Page 51 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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November 18, 1982 Page 7 Notes from the Plants removed from Lobby music dept. of students destroying the plants in Kriel Lobby, the In an attempt to deal with the continuing problem WMC administrators are seeking an alternative use of Theresa Gertner, a senior music major, will give a the flower boxes around the Union Trust Bank branch voice recital on Sunday, November 21, at 3 p.rn. in and the WMC record shop. Levine Recital Hall on the Western Maryland College According to Mr. H. Thomas Kimball, Jr., vice campus. She will be accompanied at the piano by Dr president for business affairs and treasurer, the tall arleen Heggemeier, professor of music, and assisted stemmed plants were removed because of the de- by sophomore Lauren Ruberg on clarinet. struction of the plants by students each year. The Gertner, a soprano, will sing a group of Mozart plants which are torn and ripped, or removed in acts of songs in German, three French melodies, three Puccini theft, cost approximately $200.00 each. In reviewing arias in Italian and a selection of contemporary the expenses of maintaining the destroyed plants, it American songs. was decided that the costs are too much. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Gertner of What will be done with the vacant space has not as Westminster, Theresa participates in the music pro- yet been determined. Mr. Kimball indicated that a gram at St. John's Catholic Church and this year is decision may come as soon as next week. According ... teaching music at .St. John's school. to Kimball, the decision will be made jointly by the The recital is free of charge. offices of business affairs, student affairs and the . president. The Music Dpeartment of Western Maryland (;01- "We want to do what is best for the students," said lege will present the film, "Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise," on the business director. Possible usages include planting Tuesday, November 30, at 4 p.m. in Levine Music Hall of a flower bed, which could be done for half the cost on the Western Maryland campus. of replanting the types of plants previously placed in The film explores the flamboyant style of Sun Ra, the lobby; or converting the area along the wall into the most avant-garde composer-bandleader in jazz, seating space. and his band, which has been together for almost 25 years. The November 30 film is free. continued from page 1 Order of Friars Minor (or Fran- ART DEPARTMENT ciscans) became a potent spiritual, SOCial,and intellec- Ann Booth wilt present a collection of her fiber arts in Western Maryland College's Gallery One in the Fine tual force in Europe and Arts Building from November 30 through December 17. throughout the world. Booth has been creating handwoven works of art Dr. Monti, a native of Brad- using tapestry, Ikat and warp painting techniques for ford, Pa., joined the Order of the past four years. The crafts representative on the Friars Minor in 1964, and Board of Directors of the Carroll County Arts Council, pursued his education at St Bonaventure University, Cath- Booth has displayed her work throughout the Carroll County area. She is a founding member of the Mason- olic University, and Union Seminary. After Theological Dixon Fiber Works, a group of independent fiber ordination to the priesthood craftspeople, and a member of the local Spiritual . he began graduate work at Assembly of the Baha'is of Westminster Booth is currently co-manager of the Carroll County the University of Chicago, Arts Council Costume Shop (previously Carroll Players where he received his Ph.D. Costume Shop) and lives in Westminster with her in 1979 with a dissertation on husband, Jim, and their son, Timothy. St. Bonaventure (a thirteenth- The official opening of the show will be held on century follower of St. Francis Tuesday, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m.. and refreshments will be and his official biographer.) served The exhibit is free. Gallery One is open He has taught at his alma weekdays from 10 a.rn. to 4 p.m. mater, at Christ the King Sem- inary (East Aurora, N.Y.), and Service to resume at the Washington Theological Union, where he took up his present position in 1979. He The McDaniel Third and Fourth Floor Tuck-In Nov. 19, 20, 21 has been a popular teacher Alumni Hall Service, recently discontinued, will be back but not as there and among the students often as before, said a member of the service. of various other seminaries "We thought it would get worn out," said kathy (Protestant and Catholic) that Eichelberger. She says the organization will now $1: WMC Community make up the Washington The- operate about "a week every month instead of every Tickets at info desk ological Consortium. day, every month." r-·-----~------_, The forty or so women in the service tucked-in or 848-7000, ext. 599 OF more than 100 people so far, earning about sixty L- ~~: : HOUSE dollars. kathy said they will use the profits to celebrate with a sundae ice cream party or a roller skating party in November or December. - .1 i The Phoenix i: LIQUORS i -I Carroll Plaza, i: - N<>pf!, H"J., kh"",/ will be Vi.,t6'tIo ... o..y. Westminster .: _ again Dec. 2 : I 848-1314 publish.cJ _ 1 : .1 Specia'- • • ·1 :1 I· : (Copy cNodlin. Noy. 28):: Pabst : :: 6 pak 12 oz. can .1 - - -I $2.49 - -I : Hoppy Thonksglvlng : 1 , : : 1 present coupon : ~L_e~~~:~~~/~2~
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