Page 65 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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Administrative Council on the fraternities. Floggings for hind the all-cclleqe GPA and penalties and profit tusl endeavor. We believe that fratemitites also the non-fraternity male can contribute significantly to GPA in virtually every semes- To the Administration: the total collegiate experience ter. We would like to see a The new point system has Iran is a sterling example of of schools like Western Mary- concerted effort to improve. been a controversial issue a nation that can effectively land, but in our opinion, the Short of recruitlnq a few high since it was installed in Feb- enforce rules. I suggest that fraternity system at Western achievers while others hover ruary. I support the sanctions we follow their lead and deal Maryland is not a class act at around 2.0, what can fratemi- with a few reservations. seriously with serious offen- all. ties do to come out higher They're a step in the right ses. For example, anyone Specifically, than the non-fraternity male direction, but should only be caught openly defying coJloge there is a higher incidence GPA from time to time? What seen as the b:eginning of a policy by wandering insidi- of damage and vandalism else can fraternities do to new era at WJoI,C. ously from room to room with among fraternities than enhance the academic, intel- The ssncnoos are a positive an open beer should have a other groups, and lactual tradition of the CoI- start, but far frOm the inclu- finger lopped -off. No warn- there is a higher incidence lege? Organize tutoring sive set of rules that should ings. I imagine that it would of disciplinary problems sessions? Sponsor appropri- be instituted. The clause only take a few examples to among fraternities than ate academic workshops, lee- warning students that "inap- stamp out this all too common other groups. tures? Etc. We would like to . propriate behavior will not be blemish on our college. C.A.'s This indicates poor behavior _ see something more funda- 'tolerated" is too general a could easily recognize repeat and fuels the perception that mental than the patchwork of statement. I ~uggest that the offenders as well. . fratemities are anti·academic, community service activity disciplinary board review Most of the new sanctions. anti.intellectual, anti-First Pdn- than fraternities engage in every previous infraction and are simply too - lax. Anyone ciples-in other words, that from time to time. decide the number of points fiendish enough to savagely fraternities contradict the old- By fundamental, we mean, that will be assigned the next tear out a toilet paper dis- est traditions of this College. for one thing, an end to the time some unimaginative indi-, penser receives only five In order for us to respect physical and psychological vidual is foolish enough to I points when brought to justice the fraternity tradition, we re- dominance that the fraternities repeat the offense. Anyone under the new system. I, for quire a specific plan of action are willing to do (in terms of. struck with an undeniable one, would like to see public (by room-drewinq time) guar- behavior, attitude, and urge to publicly dismember, flogging come back into anteeing support for the pri- achievement) in order to have small mammals or dance -vogue. Fratemities could take mary tradition of Western their traditions respected. naked through the womens turns enforcing this penalty, . Maryland College. For exam- dorms would know what to and, with a little ingenuity ple, GPA lags be- expect when our feartess se- could tum the floggings into curity guards arrive. Think of enjoyable fund raisers. how much time would be We needn't rely solely upon Fraternities willing to change saved if the disciplinary board foreign examples of positive members could simply tumto' disciplinary action, though. , Stocks (remember page 194 of the revised and the pll- expanded point system book- grims?) could be set up in the Bob Heckman letter written by the female in the statement is the Admin- let and say, "Here ...Para· quad. They would add a rustic American touch to an graph three, line four - there During the current housing community assistants. I agree istrative Council's view of ex· will be no expectorating on otherwise barren area. controversy the fraternities with the main point of the lsting fraternity problems. public walkways. Five points. I applaud the foresight that have received their share ot letter that the question of I cannot speak for the fra- Next case? it took to establish the revised bad press. Some at it is equity should weigh very ternities, but I feel this is Which brings to mind an- point system, and hope that justified. There are discipli- heavy in decisions regarding exactly what we needed. For other problem with the sys- the administration will seri- nary problems, vandalism, housing. I object to the image the first time we know how the tern. The idea of giving ously consider these sugges- and academic deficiencies they created of fraternity men administration feels and what students points is ludicrous. tions. Let's have a return to within the fraternity system as narrow minded and de- it wants. This wasn't accom- Let's have some real dIter- law and order. Thumbscrews, that need to be corrected. structive. Both these aspects plished by storming into an ents. WMC could take some anyone? The most positive aspect of have existed to some extent, office. It was accomplished lessons from those countries Den PIpeI the dilemma is the way in but their depiction of these by people working together to where college officials know which the fraternities and s0- aspects was in itself narrow solve a problem in a mature how to deal with those who rorities are working with the minded and sensationalized. fashion. A second meeting re s obey rules Administrative Council in We have not stormed into with the Administrative Coun- fu e t0 seeking solutions to the proo- the Student Affairs Office re· cil is scheduled for March 23. EIodnIuwill loin colIop _" .. - .....,_. .... lems. The fraternities are con- garding this issue. We re- The fratemities have asked ..... 1100 jail ...... 1M .,........, for• $150 MINIMUM cerned about the quality of quested a meeting with the that the college respect the GUARANlEE. 5__ oho ................. ,_ $150 • life on this campus. Administrative Council to dis- fratemity tradition of living to-- $3.000. A ......... _., - i........... c- ., gether and having clubrooms. We realize change is upon cuss the housing issue and We realize there are prob- ~for_EIodnIu---""" us. Currently we are not sure create a more effective and : what form those changes will efficient means of communi- lems. We realize some things have to change. In the last take. We are working together cation with the main decision month I have seen alot of Carriage .v • with the Administrative Coun- making body of this campus. cil in an effort to improve our In light of this meeting, on minds open up within the system ahd the quality of life March 12 the Administrative fraternity system regarding House in an effort to improve our Council which consists of the possible solutions. Personalty system and the quality of lite President, Vice President, and I feel it is possible to solve Liquors for everybody on campus. Deans of WMC issued a many of the cited problems This includes developing a statement to the fraternities without taking away the ira- GeDesee Crea_ Ale housing plan that will benefit asking for a specific plan of ternities housing privileges. all students. (Independents action (by room drawing time) We will have a specific plan bottles $2.59 .m pack have been equally involved in in regard to housing and within the next week. , the process.) improvement of the fraternity I was _disappointed in the system as a whole. Included Public video showings illegal Seasonal Apartment House in Ocean City, Maryland, Oceanfront at 5th Street. Excellent accommodations for summer F.... page 1 workers at great seasonal rates, likely that they would contact just because the chances of quences can be dire for the the film company involved being caught are small at college. CALL NOW: The Loft Inn and have legal action brought WMC that still does not make There are plans to purchase 301-289-2246 or against the college." the practice legal. In addition a large screen television so The office of College Activi· The Office of Activities wants that video movies which have 301-289-7339 ties realizes that the video it known that they did not been properly cleared can be rental is a cheap form of make the rules, those laws shown to the public. r~~reation but they stress that are real and the conse-
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