Page 69 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 69
,April 12, 1984lWeatem Maryland CollegeIP.,e 3 ~ewish holidays in Spring Independen!s- speak Inda Block enetavernent of the Jews found in Exodus 66-7. AI-' -Up on housing While many anticipate the under the pharaoh, the enact- though you would be re- !coming of Easter there are ment of the ten plagues by minded of the defeat of the To the Western Maryland Col- hose who anticipate the com- God on the Egyptians, the Egyptians, you would be told are individuals with different ing of Passover, "the feast of release of the Jews from not to rejoice in their downfall lege Campus: college opinions. But, we do feel that the recent During unleavened bread," which is Egypt under the leadership of but to mourn their losses. t)ousing debate, there have the present housing situation a Jewish holiday commemo Moses - and describes the You would leave the Seder been cries of, "Where are the is totally unacceptable. From rating the liberation of the symbols of Passover which that night thinking the cele- independents? Why aren't here on in, it should be ewish people from our en- are also present on the table. bration was over yet in actual- understood that we are a slavement in Egypt more than One such symbol is the ity Passover lasts for eight they complaining?" Well here force to be reckoned with. we are, and we are complain- 3,000 years ago. Its purpose shank bone which is to re- days. During those eight days ing. We do not all agree as to Editor's Note: This letter was is to remind the Jewish peo- mind you of the pascal lamb all "chometz" (leaven) is what changes should be compiled before the recent ple of our struggles in the whose blood was used to cleared from the house and made, but that is because we housing changes. past and the joy of freedom protect the Jews from the the eating of any foods con- which most, but not all, Jews enactment of the tenth taining leaven is prohibited. Eric Greenberg experience in the present. plague, the slaying of the first This includes all foods with Allyson Michele Baxter Susan Jill Udy John Lambeth Passover is considered the born sons of the Egyptians. Frank Evans fermented or leavened wheat, Brian M. Kenlage first of three pilgrimage festi- The Jews, by placing the rye, oats, spelt, and barley Steve Baily Mary Sue Owens vals commemorating historical blood of the sacrificial lamb such as breads, cereals, Keith Highsmith Deborah S. Ratzburg events directly connected over their doors, allowed the whiskey, beer and their deriv- Rooney Calafati Scot Austenson with the exodus from Egypt. angel of death to recognize atives and by-products. Neil Fagan Eric W. Hopkins If you were to walk into a and "pass over" their homes. By reminding us each year John Whalen Annie Dupes Jewish horne on the first or The matzoh, the unleavened of the suffering of our ances- Chris Ginther Scot Anderson second night of Passover bread, is to remind you that in tors, Passover serves to unite Mike Angell Andy Feldman which falls on April 16 and 17 their haste to leave Egypt, the the Jews by letting us share Brian Nicholas Elizabeth L. Roberts this year (the 15th and 16th Jews had no time in which to common memories and Allen Mott Nora C. Bratton days of the Hebrew month of allow their bread to rise. The hopes. The observance of the Harold Adams Louisa Wright Nissan), you would be ush- symbolic bitter herbs remind Seder and other traditions Chuck Mongiello Charissa Wieland ered in by family and friends you of the bitterness and strengthens family ties. Pas- Wanda J. Sparrow Heidi Snyder who were gathering for the suffering of slavery that the sover is considered a joyful Billy Embry Donna Mummert traditional "Seder" (order) and Jews endured. You might also holiday and is celebrated with Eric Folger Richard Harfst dinner. As you sat down at notice the repetition of the song and thanksgiving. Its Monica l. Brunson Steph Lehr the table you would notice a number four throughout the celebration in the Spring sug- Lisa A. Robinson Christopher Emich "Haggadah" present at each evening - four questions are gests the beginning and the Carolyn Rayaukas Victor F. Culatta person's place to be read asked, the story of the four survival of the Jewish people. Cheryl Gianmanco Bill Benson before and after the meal. sons is told, and four cups of Birnbaum, Philip. A Book of Lisa Stem Laura King The Haggadah retells the an- wine are drunk. The number Jewish Concepts. New York: Dave Arnold Bonnie Banks cient story of the Jews' libera- four represents the fourfold Hebrew Publishing Co., 1975. Laura Kleber Jeff Greer tion from Egypt - the divine promise of liberation Sandy Cochran Lori Jones William KreUer Elizabeth A. Mitchell 1984 Senior Pride begins Yvette G. Pack Dana Moylan Mark Lawrenson Rosie Andrews Don Gardiner Mike Avila Billy Brewster W. Boggs Shoemaker Lea Ruggiero ~uating class to donate $19.84 These teams will compete by Louis Ellison Aaron Zajic As the school year enters the to the college sometime dur- getting pledges from the rest Victor Aybar Peter Brooks r~~~~~~:~~hti;:~~t~:~~; ~r~d~~~on~o~~~~e~:aral:::~ OfT~:S!enri~~u~~~ssarebeing -:-~~:---------------- of 1984 to join together and the feeling that we have given posted on the pub window-- ~ '~ follow the tradition since 1981 plenty of money to the school so watch the Caboose! ~~Z~~~~our first pledges :~ar~~Ii~:hth~i~~~o~~~~:e~f m::~hrou~~rd~~~ra~~in~Ei~I~~ I Seniol IIHEEARIY~ se~rs la~~:~s ~on:r;~e f~~ :~~~~~~~n~~ t~~~~e~~e~:~ ::~D:s ~e~~o~~~oSi~~~~~ ~~~;\ PI{JDE I culminate our learning with land College. Tuition pays for realize the knowledge, experi- ~ p.. ......, seminar projects or intern- only 80% of those costs and ence and memories we have ships, make last decisions for the difference is covered by gotten from our years here. It graduate programs and ex- the Alumni fund. is a time that we understand BIRD :;:. .i!;' amine the job market. How- The program runs on a all that we have given to the ever, for all of us it is a time pyramid effect so that every- school as individuals and as ')' ~~~Z~e:~I~~da!h~I~~_~~~~~ ~~~t~c~~~.cla¥~~s S~~~~i~~ ~~:)~ (besides the red ca- ~.. _ _ lOR PRIDE is the beginning. PRIDE committee is divided So, watch out--SENIOR SENIOR PRIDE involves ask- into two teams: the Golddig- PRIDE IS HERE! MCAT. LSAT:GMAT .II' ing each member of the grad- gers and the Greenbackers. SAT·ACT.DAT.GRE·CPA • Permanent Centers open clIYS, • Opportunity to mike up mlsnd evenin,s and weekendS I,ssons. • • Low hourly cost. Dedlcated full • • VOIL,mlnoushome·studymlterl"s time stlH. conslanllyupdaledbrresnrch· • C<:!mpielelEST·n·TAP[,Mfacllltlu "s expert in loeld. for re-Iew olelns lenons.nd ·()pj)ortunltytotranlferla.nd SUpplement.ry m.te,iaIS. It .k. 20 mlnutel to o Clau," hlllht by skilled
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