Page 64 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 64
Opinion Letters to the Editor o Editorial Greek student on quad life .! d r en· min S Dear Editor: on this campus-much more happened to notice that there I I would like to respond to positive than negative. Males were not more than twenty the ridicuously stupefying let- who decide to live in the independents present, but I ng psychologists, there is a term called "cognitive ter submitted by nine con- quad know what they are did notice that there were m dissonance." This idea asserts that when an individual comes earned students in the behalf getting into when they decide ore than one hl,lndred and across an idea or piece of information that runs contrary to of the independent plea for to reside there. No one is twenty-five Greeks. It was what he or she believes, one of two things will occur: One, the equality on this campus and pushed to live there. Having also interesting to 'hear half of idea will be rejected outright, as if it were a lie; or two, the idea for the dismantling of Fratern- been a resident of ANW for the independents present will 'be twisted such that it still fits into our system of values ity sections. three years (one as an inde- speaking in favor of the and beliefs. Often someone will question our bellefa - may it First of all, I am really pendent) I have no com- Greeks. It is also interesting be on religion, politics, or college policies. On many perplexed that these plaints-except that I had to to note that this weekend's occasions, the only rationale we offer for believing as we do is "women" took the time to live in Rouzer for a semester. presentation of the Junior Fol- that we have always thought that way. We cannot come up write such a letter when at I can honestly say that I have lies was comprised of at least with logical reasons, and that is frustrating. For instance, even least three of them belong to never; heard of any com-. ninety_percent Greek mem- though we don't know someone - we don't like them because some Greek organization. It plaints about a party being bers-that's odd. of what we've "heard" from others; or, that we are in favor of seems to me that these self- too loud. Instead I've seen A sad thing is happening. A fraternities living together because our friends all favor it. - appointed martyrs of the un- people get mad because the tradition, a way of life could Furthermore, and more importantly, once someone has taken a represented independents parties don't last long be coming to an end, and all stance on something it's usually impossible to get' them to see have no right in voicing such enough. The one noise com- because of the inept, narrow any other point' of view. arguments when it really has plaint that I've come across minded iedeas of unwel- The following quote, written by Dr. James Robinson in no concem to them. The one has been that of a whistling comed self-proclaimed mar- The Mind in the Making, may offer some insight into this issue that they should have janitor and the way he throws tyrs. Maybe they should be problem: covered should not have around the trash bags, still burned at the stake like most We sometimes find ourselves changing our minds without been that of the Greeks losing that's minor. previous martyrs of "good any resistance or heavy emotion, but if we are told we are housing privileges in the These "women" complained causes." Maybe then some- wrong, we resent the imputation and harden our hearts. We Quad, but that of the inde- that the independent is not one will take notice of what are incredibly heedless in the formation of our beliefs, but find pendents showing an apathy getting a fair shake. I would they're doing--if anybody ourselves filled with an illicit passion for them when anyone towards the social environ- like to know where are all the really cared. I doubt it, proposes to rob us of their companionship. It is obviously not ment of the campus as a independents? Having at- though. the ideas themselves that are dear to us, but our self-esteem whole. tended the Special Forum on Carlos Ortega which is threatened... The little word "my" is the most Quad life is a unique thing Housing two weeks ago, I just Concerned Greek & Student important one in human affairs, and properly to reckon with it is Editor's Note: The title of last week's editorial from the nine female C.A. 's was mistakenly titled "Independents Speak Out". The letter was written by nine people on the Housing staff. country, and "my" God. We not only resent the imputation that 0 · · d th Ph . the beginning of wisdom. It has the same force whether it is We regret the error. "my" dinner, "my" dog, and "my" house, or "my" father, "my" tour watch is wrong, but that our conception of the canals of pinion an e OeOlX Mars, of the pronunciation of "Epictetus," of the medicinal value of salicin, or of the date of Sargon I is subject to Editor, Gregory Elbo, tional melodies, but a far do you call it? In the past, you revision.... We like to continue to believe what we have been Well Greg, where shall I greater loss occurred with the have displayed fine examples accustomed to accept as true, and the resentment aroused begin? How about with your death of Muddy Waters. Wa- of "Yellow Joumalism" and when doubt is cast upon any 01 our assumptions leads us to assumption that we, the stu- ters wrote and performed "Sensationalism" which would seek every manner of excuse for clinging to it. The result is dent population, really care some of Rock's most famous have made William Hearst that most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding what your favorite songs of tunes, he also appeared at glow with pride. How about arguments for going on believing as we already do. 1983 were. As usual, you The Band's Last Waltz as well the copy of The Phoenix Though this was written over fifty years ago, it still have successfully disen- as many other major music wt'Iich contained the article applies today. Many will stand up, shout, and defend the chanted your readers; the first events. Muddy Waters was about the thefts in the Quad? status quo at a college housing forum, but how many of those rule of responsible journalism. recognized as a performer r overheard you calling that voices belong to individuals who have questioned their own Your display of poor taste with great charisma and talent issue one of your "proudest beliefs, and how many are merely echoes of the group? was truly comical. "Best whose work has and will in- accomplishments." How can In the face of overwhelming information to the contrary, Music in 1983" was an article spire musicians for decades. you call biased, one sighted, thft fraternities seem to feel that everything is just wonderful. which I shall always use to At this point I could go on cheerleading joumalism (By It's about time that the quad came out of its own little WOrld. guide my listening pleasures. and list scores of performers the way Greg, those are Obviously, people are complaining - so face up to it. People Performers such as David which you have neglected to words which journalists are reluctant to come up to someone's face and complain Bowie and Michael Jackson recognize; I won't, though, in should know) a "proud ac- I:beca=::U:se::th:e:y:::a:re:a:fr:"':·d:-::;no:§t:beca::::u:se:th:;:eY::don::'t:c:ar:e:.=~certainly have made impres- order to spare you the public complishment?" Perhaps you I 'sive contributions to the embarrassment which you are contemplating a career The music industry; you have, certainly have earned. with The Pravda. Finally, as editor, you are Phoenix however, neglected to recog- Let's ~ now ...What's next? responsible for the work and nize, music as an art form I know, why don't we talk contributions of your staff. Do which stretches far beyond about joumalism. Webster's Sincerely, Karen Carpenter as the "Big- it as "the collection and edit- Editor Gregory Elbo the TOP 40 dial. You listed Collegiate Dictionary defines you ever read The Phoenix? Associate Editor · ·..· .william Mann gest Loss in MUSic in 1983." ing of material of current Chuck Thies Managing Editor ·· · ·..·· Philip Block Sure, the industry will miss interest for presentation P.O. 377 voice and inspira- through news media." What her soft News Editor · · · Eric Greenberg Assistant Editor · Michael B. Kraig EDITOR'S RESPONSE cond9mn and criticize, quite Sports Editor Greg Merrill Mr. Theis, Greg wrote that as an opinion a different story to be working Copy Edltor ·..··..······ ..······ ..···· : Laura Kleber We acknowledge your letter. of rock/popular music. He felt on something you feel is im- qualified to write that piece Layout Editor Paige Buchter We have to wonder why because of his avid interest in pOnsnt, (spending a great Photo Editor · ·· Dave Dante someone with your "interest" that type of music, the fact deal of - time on in the process) with no compensa- Photography Beth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nicusanti in journalism has never both- that he attends 25 to 40 tion save for personal satis- Business Manager · Peter W. Spartin ered to come to any of the concerts a year, has an faction. In case you've Advertising Manager··· Kathy Marvel Phoenix meetings, and of- album collection of over 500 forgotten, The Phoenix meets WritersJoe Olcott, Stacey Pucci, Liz Siegenthaler, Laura fered to write, edit, or work in records, and keeps a keen every Monday at 4:00 in the do not necessarily ,--- Cole, Jim Chung, Fidy Kuo, Rosie Andrews, Bill Jeanne, any way on any aspect of the awareness of the music in- Pub. We welcome anyone Thomas Garland, Margaret Miller, Chris Ginther. newspaper. dustry. interested- in any aspect of As for the music snicte, Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. It is easy Mr. Theis, to our Dublication. The opinions expressed in this publication be to make our government sians. It is very hard for them reflect those of the staff or administration. Political implications are to realize that even a "dream to understand who actually bring a consciousness to attack" will only succeed in We welcome comments and/or suggestions. I mail to The Phoenix, Westem Marytand College, Westminster. Md. all countries not directly involved our own annihilation. runs this country and how Please address someone can rise from ob- 21157. and make them realize they Dr. Ehrlich wants people to too will suffer. Another would scurity and become President better understand the Rus- Coot. to paso 4 ~-
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