Page 19 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 19
October 14,1982 page 7 When was the last time you were tucked in? For some people on campus. it might have been last week. The House Forget the night life, Council of McDaniel third and fourth floors is sponsoring a The game tuck-in service to raise funds this year. just tuck me in For only fifty cents, you receive a bedtime story or lullaby and a kiss. The girls spend approximately ten to fifteen Last week something hap- party - I never did figure it minutes with each customer. They all say, "We're having a lot pened to me that hasn't hap- out. At the end of the stOry, I is service of fun with it." pened since I was very was offered more water, Kathy Eichelberger and Lynne Schuler, social committee co-chairmen for McDaniel's House Council, are really excited young. No, I didn't fall off my which I refused and then I bike, I got tucked in. was tucked into bed. about the response to date. They've had very few negative A1 10:30 p.m. Thursday They took the nameless in kissy comments about their tuck-in service. The pair say that the night, three girls came to my I teddy bear 'back, kissed me funds raised will be used to._sponsor non-alcoholic activities. on the forehead and said they asked room and me if As for the actual ceremony of tucking someone in, two or wanted to be tucked in. I was hope I didn't have night- three girls go jo the customer's room. They either sing a lullaby then offered a cup of water mares. As"they left the room, venture or read a story. The stories are children's stories, such as because "everyone asks for they turned out the light. It Mother Goose or Dr. Seuss. After the story is finished, the water before they go to bed." customer gets a kiss on the cheek. Many of the girls add After ! climbed into bed, ! was an experience I won't forget for awhife. I encourage personal touches like bringing stuffed animals along. Most was given a nameless teddy everyone to take advantage importantly, they have fun. bear to hold while I listened to of this opportunity and call If you'd like to be tucked in call third or fourth floor a story called The Wild Thing. the tuck-in service. You may McDaniel (ext. 305 or 3(6) and ask for the Tuck-In Service. It was either about a little find yourself pleasantly sur- Sweet Dreams! boy's nightmare or a fratemity prised. Doc fails from page 3 Acting in a lead role in any play is a great responsibility and David Crowe's perform- ance as Sganarelle weakened the show in many spots. One problem, was that David tended to throw the dialogue at the audience, instead of . sharing his lines with them. Much of the fault does not lay with the actors, but with the possibility that the director did not spend enough time helping the actors refine their characters, thus resulting in the not quite polished per- formances of several of the characters. A major problem, which I mentioned eartler, was that pauses were used poorly. This resulted in total halting of action on the stage, or inap- propriate pauses, leaving one to think the actors had forgotĀ· ten their tines. My general feeling was that I was neither completely con- tent, when the play ended, nor completely satisified. One, the humor came in spurts and I was not sure what the playwrigfit was trying to con- vey to the audience. Two, the people who chose the play did so with the idea of chal- lening the actors and ac- tresses, but not challenging the minds of the audience. My suggestion is that the theatre department choose fu- ture plays that will appeal to the issues, attitudes, and If th-;;e's one thing undergrad It all mer-is you spend less of the package. You also get emotions of the college, business students have always time calculating, and more a book that follows most rather than choose the plays needed, this is it: an affordable, time learning. One keystroke business courses: the Business which are the most weird, -business-orienred calculator. takes the place of many. l\naIysr Guidebook. Business outrageous. and ott-beat. The Student Business Analyst. The calculator is just part professors helped us write it, Its built-in business formulas to help you get the most out Art series cont'd let you perform complicated of calculator and classroom. finance, accounting and A powerful combination. Publicity statistical functions- the ones Think business. ~ The Western Maryland Col- that usually require a lot of With the Student lege art department will time and a stack of reference Business Analyst. present the films "The Secret books, like present and future World of Odilon Redon" and value calculations, amortiza- TEXAS "Chinese Art: Of Heaven, tions and balloon payments. INSTRUMENTS Earth and Man" in its continuo ing Wednesday evening art I film series on October 20, at 8 p.m. in Memorial Halt, room 106. . -
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