Page 57 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 57
II, • Marcb 15, 1984lWe.tern Maryland CollegeIP.,e 3 at's in a name? Coffee drinkers on notice Deer Sir: promotes A liberal Adrrmtstra- so that the average person Deer EdHor, Peace and Justice Coalition I An unusual thing happened tion "so that our colleges may does not drink more than I would like to take this and duly submitted to them to me last week and I thought "see and work toward their approximately 4 cups of cot- op~rtunity to clarify two er- last week. Now as the one your readers might be inter- individual goals" we decided fee per event. We realize that administrators are within their rors In the peace week article that was printed was a pretty ested if I shared this bit of to place certain restrictions on which appeared in last week's good one, I suppose I information with you. .the consumption and olepen- legal rights to consume coffee Phoenix. The first is that one shouldn't complain; however, While visiting my mailbox I sation of coffee by college but we feel that a restriction of the coauthors of that article the only thing I appreciate as found, among numerous other administration. The following on amount promotes a more atmosphere desirable for was listed as Peter Harbold. little as another name on my items, a letter addressed to restrictions immediately apply: Now, I have two given names work is my name on someone the W.M.C. administration 1) Consumption and poses- "Liberal Administrating" in the first and middle, and I kno~ else's work. While I have no care of Dean Higbee, from sion 01 coff~ by members of administrative community." E) Members of our orqanl- for a fact that neither one of objection to writing articles for the president of the Middle the administration in anmirus- zation (Known as College As· them is Peter. Not that it's not people or organrzations, I States Association of Colleges trative buildings is limited to sistants or "C.A.'a") will make Schools, the office rooms. Percolators and and Secondary a good name, it's just not my don't think it's unreasonable name. Nor is it the name 01 to expect them to either use major organization that accre- multi-cup producers of coffee periodic visits to assist you any member of my family, my work relatively unchanged ditates our fine institution. I (such as "Mr. Coffee" Ma- and make sure these rules and as the Harbolds are a or .delete my name from what don't know how this letter was chines) are prohibited. Coffee are enforced. If your college is found in misplaced and put into my is not permitted in hallways, fairly small1amify, I am sure it they do use. Believe me, it's violation of these restrictions, is not the name of any other less of an insult to not see my mailbox but I opened it and student centers, book stores, WMC student. work in the paper than to not its contents amused me. Be- or any other public area in or your accreditation could be terminated. We are sure that, The second point I would see my work with my name fore returning it to the post around the administrative like to make is more a per- on it. office I made a copy of it buildings. although your college admln- istration was not represented 2) For special, larger coffee sonal beef than an error as Thanks for bearing with me which I now present to you for events, your office councils or consulted in the derivation our students to amusingly ex· such. That is that the article while I get this off my chest. of these principals, you never- may apply for written ap- bearing at least my correct You people are beautiful and amine: Dr. Michael Thomas proval to serve coffee from theless unanamously consent last name bears no resem- one of these tlmes . I promise President, Middle States large dispensers. Her Majesty to their substance and goals. blance in fann or content to • I'll print something other the article on Peace Week I than a retraction. Thanksl Association of Colleges the Assistant Dean of College Sincerely, Michael Thomas was asked to write by the Tom Harbold Secondary Schools Restrictions reserves the right President, Middle States or disapprove to approve Box 857 Graduation... Princeton, New Jersey 10027 these events and' if approval and secondary schools. Association of colleges is granted, the following re- Western MD. Call. Adrranistra- From page 2 live Community strictions apply: The effect of this oppresive graduation outside with no who choose to wear formal cia Jeanne Higbee, A} No more than two coffee document could prove fatal to tent and using the gym in the military garb must get permis- Ass. Dean of Student Affairs events per month may be our college because many event of bad weather. Dr. sion from his/her commanding Western MD College held, and only after office excellent administrators may John felt such arrangements officer, not Dr. John. Westminster, MD. 21157 hours. transfer their jobs to other would be logistically difficult, The formal dedication of the To the Western Maryland Ool- B} Donuts and non coffee colleges where such childish while some individuals would new gym is a Board of Trust- lege Administrative Cornmu- beverages must be available restrictions that infringe on inevitably complain about the ees matter, not a Presidential nity: in reasonable amounts be- their personal rights., do not heat, the wind, the bad matter. Given general student At the last meeting of the cause we know that many, exist. Although the college acoustics, etc...The new gym opinion, Dr. John has assured hierarchy of the middle states many people who come to administration reportedly has is quite simply the best the Student Life Council that Association of Colleges and coffee events do not drink been relatively apathetic to- choice. the gym will not be dedicated Secondary Schools, the mem- coffee. ward arguing these restric- Dr. John also pointed out at commencement. Dr. John bers of this association uoan- C) Price per cup of coffee tions, I believe that the well that cap and gown are not also pointed out that he and amously agreed that the may not go below 50¢ per being of such a liberal institu- required. Although this attire Suzy Manning, President of consumption of coffee by the cup. tion as W.M.C. is at stake is preferred, no individual the ,senior class, would be administrations of colleges D) The number of dispens- unless this document is se· would be refused the right to meeting to consider further accredited by our orgnization ers per event will be deter- verely revised. accept his/her diploma on graduation preparations. has gotten out of hand. Since, mined by the Office of Yours Truly stage if dressed otherwise, Student Ufe Council in our "First Principals", we College Restrictions based on O.T. albeit formally. Any individuals wish to provide an academic the number of people invited and social environment that and the time period involved ...will be in the .gy Dear Editor, the fact that there are so in the new gym. We ques- I would like the Senior Class many other graduations tak· tioned whjy the seniors should to know that their concems ing place at the same time. It have graduation in a building regarding commencement is only roughly $2.85 more to they would were never able to have not gone unnoticed. On buy than rent the caps and utilize. Dr. John is very ada- I February 21 several seniors gowns. Also, students can ment on having graduation in including myself met with receive a $5 rebate by return- the new gym. He went on to Dean Higbee to discuss: ing the cap at the end of say it has rained seven out of 1) holding commencement commencement. the past eleven commence- outside The second point discussed ment exercises, and this is 2) no dedication of the new was that the students did not, another reason for having it in gymnasium facilities at want their graduation taken the gym. graduation away from them with a dedi- The senior class will be - 3) the option to rent caps cation to the gym. Dr. John having graduation indoors so and gowns explained that there would be we should all accept this We were then told to take no ceremony but maybe a unique opportunity to be the the matter up with Dr. John few lines mentioned about the first class to graduate in the which we so did. He ex· gym at the end of commence- new gym. plained that at one time caps ment. Sincerely, and gowns were rented but Our third argument and the Suzie Manning there were problems of stu- most vital was the holding of Sr. Class President dents not returning them and graduation outside rather than Orient Blue, W.M.C.'s own Popular RockIDance Band, is available for hire by any or organlza· lion. Contact John Laprade (876-- 8849) for infonnation.
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