Page 67 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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ThePhoenix April 12, 1984 Western Maryland CoUege Vol. IV, Number 13 Students attend Housing: About the decision model UN Bill Mann For the past few months wanted." Dean Higbee also came up with the recommen- Susan Scharf several committees have said, "This is not what I would dations. while the independ- Westminster, Md. - Ten and Security Committee, the been meeting in an effort to have proposed but I think it is ents had no specific Western Maryland College Economic and Financial Com- form the general leanings of workable." assignment patterns in dorms. students recently spent four mittee, the Legal Committee, the student body with regard According to Dr. John, According to Dr. John, "The days in Boston, Mass., at the the Social Political Committee, to the housing options for the President, the Administrative greeks' proposal was base- Harvard National Model and the Social Humanitarian 1984-85 school year. On Council. which meets every line and something to take United Nations (HNMUN). In and Cultural Committee, March 30th a letter from Dean Friday morning held confer- hold of." late February, students from based on their individual in- Higbee was sent to all stu- ences with greeks and inde- The equity question also all over the country met to terest and academic back- dents. The letter was the pendents separately. In played a major role in the learn about how the United grounds. Resolutions were result of meetings between addition ideas were taken housing debate. One pro- Nations functions in today's developed by these commit- greeks and independents, from the open forum held a posal gave the whole of ANW world, its role in international tees and voted on. If passed, and the Administrative Coun- few months ~ in McDaniel to the greeks, to this the diplomacy, its strengths and they would then be discussed eil. In addilion Ihe SGA hous- "The college IS Inter- independents said no. If weaknesses, and what types and voted on in the General Assembly. of problems it can effectively ~~es~:aTr:~~ a~i:i~:bt~~dAd~ ested in repossessing greeks get half, independents deal with and what types of As representatives of Costa miniatrative Council in making the quad and getting it get half and that goes for problems it cannot deal with. Rica, senior Kate Stickles, everything. their decision about the fate back into the total resi- The final major decision The delegation from WMC chairperson of the WMC dele- of the quad as well as dential program" Dr. was chosen to represent gation, and Martin Voss, a concerned the new and at the Costa Rica because of the senior political science major same time old rule of only 2 ~~~t~~~~d,M~~~ni~'heR~~~:~ I.¥.~~~uh'¥n~=:~~."'lo-:::,-. "'Ep:::lal~m::::e,;-:;p;;ut;-;;th;;;'e related parties per school's size. The students, from Denton, co-sponsored alcohol clubrooms in the basement or entire procedure into per- semester. The college feels advised by Dr. Robert Weber, the only resolution to pass in residence halls. soective, "The council urged that alcohol on campus is too associate professor of politi- the Disarmament Committee; The Administrative Council the greeks and independents difficult to control with regard cal science, and pr. Charles~ security for non-nuclear na- consists of the President, Vice to have a dialogue, after the to those who are under age. Presidents, and the Deans of meeting the council sent a In the future alcohol functions the college. Their job was to position paper to the Frats beyond the 2 per semester take all of the suggestions and Dr. Seidel who is faculty will be held in the college submitted by the different stu- representative of the IFC. center which was orginally dent factions, interpret them They conferred and came designed to house such func- and present a workable plan back with plans for a second tions. Dean Higbee said that for future housing. The plan dialogue with the independ- the college is interested in called for above all equity ents. After the second meet- drawing alcohol functions between males and females, ing, the Administrative away from the clubrooms in greeks and independents. As Council then prepared the an effort to protect the college the housing options stated paper which came to the from problems with the law. In most of the college living public. One of the major addition should a problem J quarters on campus will be discussions revolved around arise the administration would the fate of the Quad. The restructured to provide the have to become even stricter most equitable of solutions for philosophy for use of the the majority of students. quad is that it belonged to the on the greeks. Dr. John wishes to express I It is apparant now that none fraternities, Doctor John con- his gratitude to all of the of the decisions are com- tends that the quad is not greeks and independents for pletely acceptable to the en- really theirs. He said, "The their help in moving ahead tire college community and college is interested in repos- the quality of student life, he ~ there is even a areat deal of sessing the quad and getting went on to say, "I realize that disapproval among the mem- it back into the total residen- it was not possible to make bers of the Administrative tial program." everyone happy. This was the Jobn Palmer cub a vote 'or Co.ta Rlea. Council. Dr. Palmer, Dean of The new housing options best and most equitable Academic Affairs said that, were decided by the Adminis- move and we will keep mov- Neal, assistant professor of "The compromises were good tratlve Council but as for ing." non-states. Stickles, a political fl I L!!b,:"ut'---2n~o~t~w!!:h~a~t_e~v!"e".;'too!!:n""e__!C,e~co=m~m~en",d"a",tio:::.n:::s-,t",he,-"g:..:,ee",k",s;_~ ~~l;~~a~oS~~;yC~heW~~ti~:,~ science and history major t from Westminster, was very Th ompson n irmary 0 C ose social. and economic aspects proud of this accomplishment I but thought the importance of issues understand resolutions passed, but the Mk:hael B. Kralg ~~,~s:~ ~~~S:na~db~,.";,T; be HNMUN was not how many to After a long series of dis- eases were common. Another shift. presented in mock General intriguing process of the s!m- cussions it was decided by wasteful aspect is employing All the functions of W.M.C.'s Assembly committees. ulated UN and the learning the administration to close to two nurses, working on four health service will remain, in Students of the independent· experience. It seems that the HNMUN's Thompson Infirmary. The ~~~~~~ii~~~i~ha~~~~~~~;n~ ~~~f~~hr~e~!!b~~Wa~~~~riti~ :~~~y~~~~~ c:~;:r!~e r~~~~ goals of teaching participants ~~~~~~o~~~~~~s~~e~~~~~~ night. training are hoped to be mittees, such as the Political about the complexity and dis- of the inefficiency of the sys- Instead one nurse will be added to the nurses job de- CoDtinued OD page 8 tern. Dean Higbee said, "New working an eight hour shift scription," said Dean Higbee. health services will be set up with no on call duty. The Birth control may also be INSIDE most likely in Gill Gym second doctor will now be contacted included. floor." directly from the area coordt- The fate of the Thompson Elections 'S4 •.....•...•....•.•.••••••. Page 4 -5 The problems of the existing nator. This wilt cut out the building is not known but Maryland Dance Theatre coming .•Page 5 system are many. The size of wasteful step of the nurse as what is known is that the Jewish HoUdays ....•.•...••••.•••.••.... Page 3 the infirmary is simply not a go between. It will be a health services will remain needed. There are two large convenient change because and be enhanced, only the Service? ...••.••.••.•••••.••.•.•..•.•.•.••. Page 2 rooms full of beds that are not one of the nurses is retiring location will change -Administrative Council Housing Decision :Page 7 used. Many years ago they after this year, also providing were used for overnight pa- that the remaining nurse tients when contagious dis- wants to work an eight hour
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