Page 68 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 68
ace Opinion .Letters to the Editor No 1984 art award Response to Greek on housing Dear Editor members of the WMC com- Dear Edttor. - sp"':~~e'~~~~~SO:!~i~~di,nn~~~~~~~'r~~~eO:~h~e'~~e~~~~~ munity? Don't we deserve the I am deeply concerned the Art Club, Gallery Open- row-minded editorial entitled ents. Even though we're not right to live where we want? about a situation which exists ings, film series, and Youth "Greek Student on Quad members of fraternitiesor so- The only mildly intelligent in the Western Maryland Art College Arts. In addition, they Lite." Obviously, this article rarities, we do have the right point made in this Greek Department. It seemsthat the are active artists for various was written by a "man" who to express our feelings and student's article was the inad- ~hf~e~i~~~;d~O!weaXr~~'~e~~i~:~~O~~~~~~t~~n~r~~~iZ~~i~~~ is afraid of the slowly evolving needs. Independents are not, equate involvement of the In- dependents in the housing year. And according to the of all this activity, they have ~~~~~~ts o~reca~~Y~~in~ndf~ :~~~~ed a~~~r~~,~dw~'S:~~ dispute. Independents, if you Department itself (in a letter to all maintained at least a 3.4 stand up for their rights and people who deserve the same feel as if you're fighting a applicants) all of the appu- GPA in the art classes and at the fraternities are threatened. rights and opportunities as losing battle don't give up yet. cants met requirements for least a 3.0 GPA overall. As an Independent, I'd just the Greeks. If you want to stand up for grade point averages and It seems to me that the like to state that I do not wish The March 22 editorial also your rights as WMC student it completion of special studies purpose of academic and to rid .WMC of the long stand- stated that "independents is time to get involved. Start projects. The aforementioned merit awards is to honor out- ing tradition of fraternities, have no right in voicing such voicing your opinions and letter states that the reason standing students. In this however, I think it is time arguments when it really has perhaps we'll get the equality the award is not being given case the students are all Independents were provided no concern to them." I'd like we deserve. is because none of the apph- seniors who have been look- with the same privileges. to ask why housing privileges Laura King cants "showed 'great interest' ing foward to their chance to I found the "Concerned are not our concern. Aren't we receive the only award specif- L.:....:::O:':"'--..:::.::_=-==.::._- -=:-::::-:::-::=-==_' in activities of the Art depart- ically for graduatingart me- Servlce on the HI.II -c-:- ment." Well, part of being a jors. It is a shame that the Art student at WMC is to become active and proficient in a Department doesn't deem any variety of areas. The appli- of Western Maryland College, cants for the award pernci- recognition. Could this be a Ene" Wolf certainly wouldn't rattle their cafeteria making sure that pated in many of the available reflection of the quality of the Common sense would dic- job performance. students present their ID activities of the department. I department itself? tate. running an organization Then there's the Finance numbers. If the WMC police know'l'l2!Uthma!!.t.!!thl!le~w!l!!lir'-"'il!·~in_-"A'-'COI~_~m!!IOd~~_~=-- ... ~~~t? m~~~~~Slyeff~~~~~r~ Office - a prime example of force is not there, they're disorganization and incompet- ticketing parked vehicles or Maryland College disagrees ence. I have received endless snacking in the PUb. Things with me. After four years on notices to sign the same run long as you the Hill, I have come to financial aid form. Soon I'm don't ask for help, especially realize that several areas of going to give them a rubber at night when the senior citi- service at this institution are stamp of my signature. Even zens are on duty. How can anything but serviceable. more ridiculous is when I ask the administration call a frail, For instance, we are all to see my file and they get slumped-over man a figure of familiar with the women run- flustered and tell me it's tem- protection? Honestly, if there ning the Union National Bank porarily lost. I'm sure we have were an intruder on campus, who make you feel as if all been victims of this book- I'd have to save the security they're doing you a favor by keeping and billing system, guard!! passing your own money over Have you ever noticed that Sometimes I ask myself the counter. I have managed even after you have paid your where my thousands of col- to leave there several times bill in full, you still owe lege dollars are going. My without an inferiority complex, money? Perhaps if WMC re· first thoughts are that they are but I have learned that it is ceived as much money as sitting in a pile somewhere in taboo to attempt to make a they claim due, they'd never the Finance Office or buying transaction without my ID or have to have another phone- Security a burger. And no during their 10:20 - 11:00 than. doubt anything leftover is lunch break. I realize that a Let's not forget the Security clinched in the fists of the bank teller is a "high pres- staff. Yes, I'm referring to women at Union National! sure" job, but one smile dur- those characters in the navy ing the course of a career suits wh~_~~_ out in the P.... le Bonnefoy I'd like to use this space to have heard these definitions determining the value and/or clear up a misconception: from both men and women, actions of a person. feminism. Perhaps to some and that is one of the reasons Editor Gregory Elba Men are also exploited, I Associate Editor .wmam Mann people ·the word "feminism" I am writing this. agree, but to a lesser extent. I connotes a threatening force Webster's Dictionary defines Managing Editor Philip Block that strives to overcome or feminism as "the theory of the also agree that some femin- ists are so gungho in pursu- News Editor Eric Greenberg suppress the freedoms of political, economic, and social ASSistantEditor Michael B. Kraig men. Maybe a feminist is an equality of the sexes." A fem- ing their feminist ideals that their actions result in reverse Sports Editor ..···..······· Greg Merrill overly-aqqressfve woman who inist is a man or woman who discrimination. However, this Copy Editor Laura Kleber disrupts the tranquility of life believes in the equality of the does not characterize most Layout Editor Paige Buchter to complain that one of those two sexes, and not in the feminists nor is it an example Photo Editor ·..··..······· · Dave Dante "pig-headed chauvinists" exploitation and unfair treat- of feminist goals. The ideal of Photography Beth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nicusanti called her a girl instead of a ment of one or the other. feminism is to correct injus- BUSinessManager Peter W. Spartin woman. Maby a feminist is a Women and men should have tices between the sexes. Due woman who, unconscious of Advertising Manager Kathy Marvel her own self-denial, wants to an equal voice in the world, to the imbalances of abuses, and women should be treated WritersJoe Olcott, Stacey PUCCi,Liz Siegenthaler, Laura take over the Tole of men. with the same respect and more emphasis has been Cole, Jim Chung, Fidy Kuo, Rosie Andrews, Bill Jeanne, Maybe a feminist just wants to justice that is more commonly placed on female rights, but Thomas Garland, Margaret Miller, Chris Ginther. stir up trouble because of reserved for men. The term in no way has this denied males their rights. Publishedby and for the studentsof WesternMarylandCollege personal frustrations. Maybe a "feminism" addresses this Feminists concentrate on The opinions expressed in this publication do rot necessarily feminist is a lesbian who, principle of equality. This the overwhelming injustices reflect those of the staff or administration. because of her "natural does not mean that women suffered by women. These We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleaseaddressall hatred" towards men, wants want to be men, or that injustices are perpetuated mailto The Phoenix,WesternMarylandCoJlege,Westminster,Md. to stamp him and everything women are ultimately superior mainly through ignorance, 21157. for which he stands out of to men, but simply that one's both male and female. Some society forever ...WRONG. I sex should not play a role in ContiDued OD page 8
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