Page 101 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 101
April 29, 1983 Gettysburg & Hopkins beat WMC J David Bogdanski 2·1 and losing the nightcap 8· 5. It has not been a very We took a 1·0 lead in the productive couple of weeks bottom of the second and for the WMC baseball team. Gettysburg came back to tie On Tuesday, April 12 they-lost it in the top of the sixth. And a to Johns Hopkins here at two out single in the bottom of WMC. Though the final score the sixth by Dave 'Fifi" Yur- was 5-2 it was a close game cisin scored Sam kerns with till the last inning. Hopkins the deciding run. Scott Auto- nipped at. our pitcher Dave nelli turned in. a fine pitching Fowler for two funs. Then in performance as he picked up the eighth inning Dennis the win. Lento emerged from his bat- In the nightcap, Gettysburg ting slump with a line drive scored four runs in the fifth to double which scored two break a 2·2 tie. WMC scored runs. But alas, we could not 3 in the bottom of the fifth but score any more runs and lost it was too little too late as the game in the ninth when Gettysburg scored two more Hopkins scored three runs. in the seventh. Starter Ron On Thursday, April 14, we Lutgen got the loss and was split a doubleheader with Get- relieved by Dave Yurcisin in tysburg winning the first one the fifth -inninq. MAC .track meet from pose 3 new MAC record with a time ters with a time of 14:46.52. of 3:51.09 and lowered that German set a new 400 meters time to set a new NCAA mark with a clocking of 47.31. Dividion III record in 3:44.50. Williams is the defending He also captured the 800 champion in the 200 meter meters in record time of dash and the long jump. 1:51.79 on. his way to being Dr. Richard Carpenter is the selected the outstanding per- meet director. For more inter- former of the 1982 meet. mation contact him at (301) Teammate Sheely set a new 848·7000, oxl.571. MAC record in the 5000 me. , LOCUST WINES I, 10East Main 848-2910 Lowest "Jug" Prices 10 Town Now's the time to think about your college ring. Not just any ring~a 14K Gold College Ring from ArtCarved. The karat gold Jewelry that's designed and handcrafted for lasting value . , JUNE '83 TRAVEL COURSE DATE: College Ring is more affordable than you And now an ArtCarved 14K Gold I' Sponsored by May 2 and 3 think. Choose from an entire collection of Department of Modem Languages TIME: 9<30 - 3:30 14K Gold ArlCarved College Rings and save $25. This offer is for a limited time I only, so come in and see all the great I Live with a Spanish family and study Books tor-e Lobby ArtCarved'styles with the custom options I' the language, culture, and eustems of PLACE: that can let you have the ring of your conlemporary Spain, choice, the way you want it. So graduate in style. Graduate to gold! For more Information contact UMBC Oepos t Required Professor Slnnlgan at 45.5-2149 or 455-2109. J1RT
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