Page 50 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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page 6 N...... ber 18, 1982 ROTC field-tests military theories on trip Ronald Kyle at WMC sponsored a trip to meters and also within the biological and chemical war- take the good with the bad). What do football, soccer, Gunpowder Military Reserva- time limit. The group I was fare. This is serious stuff, and You can't get that feeling chess and other such activi- tion, so that the cadets might with did pretty good. Even if I hope that we never have to anywhere else in college, ties have in common with practice various facets 01 we couldn't make it across resort to it. It is such a that's for sure. war? Well, for one, they all learning experiences from the the nuclear contaminated horrible way to fight a war, (along with the rest of the require practice to become classroom river, I really don't think that that I. ca?'t anyone battalion) woke up many proficient. If you're not prac- The first "test" concerned our mothers would have ap- resorting to II. Hitler didn't, times that night praying for a ticed at football, you may lose leadership techniques, which _proved anyway. and he could have, so I don't heater from heaven. a game, but if you're not were tested on the leadership After breaking for lunch, we see why anyone else should. I That morning we were practiced at war, you may lose reaction course, of LRC, The headed for the TAX (Tactical have no desire to fight in one greeted by a hot breakfast, your life. Not wanting to lose LRC consists of various prob- Applications Excercise) lanes of those suits and that mask. and a cold obstacle course. any lives on future battle- lems which the group must Here we put into practice On the positive side, they Having run the same obstacle fjelds, the ROTC battlion here solve within the given para- movement techniques that the would make great Halloween course last year, I was a lot Army decided give us the costumes. more confident this year. But best chance against the Red That Saturday night was it never cared much for cat Hordes. We got killed an cold. Very cold. I mean your walks, thin beams and high awful lot -- if we'd used real Artic-type COLD!!. It was altitudes just don't mix for me. bullets we wouldn't have freezing! Our Army sleeping much of a battlation. Fortun- bags jut couldn't do the trick ately for us we get more lives in those temperatures, and I than a cal. The ambush see- These things to teach you that nerio was pretty tricky. They sometimes you can do things tried to fool us in the wrong you've never done before. movement technique, but Once you get going, it's alaI we'd seen that particular trick of fun. You just have to be on the late war movies, so careful. when they opened up, we The last major event was had them right where they the firing of the M-16. It's wanted us. We only let them good practice, and one can win because they outranked get a lot of satisfaction by seeing lots of holes in the bullseye, so to speak. That wrapped up an event- ful weekend. It proved to be enjoyable, even if I did have to play catch-up when I got back. I felt the battalion had shown great spirit, and dem- onstrated a lot of things that make this Army great (and some not so great, but we ~ Frisco Family Pub ""'" DAILY SPECIALS GPO MONDAY· TUESDAY· SPAGHETTI & MEAT SAUCE TWO FREE SODAS WITH WITH 2 SLICES GARUC EACH PIZZA OF EQUAL BREAD - ONLY SIZE - SMALl., MEDIUM OR LARGE WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY· ORDER OF STROMBOLI AT FRENCH FRIES 112PRICE ONLY",," SUNDAY· $1.00 OFF ALL LARGE PIZZAS 50¢ OFF ALL MEDIUM OR SMALL PIZZAS 876·3550 i contemporary. ----~-------------, the best that choose the ring and custom options 10% WMC discount with this Ad : the college ring will speak voi- that most eloquentlyexpressyou. umes about you-and your achieve- Now is your time to get what you I ments-for yearsto come. deserve. And remember-nothing I I What's more-you can afford it! else feels like real gold. Because now, for a limited time you can order from the entire ArtCarved ~ ! collection of 14K gold college rings and save $25. Come and see the tlte (ireen (iutur ltb. exquisitely crafted styles-from the 'li'/......, !i"aIuud At the Bookstore Mon. & Tues., Nov. 22 & 23, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. across from 'Public Library al Locust' JtfaU 'H~4(minJ(",~((... 1.. ,,1,,,.,, (.rIP"; R76_1I.91i.9 - •• , =::.. :..,' -, _ •• - .!. •• :..:.. • ... 0.1 :,"
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