Page 99 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 99
The Phoenix April 29, 1983, Friday Western MoryIand College VOIUme'II, Number 15 ~~;r,:~T!~~~tJ~~gr~s"---....,........,.,.--..,..,"=,--_",,,, __ ical Dimension Kickoff Dinner has been hampered by inad- was held at Gill Gymnasium. equate facilities. This new A total of 250 people at- Learning Center will help tended this dinner including Westeren Maryland alleviate 100 students, alumni, parents, this problem by providing friends, and leaders of West- more adequate and more ern Maryland College. The modern physical education purpose was to announce to faeilites. the public the beginning of Once the Physical Educa- the kickoff campaign for fi- tion Learning Center has been naneing of Western Maryland constructed, it will include the Colleqe's new Physical following features: a tamer Western Maryland alleviate arena for such indoor sports Following the opening as volleyball, basketball, and speech by the Master of cer-: wrestling; more seating ca- emonies Mrs. Wilbur O. Pres- pacity; a human performance ton, Jr. and the invocation by laboratory; a student lounge; Professor Ira. G. Zepp, col- a hall of fame lobby; a me- lege President- Dr. Ralph C. morabilia room; six locker ter. That was more than half John presented a sound and rooms; training rooms: a of the $6,000,000 goal that the Sigma Phi Epsilon uted to the dinner. The stu- slide show to explain the multi-purpose room; and the college is trying to reach. ity as a challenge to all other dent groups were the Phi purpose for construction of wrestling, judo, and karate students groups to donate Sigma Sigma sorority, which I the Physical Education Learn- rooms. In addition, this will be The $3,102,000 included $1" well. In addition, Mr. Preston served as waitresses, the 550,000 donated by the state ing Center. the site of future commence- of Maryland, $300,000 co- announced the information of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, which served as waiters, the a leadership gift campaign ment ceremonies. In his presentation, Dr. John I stressed the ccrnmltment" of - After Dr. John gave his nated by. Black and" Decker, and a corporation gift cam- Phi Delta Theta fraternity, by Mrs. $100,000 donated paign which would contact which provided valet parking, presentation, Mr. Western Maryland, as a lib- William Clementine Peterson, honor- l eral arts institution, toeducat- Keigler, the National Cam- ary co-chairperson and a many people and groups to which provided decorations, and the Student Foundation, encourage them to give their ing the whole person, both 'paign chariman and a trustee. trustee of Western Maryland, cloths, flowers, and and donations to Western Mary- mind and body. The people at Western Maryland believe of Western Maryland, an- $741,000 donated by the land. . helped in the set up. They all nounced that at the present board of trustees, $75,000 that if a person is in better time, a total .ot $3,102,000 The Development Office helped to transform Gill Gy· , shape physically, that person had been raised towards fi- donated by the faculty and wanted to thank all of the mansium into an ideal seting I. staff. and $500 donated by student groups who contrlb=, for the kickoff dinner. will be able to function better. nancing of the Learning Cen- Phi Beta Kappa Freedom fighter speaks inducts new. members __ n speak _up in time" to oppose Phi Beta Kappa ( BK), the most prestigious honor People went to the other side; injustices. When thls occurs, The' human mind contains society in the United States, selected Western Maryland walls "of hatred, of suspicion, the rest of the members sat someone, like a Hitler, can and said nothing. These are College as one of only three academic institutions of ignorance, and 'most of all, the actions of the indifferent take advantage of the weak- nationwide to receive a charter at its triennial meeting in of indifference," said Hiltgunt people, she said, who are nesses of a society and un- October 1979. The charter was presented to the college Zassenhaus, who spoke "the enemies of life" and "the dermine its government. I at a special ceremony on May 1, 1980 which established about the obligations people curse of destiny." are falling apart, said Zassen- The family and family values the Western Maryland Delta Chapter of Maryland. The "We must begin to under- stature of BK is in itself an indication of the high have to society and about the stand that freedom is an obli- haus, because people have decay of the family, March 17 standards of liberal arts set and achieved by WMC. Of in McDaniel Lounge. gation," said Zassenhaus-. no time to give of themselves the 3,253 institutions of higher education in this country, The coldest sentence Zas- "Freedom must not be taken to others. People should take only 228 have chapters of Phi Beta Kappa. Election to the senhaus knows in any lan- for granted ...History is written some time out each week to society is a significant statement of the institution's guage is, "I don't care." This every single day in what we help around the house or mow the lawn for a neighbor I consistent high academic quality in the liberal arts in both is the phrase spoken by an think and what we do," she who is sick. No payment a broad and historic sense. To date, 74 WMC students and one honorary indifferent person. She pities continued, "and if we begin to should be required for these because understand that one person such people they alumnus have been inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. services. These services 1 put walls around themselves. can make a difference, Academic excellence was Western Maryland College's She fears indifferent people will understand the obligation should instead be a giving of purpose and goal when first established in 1866 and it is because their actions - or we have to participate" in the one's self, one's time for the . the raison d'etre today. need of another. lack of action - can lead to politics of our country. Zassenhaus stresses that ME~~ great weaknesses in a sa- When people -ask Zassen- Family ethics should. be I EI~~laine Armacost 6~~lg~~ar:~ ~~~~~11iott ciety. These weaknesses, haus if she thinks Hitler is still taught in the home, but more once exploited, could create alive she explains that what I Susan Elizabeth King Anne Helene Glaeser chaos in the wrong hands. "really rnattere ts is Hitler alive things are left for the schools I' Kathleen Anne Brusca Stacy Jo Proctor / Zassenhaus explained the in our minds?" If "we are to teach. The schools have not taken on this responsibility governed in our thoughts and ~~~kKLu~~~Cockerill I/" ~:~~m~~n~~~n~r~~~s~ following story about thirty actions [by] our prejudices, and she suggests introducing people who came to a meet- Erich Karl Lehnert Steven Eric Haugen ing to choose between two by intolerance; by suspicions, courses in ethics in our edu- Robert Stefann Collison Melvin Lynn Rill speakers. The chairman [or] by hate, [then] Hitler is in cational system- Courses that' Mary Kathryne McDonald /Brenda Sue Jones asked that those in favor of our own daily actions." teach one to find a set of Michael Joseph Creamer v Betty Jane Schmitt speaker A go to one side of "There are very few evil values and courses that teach Renee Nacrelli ....,/ Mollie Merrick King the room, those for speaker B people in this world," she "reverence for life" could Amanda Michelle Dailey Robert John Thomas go to the other side. One said, "but there are so many begin to close the ever wid- Ellen Ann Noel Shawn Erin Warner person went to one side, two indifferent people who don't continued to page 3
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