Page 61 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 61
March 15, 1984lWestem Maryland ColiegelPage 7 "Dusa, Fish, Stas, and Vi" Protecting industries Play on Society Rely Kuo a political problem "Society is a slimy cnsease- to redeem her. She is the first them and frees them. They a thing that seeps in wherever and only to fail ultimately. She are united in seeing the truth you are and covers you with commits suicide. of Society for the first time. "It is soft on big oil.) economists aren't one issue film," declared student-direc- 3) Stas (played by Robin is no accident that it happens Maybe Mondale wouldn't be voters and neither are you. tor Jim Ralston. So, how does Garland) is the best character on a birthday, Fish's; A new any worse on the free trade Weigh the competition issue one cope with this? "Dusa, in terms of what Society v,l- age is about to start." competition issue then Rea- in as a plus for Reagan and a Fish, Stas and Vi," a two-part ues: she makes money t') As Ralston saw ft. "Dusa, gan has been. But I doubt it. minus for Mondale. If you are play presented on February she can go places and mov, Stas, Fish and Vi." IS a meta- (I don't know about Hart.) looking at (hoping for) another 22 and 23 in Alumni Hall, up the echelons of society phorical tragi-comedy. By Import restriction and regula- candidate, remember that offered some possible an- through science (a degree in metaphorical, he meant that tion seem to be something promises to limit competition swers through its four charac- marine biology). Ironically, the play and characters were Reagan resists. Mondale is are designed to attract votes, ters. They are Dusa (Susan she achieves what society to be seen as abstractions of strongly allied with the unions. but they are not good for Udy), Stas (Robin Garland), lauds by degrading and sell- ~igher themes. They were not If economists were one issue society as a whole. Fish (Dana Moylan), and ing herselt-Stas is a prostl- Just four women in on~ room voters, competition being the Vi.(Quinn Cress). tute. They represented four individ- issue, Reagan would win The characters are an un- Her approach to life is pure ual personal essences overwhelmingly. Of course likely combination: Dusa is a scientific objectivity. To her, shaped by Society's values. housewife, Stas is a hooker, people are just organic comp- Ralston achieves this meta- Fish is a political revolution- nents that science will be phorical effect by deemphas- ary, and Vi. is a 60's hipster. able to replicate in-vitro one izing the physical They are all brought from day. However, what redeems phones don't ring and the Dear Terror background. "This is why the different spaces and times to her is that her objectivity may a single place to interact be just a front. Maybe she setting doesn't have real inti- among each other. The result does feel the sense of wasted mate furniture," he explained. of this revelation of their humanity in her clients and in As for the backdrop, it is not Dear Terror, and far away from each psyches is a presentation of herself. She does break down meant to be viewed as a wall. I feel so strangel A friend of other,things are getting shaky. Society in its end result--false once to cry that she is tired. It is, as Ralston said, some- mine from home came to visit I started seeing this guy here values and pressures in- 4) Vi. or Violet (played by thing that suggests or creates me from his College. When he at school and tried to keep grained in the character's per- Quinn Cress) copes with life a mood of being beyond a got here it seemed like a lot my relationship with my boy- sonalities. However, their and men by childish detach- physical space through its had changed. We could not friend from home at the same individual pathologies do not ment. She dons the garb of a abstract designs. relate or even talk like we time. Am I going to be able to condemn them. Each charac- 60's flower-child and makes Also, Ralston encouraged used to. I feel like I'm losing keep up two relationships or ter possesses a contrasting amateurish attempts at "Zen- the actresses to improvise or touch with my friends from am 1 going to really mess' up feature that offsets or softens ning out" through meditation. change the lines if they felt it home. When I go home over my life? - Tom Between the personal defect. Hence, She is a perpetual child in a was necessary. The reason L Spring break or even for the Two Lo""", each character is paradoxical world of serious conse- was that he didn't want the summer, am I going to have Dear Tom, in their approach to society quences. When she speaks of play to be pure controlled any friends left? - A loner By being honest with your- and the effect Society has on her abortion, she is very cas- theatre, but something per- Dear Loner, self, it will allow you to be them. ual about it. sonal to the actresses as well. Don't get yourself all upset! more in touch with your true The singular crisis from So- However, what redeems Vi. This way their' performances Everyone goes through rough feelings for these guys. Don't ciety that tests each of the is that while she appears would be more effective. times when they go away to start calling each man the women is their relationships removed from life, she reaUy Despite the ernphasls on school. This is the time to other's names, or you will be with men. This almost makes isn't. It debilitates her just as abstraction and some spon- make new friends and in big trouble! Try talking to the play feminist in nature--not it does the others. The differ- taneity, Ralston states that the broaden your horizons. Try to your boyfriend from home and as a political statement, but in ence is that Vi. is weakenecf play is quite traditional. It write or call your friends from see if he wants to date other that it deals with the perspec- physically, not emotionally-Vi. does have a plot and in- home once and awhile. Try to people while you are away at tives of four women on men is anorexic. Perhaps her hon- tended characterizations. keep in touch with them. school. It may even bring you and life in general: esty--mostly in smart remarks Also, tne play, written by Sometimes people grow away closer, or in the other case, it 1) Dusa (played by Susan and cynical ooservanons-in- British playwright Pam Gems, from each other, but you are may lead you fa find someone Udy) is diseased by Society dicates her hidden y,t acute is among those used by qrad- going to make new friends at wt\o interests you more. If you in that she has set herself up awareness and sensitivity. uate schools in drama to your school also. Just remem- can juggle two or more rela- to be used by accepting the The play starts with what determine a director's skill. ber - if they are really close tionships at once without role of a mother figure. She Ralston describes as "So- The traditional conventions of friends of yours, they will being open and honest, then gives her husband "the best ciety's slimy film covering the play require the director's keep in touch and stay close Good luck! Most of all, BE years of her life" and raises each of the characters." They inaiqht and control to make a no matter what happens. - CAREFUl! You don't want to his kids. He repays her by are blocked off from each presentation consistent with The Terror hurt anyone. - The Terror running off with another other by the film. Thus, they what he thinks it should be. Dear Terror, If you have any questions, woman. She has been taken become self-centered and Ralston called the play "eo- I've been dating this fellow problems, or helpful hints, for granted. According to Ral- egocentric in their own de- ucationaJ theatre," meaning from my home town and now write to "Dear Terror" c/o The stan, this, is how Society spair. In one scene, Stas that he learned to make oeci- that we are away at school Phoenix. teaches us to value another moves toward Dusa as if to sions. One decision that he person. Even if Dusa's role as embrace her for emotional made was to change the "prim and original a mother figure has made her support. What she does, in- British dialect of the script to St. Patrick's Day proper" usable, the fact remains that stead, is to lead Dusa to a she is still a lovely woman. bed to lie her down before the American vernacular, She is self-sacrificing and leaving her aU alone. complete with curses. He in the Pub sensitive. As the play progresses with wanted to make the language 2) Fish (played by Dana various crises, the characters more accessible. Moylan) is diseased by So- start to break the film that Ralston's own opinion of the Saturday, March 17 ciety in that she has also set surrounds them. They start to play was that it "evoked a herself up to be used by move toward and listen to mood." He states that there Singer from 9-12 accepting the role of the sex each other. When Vi. col- was good acting, or good object, even in marriage. Her lapses, they rush her to the theatre. Yet, he feels that he relationship with her husband hospital. They also share their should have had more techm- fails when he finds another thoughts on men and relation- cal control over some things. woman. Yet, she continues to ships, even if cynical ones: Ralston, himself, is a non- define her failure in the rela- Fish: "I wonder how many traditional student being a tionship as purely sexual. The people are having their first senior at 23. He interrupted paradox with Fish is that she screw tonight and in love his studies-in 78, but is back is a political revolutionary. too?" to graduate and move on to Yet, while she advocates per- The pivotal point of the play graduate school. He hopes to sonal strength for political is at the end when Fish is present more theatrical pro- freedom, she has not discovered dead from an ov- ouctcos at WMC in the fu- achieved such strength to erdose. The remaining three ture. achieve her own humanistic are left united in a common freedom. Of the four charac- realization of horror. Accord- ters, she has no' other feature ing to Ralston, this saves
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