Page 73 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 73
April 12, 1984lWeotem MlU')'land CollegeJPage 7 Summer theatre auditions held Memorial schol8J'8hip established Peter Brooks - Auditions were held on Sat- ning this years Theatre on the experience has been primarily A memorial scholarship in opened the world of music urday and Sunday March 24, Hill are quite an interesting in the Baltimore, Washington, music is being established at and music appreciation to 25 for this summer's Theatre group. They consist of Bev- and Annapolis areas. The on the Hill. Actors and ac- erly Chandler, who will be shows he has directed are Western Maryland College in thousands of students. She memory of Mrs. Martha Harri- gave generously of her time tresses from as far away as conducting Jesus Christ Su- too numerous to list here. He son (Molly) Ramsey, who died to community and church, Fairfax, Virginia came to perstar. She has already con- is presently working on an in Abingdon, Va., in Decem- and during her career she Western Maryland College to ducted the show twice and Experimental Workshop about ber 1982. served four churches as ei- audition for a parts in Cole, looks forward to working with the myth of Hippolotis. This Mrs. Ramsey was a skilled ther organist, choir director, Beauty and the Beast, and some of the talented people show will be done at Towson musician and educator. Fol- or both. For students, she Jesus Christ Superstar. she saw audition last Satur- State of May 9-13. Mr. Doster lowing graduation from West- made excellence in music Although most of the people day and Sunday. was "very impressed" with ern Maryland College, she attainable." auditioning were from the David Hudson will be the the talent he saw and looks attended Peabody Conserva- community, a few talented Vocal Coach for Co/e. He has forward to working with Ira tory of Music, Julliard Con- The scholarship will be WMC students did audition. worked with the Wolftrap Domser, the producer for this servatory and Columbia given to a Western Maryland Among these students was Company, the Baltimore year's show. University to specialize in College student who plans to teach music, and preference Julie Elliot of the class of Opera, and the Pennsylvania Some of the community music. She taught music and 1987. She said "I really hope Festival Theatre. Last spring members who auditioned music appreciation at three will go to students from Balti- more County, Maryland and I get a part, because if I don't he starred in the Opera Porgy were Dan Micheals, a 16 year Maryland high schools before then I'd be working in a T- and Bess, and has been old student of Centennial moving to Abingdon in 1953. Southwest Virginia. "It is ap- Hemmings, said propriate shirt shop again for the fourth performing in Opera and Mu- High School in Howard Thereafter she taught music summer in a row." Laura sical Comedy for nearly 14 County. He said "I'm really at William King and Abingdon "that any memorial to Molly King, Rob McQuay, and years. nervous; this is my first pro- High Schools, retiring from be in the area she enjoyed Robin Quick, were a few of The director will be -Harvey fessional audition." Alongside Virginia Jr. High School in most: the developemnt of mu- sical talent in young people the other WMC students who Doster. He taught here at of him was Arnold Hayes who Bristol in 1972. She also who could not afford special auditioned. WMC last year, but has been has been acting for over 40 served as an adjunct instruc- training otherwise." The people who will be teaching at Towson State Col- years. tor for the University of Vir- selecting those parts and run- lege for 7 years. His directing Gifts to the scholarship fund ginia's Southwest Center, are tax deductible according training teachers in eight to IRS regulations. They counties in classroom music should be made out to West- instruction. Administrative Council housing declslon Abingdon attorney John B. ern Maryland College, West- and Said longtime friend minster, MD 21157. Inquires about the scholar- Hemmings: "Molly Ramsey ship fund may be directed to was one of those who gave Donna Sellman, Director, Al- During the past several ment for the two sororities. and female students admitted so much to so many. With her umni Affairs, WMC, (301) 848- months a number of groups Daniel MacLaa Hall for 1984-85 men may be warmth and talent, she 7000, ext. 297. have been working diligently MacLea w[1I remain single housed on basement floor. to assess student interest in sex male. Two fraternities will Elderdlce, Garden Apart- Wo~en sought various housing options for be housed in A and D sec- ment., and Penn.ylvanla next year. The SGA Housing tions above their meeting Avenue Houaea Committee administered a rooms. Band C sections will Members of Greek organi- questionnaire and sponsored be reserved for independents. zations which have decided The department of reproduc- menstruation or vaginal dis- an open forum. Groups of No "overflow" from the fra- to live together by floor or tive medicine at North Charles charge. . Greeks and independents ternities will be allowed in the section will not be eligible to General Hospital is looking for Participants must be in good met twice with Administrative two middle sections. sign up for Elderdice or the women 18 or over to partici- health, not pregnant and tak- lng no chronic pate in research studies. Free medication. council to express their ideas. McDaniel Hall apartments or houses. Cal! North Charles Hospital, It then became Administrative McDaniel will remain coed Spaces in these areas will be diagnosis and treatment may 338-2027, to see if you are be available to those individu- Council's task to formulate by floor. If each of the eight equally divided for males and I housing options for 1984-85. sororities and fraternities females. of Greek Meeting als suffering from painful eligible to participate in these studies. (Administrative council U.e con- chooses the option of living l sists of the President, Vice together as a group the 3rd Room. In Re.ldence Hall Phoenix Staff Meeting Presidents, and Deans of the and 4th floors will each house aaMmenta college.) The following plan a fraternity or sorority. 1st and In order to protect the rights reflects many hours of hard 2nd floors will house inde- of non-Greek students, parties work and deliberation on the pendents. in Greek meeting rooms in Pub part of students and staff Rouzer Hall (closed or invitational) will be alike. We would like to ex- ROUZerHall will be coed by limited to two alcohol-related April 16th. press our gratitude to every- wing. Males will be housed on events per semester per one involved in this decision. half of first, second and third Greek organization. These Albirt Nonnan Ward Hall floors, and all of fourth. Fe- events must be scheduled on ANW will be renovated this males will inhabit half of sec- weekends. Sororities and fra- summer. However, as of this ond and third floors. Half of ternities will be allowed to writing, architectural details first floor will be held to continue to use their meeting are not as yet available. counteract a possible imbal- rooms for dry rush functions, ANW will be coed by floor, ance between the number of meetings, and appropriate in- with one sorority and one male and female students to formal ativities for their mem- fratemity living on the first two be housed. berships only. Additional floors, 3rd and 4th floors will Fourth floor will be an all Greek parties may be sched- house independents, one male study floor. (Students uled in Decker College Cen- floor male and one floor fe- who wish to sign up for this ter. male. floor will be required to sign a Further details will be avail- The four meeting rooms in contract agreeing to abide by able when lottery numbers the basement of ANW will be limited quiet hours or be re- are distributed. All returning assigned to two fraternities moved from the floor.) resident students are re- 7JJ.,2~ and two sororities. Whiteford Hall minded that housing deposits Blanche Ward Hall Ground through fourth floors 85 until his/her deposit M~W~iJ1 must be paid by Friday, April Blanche will remain single of Whiteford will remain single 6th. No student will receive a sex female. Two floors will sex female. Fourth floor will housing assignment for 1984- house sororities. The other be a study floor. The base- is two floors will house inde- ment floor will be held for new paid. pendents. Two meeting rooms students. If there is an imbal- will be created in the base- ance in the number of male "--."'~ Wnt,"Uuter, Mtu)'l4nd 21rt7 DO ..... Tekphorl" 3011848 . 0060 WKLCOJR
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