Page 11 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 11
Po ay. The Phoenix page 7 Herpes medically examined From 1 women. Soccer team improves record An unfortunate baby infected Changes in sexual mores lected person may help curb by its mother may either suf- have given a twist to the the upsurge. From 8 ing devotion to his team, as fer neurological damages or, pattern by which HSV type I Herpes cannot be cured last year 1hat game had he sacrificed his own well- perhaps die. or II occur. For instance, because presently, there is no originally been scheduled as being in the play: in order to In most cases (85% to 95%) whereas HSV type I had cure for it. Prior to involve- a home game, but the Terrors score, he had to collide into obvious medical signs of in- caused problems above the ment in any sexual exchange, gave it up so that Susque- the burly Haverford keeper. fection are not seen when first waist, today it also gives rise you may want to be sure your hanna could play at home Fortunately, the only injury he infected with the virus of to herpes on the genitals as partner is herpes-free. Its your during their homecoming, a sustained was to a part of his herpes. Once infected, the well as in the newborn; HSV health and must be consid- priviledge rarely afforded the body that Schiavone rarely virus may remain in the body type II, a culprit usually found ered very important. If you are WMC soccer team. uses in games--his head-and as long as the person lives. on the genitals, is now de- not sure of your partner's The soccer team then let Schiavone was able to play in When some cause reduces tected in the mouth and anus health, please ASK. If you do down in Washington last the second half. the strength of the body's Human beings are the only not receive an honest re- Wednesday, allowing a bunch • The scoring continued as natural resistance to disease, known hosts of herpes sponse and you are infected, of Twinkies from Washington Bruce Kracke sent home a cold sores may become ac- Crowding, as well as contact do not panic. Prompt visits to College tie them 1-1 . The chip from DeGrafft, in per- tive again. Examples of the with infected persons or either a health agency or a Terrors almost lost the game haps the goal of the year. causes are: mental pressure, things, enhances the spread physician's office will bring but were saved by supersub After Phil Blatz blasted in sunburn or exposure to cold, of the disease. A little care in you some relief from pain and Scott Sites, who put in a another goal from 25 yards, fever and menstruation in avoiding contact with the in- anxiety. rebound from a Joe Nattans Haverford looked a broken Phillie fanatic speaks out free kick left in the game. than Sites a team. But they scored the in the with less minute moments first waning on the score to play well in over- continued the time demonstrating that he half, so was 3-1. Carl at Holz midpoint By Chris Beyers away from as he aggressively Phillies fan's mother, but stay perhaps dserves a shot at baptised the second half with Above an the kinds of ob- describes the details of the off his team. If the Phiilies more playing time. Mike Kline, a goal from an assist from nixlous ceoote in the world-- latest Phillies victory. win, he is ecstatic with per- though a bit sporadic at John Montanye, in a goal that above all the used car sales- The PhiHies fan is slightly sonal pride, as if his rooting times, made a number of fine proved to be the winner as men, dope dealers, down- aware that he is being obnox- for his team somehow tipped saves in the game; the rest of Haverford scored two goals in home e v a n q eli s t s , lous. but he is so involved the scales in the Phillies favor. the team appeared to be on the last couple of minutes to conservatives, capitalists, su- with the vicarious thrills he It the Phillies lose, he is qualudes. The Terrors were close the gap to 4-3, but the perpatriots, artistes, et al-. gets from his chosen Gods strang ley silent, perhaps particularly hampered on that Terrors, held on and won there exists one group that that he doesn't care. meditating on what sin he day due to the injuries to their This last victory was one of takes the prize as being the The problem, you see, With committed that caused his two key players, John Schia- the finer moments this re- most obnoxious, one group the Phillies fan is that he team to lose. vone and John Montanye, porter has had the pleasure stands alone as being the takes his toarn personally: any This year, thankfully, the both of whom played but of witnessing. For three group you would least like to affront to his team is taken as PhiJlies fan has been some- were not at their best straight years, WMC had spend some time with. The a personal affront. Say, one what subdued. His team has But all was forgotten in last been frustrated by Haverford group I am referring to is, of suggests that Gary Maddox's played in a mediocre fashion Saturday's victory, as the soc- in regular and post season course, the Phiflies fan. range has greatly reduced in most of the year, and were cer team proved that, if given play; their record had been 0- Now, r am not referring to the past few years, a fact that lucky to be in the one division the chance, they could win 5-1 against them. This uplift- those casual fans who root for is evident when one cons/- that was playing as mediocre when they played at home ing victory sent the team into the PhHlies only occassionally, ders the declining number of as they were. A hot Septem- during Homecoming. The paroxysms of glee and coach nor do I mean to denigrate putouts Maddox has had ber and Bam! The Ph'll'es boaters set the pace early as Easterday to the taps for beer the city of Philadelphia as a since about 1981. Does the made the playoffs. They beat John Schiavone put away an after postgame celebration whole (though perhaps I Phillies fan calmly consider a young, inconsistent Dodger exquisite chip from Bruce "Isn't it great," he ex- should). No, the scum that I the truth of the statement? team that will still be good Kracke. The goal was indica- claimed, quaffing a cold one, refer to are those dregs who Does he bring forth any data long after the Wheeze Kids tive of Schiavone's outstand- "isn't it great?" have committed their heart which might prove the falsity are collecting their pension • Boswell: Awards gtoen and soul to the PhiUies, who of the statement? No, he does Checks. And, looking toward would rather see their be- not. His immediate response the Series, let's be serious. In loved team win than walk on is something like: "Oh yeah? the words of Thomas the wild side with Christie Wen, Steve Carlton is the best "No one knows who will win From] Brinkly. pitcher in baseball!" That's it. the 1983 World Series. But Following WMC's clash with They are easy to pick out. Logic out the window, the let's not be mush mouthed lege on the Board of Gover- Gettysburg, a reception hon- The hardcore Phitlies fan is Phillies fan will answer any Everybody in baseball knows nors and alumni committees, oring Alumnus of the Year the one with that ugly red hat accusation about his team who should win." in addition to his service on Preston was held at Harrison with its incredible tacky "P" with an instant non sequitor, But all this aside, let us all the Board of Trustees. In House on the WMC campus. emblazoned on it; he's the generally about one of the hope one thing. Let us pray to 1975 he was awarded an Preston lives in Guilford with one that talks loudly about the two or three still-good players God that the Phillies lose the honorary doctor of civil law his wile, May Honemann glories of Mike Shcmidt but on his team. World Series. I don't think any degree by Western Maryland Preston, WMC Class of 1945~ clams up about Joe Morgan's The root of the problem is one of us can put up with College, and he currently Their son, Bruce, is a 1975 batting average; he's the one this personal relationship with Steve Carlton stories all winter serves as honorary chairman graduate of Western Mary- that people instinctively turn his team. You can insult a long. of the Board of Trustees. land. X.~\leyball gi!!~rn~!~and team House of Liquors After beating both at these played with great skill and 1.1''; teams, the players went on to teamwork to win the touma- Carroll Plaza the semi-finals against Kean, ment. It is these skills that has Westminster winning with the scores of 15- also helped to achieve the 1\ ~~ Band 15-6. The final match, rank of 1st in the south and 848-1314 which determined the winner 11 th in the nation. The future ~ of the tournament was against of this team looks very prom- Messiah. This match was won ising so why not go to their Molson Golden $1.00 OFF Large Pizza with the scores of 15-7, 13-15 next home game on October and 1?-B. Once again the 10th against Susquehanna 12 oz. NR Bottles Monday & Tuesday Evenings 848·2226 $3.29 six pack Look for other Daily Specials with this Now Featuring Foreign Beers ~ coupon VINCE'S SEAFOOD proper 1.0. All Types Seafood required Carroll Plaza Steamed 118 W. Main St. expires 10/20/83 Shopping Center 876-3550 To Order Westminster, Md.
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