Page 71 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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r-1984 Senior Class ('85) Junior Class ('86) Sophomore Class ('87) President: Laurie Chance President: Carvilla Jayne Dorshow President: Vice-President: Susan Cooke Sharon Eimer Vice-President: Sheilah Lynch Vice President: Robin Adams • Treasurer: Debbie Reda Treasurer: Secretary: Brenda Fleming Treasurer: Secretary: Sue Hunt Secretary: Historian: Historian: Liz Stem Historian: (Class A. Miller I, Margaret Brenda fleming SGA COMMITI'EE CHAIRS ~~e~g~eS~fb~;~sTJe~ta~~t~O; I Jennifer Walsh (Class of 1 The following SGA Execu- *Housing Committee Chair 1987) submit my name for the office of Treasurer for the My name is Brenda Fleming :Y:Ct~U~~ilth~ffi~~A ~i~n~: "P~~li~~d~~~m=~e ~~;i~'e.Sophomore Class. Sophomore Class. ~~i~r h~Fa~stO~~r~~~. y~~~ roci'~~:.da~~A~~D1:ni:~ ~;~~~~~~enS(~~~~a~~P:! ~~ 1-- W_h_it_ef_or_d_l_s_t_10_8-1 ~~ ~!~ currently involved in the Stu- lounge:*Action Committee Info desk) and return to liz AttentionClass of '87: Questionon the ball~tmSi~~~ dent Foundation,in charge of Chair Siegenthaler,Blanche 16, or My name is Sheilah Lynch tion!? communications for Alpha Psi 'Elections Comittee Chair bring to the meeting. and I am interested in running 1-""= -' I Ed Singer (Class of '87) ~~~a~n~ d~~a~~e~ne~t ~ fr;========;;-r;T ....==u=re=r:-;p;.o=.:;;ItI;:o=n----j ~~~~~~·P~~i~~~~~ g~;!s~e. declare my candidacy for McDaniel third and fourth ELECnON nMES: - Clns of 1987 I have had previous expert- class president. I feel that I floor House Council. Through Thursday, AprIl 12 Nicolle D. Gaines ence in student government am highly qualified for the my experience and resoonsr- 11-1 p.m. With the previous expert- throughout high school includ- job. I have been a member of bility with other organizations, Outside cafeteria ence I have gained as Trea- ing President of Student the student senate, wrestling I can actively fulfill the duties 4:30-6:30 p.m. surer of other oganizations, I Council. I would like a chance team, ROTC ranger's platoon, pledge community service ~it~h:o:':~~~~ of secretary Outside cafeteria :~ ~~:s~r~~n 01~h~ 'b~sjO~ !~~~~m~;~tl ~~reCI~~~riff~~~ chairman for ElF, Homecom- No posters or campaign· 1987. social activity. , have come to ing Committee, and many oth- ing allowed in the area Nicolle D. Gaines know many of you and , ers Thank you for your outside Englar during vot- Class of 1987 believe it would be a great consideration and time. ing. Whiteford 408 honor to represent you. Sincerely yours, Edwin F. Singer 1 Maryland Dance Theatre coming English tutor times Monday - 1m-3:00, Mem. Mem. 212, Pam Regis; 7:00- 212, Pam Regis, Chris Soto; 8:30, Apt 1C, Chris Beyers 7:00-8:30, Apt tc. Chris Be- Thur.d.y - 11:30-12:45, Maryland Dance Theater will eva Dance company of Israel Times, " ...already perfect, a yers Mem. 212, Pam Regis; 2:30- appear for one performance as a strong anti-war state- beautiful piece that captures 11:30-12:45, 4:30, Mem. 212, Chris Beyers; only in Alumni Hall on the ment. The Tel Aviv newspaper a poetic feeling on many Mem. 212, Pam Regis; 6:30· 6:30-8:00, Blanche 310, Chris Western Maryland College Haeer wrote that" 'Innostress' levels..." 8:00, Blanche 310, Chris Soto Soto campus in Westminster, on with a society' that Rounding out the new - 1:00-3:00, Saturday, April 14 at 8 p.m. lives in a 'pressure cooker,' dances will be "Simple Sym· The Company, described on the edge of a nightmare phony" by MDT Associate VOTE TODAY earlier this season by The from which you never Director Anne Warren. De- Washington Post "...far and awaken. Ohad Naharin sue- scribed by The Washington FOR away this area's most pol- ceeds in pulling the audience Post as " ode to...the ished and professional mod- into his nightmare world built overall jubilation of dancers A em dance troupe. They are all of simultaneous movement carving out spaces and mak- BEITER TOMORROW focus and energy," is in resi· happenings and the audience ing them their own," the work dence at the Dance Depart- stays there throughout the is set to the music of Benja- VOTE ment at the University of entire dance." Naharin, a min Britten. Maryland at College Park. gifted dancer who is new to Included in the 8 p.m. per- PETER BROOKS Featured in the April 14 choreography, has been tea- formance on Alumni Hall's performance will be three tured recently on the cover of Mainstage will be "Agitation" works new to the Maryland Dance magazine. Music of by Washington area choreog- S.G.A. PRESIDENT Dance Theater repertory this "Innostress" is by Brian Eno rapher Daniel West. season, including "Innoa- and David Byrne. Tickets for the April 14 per- FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT tress," which was given its Also featured on the West· formance, sponsored by Col- American premiere by MDT em Maryland College pro- lege Activities Program Board Szechun ~Oo. wntown West,min.ster earlier this season. The work, gram will be "Sea Dreams," (CAPBoard), are $3 ($1.50 for Catonese 59 W. Main st by israen-ocm choreographer by former Paul Taylor dancer, students, faculty and staff). Ohad Naharin, was originally Victoria Uris. The work has For additional information, call Polynesian 848-0919 choreographed for the Batsh- been called by the New York 848-7000, ext. 260. American . 876-3166 Cocktail service Quickey Lunch & Carry Out 11 AM-l0 PM Sun-Thurs 11 AM-ll PM Fri-Sat • Cateringfor ~anquets, Parti!>.. Hors .d'08Uvresl
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