Page 70 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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Western Mol Electio Peter Broob S.G.A. PresldeDt Candidacy Mike Kline S.G.A. President my ability to listen to and self, I feel that the Greek When a Towson State unr- an excellent opportunity to candidacy understand many different System is a good opportunity versity student writes an arti- form a close working relation- 1 would like to utilize this viewpoints and offer contruc- to establish close friends and cle about WMC calling this ship with the new College opportunity to announce my tlve criticism without offending relationships, one that need college "the most tense cam- President and new dean of candidacy for the office of individuals. Both my brother- be experienced personally to pus" that person has ever students, it is my desire to next years' office of President hood in Phi Delta Theta and fully understand and appre- visited. When editorials are utilize this opportunity to its of Student Government. This my appointment as weekly in ciate. But, whereas the fate of written to the Phoenix calling fullest potential. office requires both a capable this year's past Phon-A-Thon the Greek System lies in the certain areas of this campus We need new ideas, and and enthusiastic person who have helped me to under- hands of the administration "war zones." When there is an here's the beef. COMMUNI. can meet the pressures and stand how to deal with al- and the State of Maryland, I attempted murder on this CAnON is the means used to responsibilities of this de- urnni, a trait no candidate feel the life of independents campus and students walk in get our ideas across, your manding office. It requires a should be without. While serv- can be greatly improved. fear of violent reprisals for ORGANIZED S.GA will be capable individual, in that the in9 as Vice-President of SGA Third, the school's policy on whatever reason, then some- the 1001 used to make those potential tensions of acting as I have undertaken many re- alcohol will probably be the thing is wrong. We need to ideas and wishes become a llason between the student sponsibilities, foremost, the most talked about aspect of move toward the common reality through COOPERA- body and the administration organization of this past student life next year. With ground, a sense of commu- nON with the faculty, admin- can be both rigorous and Homecoming dance and pa- Maryland's phasing out of the nity, and now is the time for istration, and student body. time consuming. It requires rade. The organization of current drinking laws, alcohol that change. We are seeing That, for the S.G.A. is a new. an enthusiastic person who Homecoming is one of the will be controversial subject many changes, a new Col- idea. I believe that we can can listen to the whole of the most demanding activities next year. I think that the lege President, a new athletic work with the senators and student voice and make com- that SGA undertakes each students will need to work facility, a newly renovated have at least 75% of the petent decisions based upon year, in that the one in charge closely with the administration dormitory, new housing condi- senators present at every student input and familiarity must work for five to six in order to establish the best tions, a new dean of students, meeting they are supposed to with current school policy. I months prior to arrange the guidelines for this institution's and with you vote a new attend. That is a new idea believe that I am such an Homecoming activities. To un- policy and offer the best pos- direction in the Office of the and it can be done. , plan to individual. dertake such a job and to sible outcome for the stu- President of the Student Gov- inform all faculty, students In my past three years at make sure it goes as planned dents. ernment Association. and administration at the Western Maryland I have ac- is an awesome responsibility, And lastly, the growing stu- I feel that you should vote for meeting times and dates of cumulated enough training one which I have met and dent apathy toward the ad- me as the next S.GA Presi- the S.G.A. for the poming and knowledge to compe- achieved. ministration is alarming. dent because I am the candi- year, so that there will be no tently and confidently fulfill the Among the most publicized Probably the root of the prob- date for all students. My conflicts with other activities. duties of President of Student and demanding issues facing lem is the growing idea that plaHorm is, ORGANIZAnON, Senators will be informed of Government. My experiences next years' President will be: the administration does not COMMUNICATION, and their responsibilities which in- as Freshman crass President 1. Housing, 2. the Greek listen to student's ideas and COOPERAnON. Better OR- cludes attending all meetings. (during which I constructed System, 3. the alcohol policy, feedback. What needs to be GANlZAnON of the S.GA, As representatives, failure to the Freshman Register for the and 4. the growing apathy of done is to follow measures to Increased COMMUNICA. meet with these responsibili· Class of '86), Publicity Chair- the student body toward the pull together the many fac- nONS not only between stu- ties should not, and will not man for SGA, and my current administration. tions of students into one dents and the S.G.A but also be tolerated. That is a new position as Vice-President of First, in regard to housing, ~~:~~dw~?~~~.which will carry r- between the S.GA and the idea. SGA demonstrate my ac- the subject of the effective- faculty and administration. I As your president I plan to quired knowledge of school ness of co-ed housing is sure These are only four issues also believe that we must devote more than sufficient policy and regulation. My ex- to be in the limelight. I will among many that are sure to COOPERATE with the admin- time to your Student Govern- periences on selected com- arrange an awareness group be discussed next year. I feel istration to get our ideas ment Association. I also plan mittees such as Student Life that consists of representa- that I posess the attributes, across. We must organize to be available to the entire Council, Freshman Advisory tives from all comers of cam- knowledge, and ability to ad- then, state where we stand, student body and faculty in Council, and Inter-Fraternity pus to discuss the relative dress these issues and the hear where they stand and order to implement ORGANI- Council and affairs depict my aspects and concerns con- countless others as next form a compromise. We must ZATION. COMMUNICATION knowledge acquired concern- fronting the student body. year's President of Student work together for each other and COOPERAnON. For. I ing campus life from Fresh- Hopefully eliminating as many Government.' not against each other. We am a "do something" candi- man transition to graduation. of the bad aspects and Thank you, will seek ways to form a date, and will be a "do some- My past three years as a achieve a healthy transition to Michael R. Kline sense of community, no thing" president. member of Phi Delta Theta co-ed housing. longer an us versus them frate~ty have helped mold Second, being a Greek mv- attitude but an us together Bob Heckman S.G.A. PresldeDt CaDdldacy with them concept. We have In the past couple of years provide and effective link to Prior to this many of us didn't 1--------------------1 campus life has seen a lot of the administration. even know there was an ad- changes. We have had an I don't like some of the rnlnistratlve council. This is often- changing but very ac- changes this campus has the kind of direct communica- tive administration. With the seen in the past few years tion that I hope to expand on. Election '84 arrival of a new college presl- and am concerned about closely with our future presl- If elected I plan to work dent this summer and the some of the changes we see SGA Officers possibility of other key Admin- in the future. I sense that this dent, Dr. Chambers and lstratlve shifts more changes deans over the summer. year more students are be- are certain to come. Now coming concerned about I've gained a lot from my President: Pete Brooks more than ever it is important campus life. During the recent. past experience in the S.GA I enjoy the responsibility and housing controversy students to have an S.GA president Bob Heckman who understands what the met with the entire administra- I'll have the time to do the Tom Jaques students want and who will tive council for the first time. job. If you have any questions Mike Kline l ask. issues, just about specific Vice-President: Chuck Thies Treasurer: Jeff Sweren Support your choices for the S.G.A. elec- Corresponding Secretary: tions by voting for them. JdI Ballattine
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