own feelings. He bears a entitled "Images of Eternity," the installation, The Art De- ties in the after life. Some- tions about sexuality. One is responsibility to empathize a lecture by Dr. Julie Badiee partment will be offering a times a person would be that men enjoy sex more than with those of his partner's." about the pieces and how pre-museum studies major. buried with 360 Shabtie one women. The other is that sex Such advice may seem rea- they fit into Egyptian religion This will not only help with the for each day of the year. This is divorced from love. sonable, Yet Gross stated that and art. From 3-5 P.M. there preservation of the objects shows the importance slave To address the first miscon- the thing standing in the way will be a reception at Hoover but will also offer an excellent labor had to the Egyptians. ception that men are more of men taking the advice is Library at which time some of opportunity for the students to "These artifacts make WMC responsive to sex, Gross dis- their ego. "The male ego is a the pieces will go on display. work on this ancient art. unique among small col- cussed the theory of men very delicate thing. It cannot The exhibit will be changed The objects include the leges," said Dr. Badlee. They having more powerful sex tolerate any kind of crlticlsrn, regularly to give the public a "Walking Man" an Egyptian can soon be seen at the drives than women. He main- even the friendly kind." Many chance to see the entire col- funerary image or replica of Hoover Library and students, tained that no evidence really women fake orgasm to pro- lection. "This is a beginning," the diseased. This dates from faculty, and others are en- proved this theory. As a pos- tect their male partners from said Dr. Badiee, "We wanted the middle kingdom at about couraged to attend the open- Continued on page 4 to get the pieces out in the that after you die believed Ka ing display Sunday, April 29. B.C, Egyptians 1900 open," your ·SGA Election (soul) must have f;t body to The Student Government Jeffrey Ballantine, '85 of results Election Results Sr. Class Association of Western Mary- West Friendship, Maryland President - Laurie Chance vs. Inge Patrick land College announces its CORRESPONDING SECRE· Vice-President - Susan Cooke Sohpomore Class Executive Council for 1984- TARY -- Susan Hunt, '85 of through April 30, 1985. be Treasurer - Debbie Reda President - Margaret Miller questions should Further 1985 elected today. Silver Spring, Maryland Secretary - Sue Hunt Vice-President Sheilah PRESIDENT -- Peter Brooks, The purpose of the SGA is directed to Liz Siegenthaler, Historian - Liz Stern Lynch '86 of Washington, D.C. to insure the privileges, rights, SGA President 1983-1984, cIa Jr. Class Treasurer TIE Jennifer VICE PRESIDENT •• Charles and responsibilities of the stu- Western Maryland College, President - Sharon Eimer Walsh Thies, '87 of Medford Lakes, dents of Western Maryland Westminster, MD 21157. Vice-President - Robin Adams vs. Nicolle Gaines New Jersey College. The executive coun- Treasurer - TIE - Karyn Upton Historian - TIE - Tracy Ken- TREASURER .. Jellrey cil functions as the executive vs. Juanita Haulsee nard Sweren, '86 of Owings Mills, branch of Jthe SGA Secretary - John Laprade Maxine Boncauage The executive council will Historian • TIE • Andrew Dave Douglas ¥~~~~~DING SECRETARY· hold ,oliie 'loin' Ma 1 1984 Stum Secreta - Kath Sadowski
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