Page 100 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 100
Opinion-------- Underlying meanings not superficial ones Congratulations 10 the following new officers of SGA: SGA: David Bogdanski Some issues are very strong amusing because unftke President ~ Liz Siegenthaler Rape is a very serious and very serious, but serious some people I got the joke. I Vice-President - Mike Kline crime' in our society and of issues are the basis of almost understand it for its obvious Treasurer - Jeff Ricken course it is understood that it all humor. And if we cannot absurdity, incongruity, exag- Corresponding Secretary - Jeff Sweren is a violent act. Like pornog- laugh at the absurdity of im- geration and eccentricity of Recording Secretary - Jeff Ballentine .raphy, the arms race, and portant issues, what can we just how bad the laws. and Senior CI888: other such topics it is a very laugh at? Johnny Carson is judicial system are getting. President - Suzie Manning serious issue. But the whole known for his monologues. He The articles "Rape" and Vice-President - Char Wirts world is serious and I am sure has made a career of making "Females Harrassed" would Treasurer - Jim Francis one could find people who humor by attacking the seri- serve to perpetuate the belief Secretary - !
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