Page 66 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 66
Forward Colleen Gohegan, a senior from Frederick, Md., been selected to the 1984 Middle Atlantic Confer- ence All-Southwest Section team. The 5-7 co-captain of the 1983-84 Green Terror squad averaged 15.4 points and 5.9 rebounds per game with sea- son. She led the Green and Gold in free throw percentage at .686 and was third in assists. Gohegan reached double figures in 19 of the 20 games she -played and scored a season-high 26 in a 78-7.1 victory over Drew Uni- WHAT, ME PRESIDENT? desk. 50 students (class- College Elections coming for a class Office) must Fall registration changes are running soon. mates if you 'Why not run for office for sign it for you to be on the next year? ballot. Signing a petition If you are interested in any cannot be construed as Bill ..... n of the following positions-, support for a candidate. able to tell you if there is "I am asking the student body NOW is the time to get 2) PETITIONS ARE DUE ON Registration for fall classes room for you immediately. In to bear with us while we do started! THURSDAY, APRIL 5. is almost here. There have the past there has always this on a trial basis, the STUDENT GOVERNMENTAS- Send completed petition to been some new changes in been a delay before you procedure is dependent on SOCIATION: SGA, Box 474, or give to the registration procedure ac- knew if you had to find a new people and computers. -PTesident Ed Proctor or Liz Siegen- cording to the Registrar's Of- slot. Many people would get The last change is that only -VICe-President thaler. fice under the direction 01 back their cards only to find Jan term study courses will -Treaeuree 3) The Phoenix will have a Pam Roland. that they had been denied 3 be outlined before the fall of Beginning in April students of their classes. --corresponding Secretary special section on the day will only be allowed to sign up 84. All other Jan term courses Now a student can walk in -Recording Secretary of the elections for candi- for fall semester courses. The on the assigned day and will be described in the fall. SENIOR, JUNIOR AND dates to state their views class of 1985 will register there will be 4 computer ter- The entire new procedure will SOPHOMORE ClASSES: and/or reasons they are April 9-13. The class of 1986 minals to assist you. If one of be outlined in a sheet which -President running for office. The will register April 16-20, and your classes is full, the com- the student will soon receive. -Vice-President deadline for candidate the class of 1987 will register puter and operator will be It is important to remember -Treasurer statements is ~unday, April 23-27. These change. -able to find you other alterna- that this is a new procedure, -Secretary April 15. (Drop ~ state- have been made to accom- tives. You walk away knowing with your attention and full -HistOrian ment at the newspaper modate a new computer. that you have the courses you cooperation the operation Elections will be held on office, loca~ed in Rouzer Every course, its times and wanted or at least a course of should run smoothly and save Thursday, April 19. In order to basement.) I number per class will aI/ be in your choice. the student body a great deal have your name on the bellot, 4) ELECTIONS ARE THURS- the computer so when you go Under this new system sen- of time and effort. here's what you must do: DAY, APRIL 19r'GODD to the registrar with your list of iors will get into every course JJ Pick up petition at the info LUCKI / i classes the computer will be they need. Ms. Roland said, FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT Nuclear war means death 5zechun ~Do. wntown Westminster From. page 2 "Freeze now or freeze later," Catonese 59 W. Main 51. months later. Try to put your- before. They are the only com.mented Dr. Ehrlich in .his self in their shoes. If World Polynesian 848-0919 War Two was fought on this country that is completely sur- clOSing remarks. Something has to be done now not later rounded by hostile enemies. American· _.. . . 876-3166 continent and millions of our Our security is not in- if we are to beat the threat of citizens were murdered we creased by building more nuclear war. Cocktail service Quickey Lunch & Carry Out too would want a buffer zone. weapons. It's like two people I ':They are .not ~upermen," 11 AM-10 PM Sun-Thurs 11 AM-II PM Fri-Sat. Think what it would be like if sitting in a gasoline filled; said ,?r. Ehrlich. The more ·Catering for Banquets; Parties, Hors· .d'oeuvres wanted to rearm room arguing if we are better we think of them as people they had wiped off with tw~nty matches
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