Page 62 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 62
..... 8IW.. t.... MaryIaod CoUe.elMarch 15, 1984 Swim TeamLooks The squirrel issue Promising in"85" Th~a:-w=:andbitter beady- black eyes on me. This year's swim team had better record than the men, cold. As 1walked out the door Those cute 'and furry carriers dorms are no longersafe. The other morning I was alarmed a productive season, even but still not satisfactory to of Memorial Hall, a vicious of disease made me feel like to find a squirrel peering at though their record did not their standards. A lot of the wind came ripping aroundthe an unwilling participant in a me through my window. reflect it. Many problems hin- losses that the women sut- comer of the building and Steve King horror novel. The The squirrel issue has esca- dered the team's success. fered were only by a few slashed my face. GrittiOQ_my headline "Coed Devoured by lated into a grave disciplinary Difficulties with the WMC pool points-making them all the teeth and clutching my books, Squirrels" floated before my problem that has forced the chlorination and filtering sys- more disappointing. Linda I began the descent down the paranoid eyes. Deciding that administration to take action. tern caused a couple of Rennie, Val Borror, Karen path, to Blanche Ward. The any sudden mov,ecould trig- All squirrels caught in subver- weeks of practices to be Schlegal, and captain Sharon sidewalk and the surrounding ger an attack, I skillfully sive activities will be given no cancelled. Sickness also pre- Rowley all performed well at area were devoid of any other picked IJ1Y' way' past the little warnings or reprimands - vented a few members from the MAC Championships at human form. The absence of rodents. Luck was on my side they wil be automatically ex- participating. Widener,most of them break- other students was quite un- that day. I fled to the safety of. pelled., Further precautions, The men's team was com- ing their own personal usual, for it was still early in my room without sustaining such as tougher entrance re- prised of six members, all of records. the day. My mind, clogged any injury. them new swimmersexept for The team traveled to Ft. with thoughts of the class I The squirrels on this cam- quirements and careful screening of applicants, are Scott Flickingerand Greg Mc- Lauderdale, Florida over had just left,was beginningto pus are too cheeky for their being employed to prevent Allister. Being such a small Christmasbreak to train in the sink into a lethargic state own good. There was a day future incidents. These irrev- team, the team could not Swimming Hall of Fame pool. when I noticed' the .squirrels. when a W.M.C. squirrel would erent little beasts must be enter as many events as The day comprised of two There were seven of these keep a respectable distance, made to realize that their desired. Many of the swim- practices a day with swim- furry-tailed rats strategically but sadly that day is past. It is behavior will not be tolerated mers improved over the sea- ming in the ocean between placed on either side of the impossible to walk down. the here at W.M.C. son. Next year looks practices. Althoughthey prac- path. As if by some prear- sidewalk without a 'squirrel promising since none of the ticed hard, they also found ranged signal, all seven squlr- dashing out in front of you,'or team members is graduating, time to enjoy the Ft. lauder- rels stood on their hind legs stalking you at dangerously and the team witt be able to dale lifestylefor ten days. The and fixed their indifferent close distances. Even the :~:dw:~:n~:c:::g :::Sh~ ~~~e\~~it:z~:;5:}~~ Flute recital next week '=-= "'erces_:I"'hr"'ou"""glh"'oU:::I_:lh"'e:_y"e:::aC-"._-'Westminster, Md.-- lori accompanied by Dr. Arleen land College. She is involved New gym tou r Shamerwilt present her junior Heggemeier and Margaret in many activities at the col- flute recital in the Levine Rs- Packard. The Western Mary- tege, including College Band lege Concert Band, Chons- From paae 1 cital Halt, at Western Mary- land Flute quartet wilt accom- president,member of the Col- land College, on Tuesday, pany her on the piece by hydrotherapytubs. In the cen- The only office in the entire March 20 at 4:00 p.rn, Ernesto Kohler Scherzo. ters, Jazz Ensembleand flute ter of the ground floor and complex is that of the trainer; Her program includes Son- lori, daughter of Mr. EI- choir. She is studying flute near the training room is the other teachers win have of- ata #6, "II Pastor Fldo," by sworth leroy Shamer,Jr. and with linda Kirkpatrick at this equipment room, filled with fices in the old gym. Vivaldi, Sonatafor Solo Flutes the 'tete Bonnie Kegerreis time. rows and rows of metal and The Physical Education in A minor by C.P.E. Bach, Shamerof Finksburg,Md. is a The recital is free and the wooden shelves, and having Learning Center is the last Grand Quartet, Op. 92 for music major at Westem Mary- public is welcome to attend. wide service-windows open- building to be built in a 1972 four flutes by Ernesto Kohler , --, ing out into the hallway.Three renovation plan for WMC. Scherzo. Poem by Charles FORT LAUDERDALE doors in the locker rooms which included the construc- Griffes and Gymnopedie 1/111 lead outside to steps down to tion of the Garden Apart- by Eric Satie. She will be SPRING BREAK the playing fields. ments, Decker Center, Bair The largest room in the Stadium, and the all-weather complex, aside from the track; and the renovation of Carriage Enjoy it at Holiday Inn Oceanside arena, is the multipurpose Hoover library, Alumni Hall, room on the ground floor, and the WinslowCenter. The • Home of the World Famous Bullon Lounge which can be used for gym was started in July 1982, House • 3rd Floor Pool deck classes; conferences, activi- is scheduled for completion • Located Directly on Fort Lauderdale's Famous ties. and so forth. Next to this this April, and will be dedi- Liquors Strip rcorn is the weight-training cated this coming fall. Of the room, and next to this is the $6,000,000 cost, Black & Mate_ Wln_ • 212 Ocean View Rooms MID ca_ large wrestling room, having Decker has contributed • Same low rate 1-4 Persons in a Room bright yellow walls. painted $300,000, the largest corpo- $3.79750 .... with a WMC logo and two rate gift ever to the college. Call Collect 305-463-8421 stylized wrestlers. Covering The old gym (Gill)was buill in the entire room are bright 1939 lor $75,000, when Ihe $2.85 pack Reserve Your Room at a yellow. green, and white college had less women's Special Low Rate mats, having two wrestling sports and one third less SpedaI circles. students. St. Patrick'. Dall 3000 E. Las Olas Boulevard Be... Cap. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33316 It uk .. 20 mlnut .. to mek •• fresh dougn pIZZ.. If you're In a hurry, een ah .. d. We'll have It r.lldy wh~ you en Iv•. .. It~4t1 .. bl~ ..,.,10 Iii tt'r~lH" of ... y LAJtGE-SiU PIZZA The new wrestling room
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