Page 84 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 84
Page 6 December 3, 1981 Terrors WIn Rotary Terrors make tracks B-BaJl toumnmen t for Volleybcdl Nationals Bruce Mable third quarter to take a 44-33 lead scoring Robert Holt In the toumey to be played in . Western - Maryland's basketball After a time out, Catholic came out The Terrors got into the final game After a season of ups and downs, Califomia. the twelfth seeded Terrors squad got it's season off to a strong with a press of its own and that. by beating an individually talented the WMC volleyball team will cap -, will play fourth seeded Biola Univer- start by winning the 1981 Western combined with a sudden rash of fouls but poorly coached Cabrini College, their year with the dream come true sity (Calif.), fifth seeded SI. Cather- I Maryland Rotary tournament. with a on the Terrors Big Men, allowed 85·67. It wasn't really that close opportunity to play in the National ine's University (Minn.), and thirteenth tense 6()..52 victory over Catholic Catholic to claw its way back to The Terrors came out and traded Champiooships at the University of La seeded Bmhearst College (111.). The University within six points with two minutes shots with Cabrini for the first ten Veme in California team will leave for Califomia on Western Maryland began the game remaining. But the steady ballhan- minutes, but then Joe Callahan came In post-season play, the Lady Ter- December 9 and begin play in the with its methodical offense and a full dling and 100 percent free throw off the bench and hit three straight 18 rors have taken second place in the tournament on December 10 court press that they kept for the shooting of point guard Jim Dawson foot jumpers that ignited the crowd MAC Championships, the States No Eastem Region team has ad- entire half, but CathOlic handled the kept the Cardinals from geWng any and the other Terrors, who then Championships vanced to the quarter-finals in the pressure easily and jumped out to a closer and the Terrors held on for the outscored Cabrini 17-5 in the final ,With the regular season record at Natiooals since the championships 17-12 lead before the pressure de- win minutes of the first half to take a 35- 27-6, the team has boost their record began in 1972. The Terrors are gOing fense started to get to them. WMC Doug Pinto lead the Terrors with 19 24 lead into- the dressing room. to 42-9 overall in post-season play. all out in the quest of being the first then scored six straight points to take points, shooting 9 of 14 from the floor The teams came out and traded "We are getting stronger as we go Eastern team to reach the quarter- an 18--17 lead with eight minutes and I for 2 from the line. Jim Dawson shots again for the first few minutes along," said Coach Carol Fritz finals and also to take the title remaining in the half and then, atter was only 2 for 6 from the floor but hit of the second half but then theTerrors Some of the players have gained "I know that they'll represent this trading a few baskets with the Cardi- 8 for 8 from the line, dished out 10 scored ten unanswered points to put individual honors as well in the post- institution very well," said Coach Fritz. nets. stalled out the remaining 3'12 assists, and committed only five turn Cabrini on ice. Cabrini could close season acnon. Donna Mummert .eno "They are good. ambassadors for minutes; then missed a shot at the overs, most of which occureo as he only within 14 points of the Terrors in Anne Glaeser were named to the All Westem Maryjand." buzzer, to take a 26-24 lead at half was beillQ mugged by Catholic's the final twelve minutes' as WMC States Team; Jane Kernan received POST SEASON RECDRD: time guards, while doing most of WMC's romped to their first victory of the All Regional Team recognition; and MAC Conference Championship 4-' The Terrors changed tactics in the ball handling. Dave Engle went 5 for season Anne Glaeser and Jane Kernan have States Championship 6-0 second half and WEIf1tto a half court 7 to add 10 points for the Terrors Doug Pinto scored 23 points and been given MAC All Conference Regional Champiooship 5;2 trap defense and more aggressive while John Seiler threw in 7 and collected 10 rebounds to lead the honors rebounding by the front line of Doug collected 7 rebounds. Scott KOhr Terrors while Jim Dawson added 12 Pinto, Scott KOhrand John Seiler and added 6, Jeff Weyer 4 and Joe points and 5 assists. Scott Kohr had it's all greek to me put scored the Cardinals 18--9 in the Callahan 2 to round out Ihe Terror 15 points, ti on fool shots, and 7 "'1".------------------ .......,rebounds. Joe Callahan, after hitting Holiday fun planned W{'stl!linstt'T (Iold and Silver Exchange his first three straight, finished with 10 points, while John Seiler scored 10 Dave Engle had a bad shooting by sororities .DON'T SELL FOR LESS points and collected 9 rebounds. night, hitting ooly 1 for 5 from the JEWELRY. WATCHES • DIAMONDS floor but freshman Jeff Weyer came The Omegas will also be caroling off the bench In the last minutes to hit As Christmas approaches, the on Friday in the community. Phi 3 lor 4 from the floor and added a Greeks will be taking brief breaks Alpha! IIu will be caroling on Satur- 1'1I.\·in~ in ('~~h- - Ch('('k and Compare free throw to finish with 7 points from their academic pursuits to day, December Sth in the aftemoon in CarrQII County's Largest Gold & Silver Dealer , Henry Montague, atso a freshman spread Christmas cheer throughout town wit~ a special guest appear- 4 points and Rob Bowell added 69 West Main Street the Westminster community ance 01 Santa The sisters of Detta Phi SIgma SigITll will be caroling SlgITII tc.ppe Westminster, Md. added a pair of free throws to round with Phi Delta ThetI at the Westmin- will hold a Christmas party for the out the scoring r ~~iOii~~~====~======5==.Catholic had to come back, in the ster Convelescence Home on Friday Westminster Day Care Center 00 final minutes against Washington Col- evening, December 4th. The Phi SIg December 13. The Inter.orortty bobby's hobby lobby lege, 10 gain the finals in a 84-63 fall pledge class is giving fruit bas- Council wishes everyone the best of thriller. The end of this game resem- kets to the residents of the home as bled a rugby match more than a their philanthropy project luck on their finals and happy holi- days. basketball game. Washington held a family hobby center 8-10 point lead for most of the game until Catholic, aided by some aener- ous refereeing, hacked and clawed models-arb and crafts (literally) its way back into the game More concern fMluring dungeons and dragons late in the second half, and scratched out a victory. Washington came back Phone 648-4350 65 East Main St. WestminslI'-r. Md. 21157 to defeat Cabrini in the consolation from page 2 Finally, since this is the nuclear say power theme issue I should 10% discount with I.O; _ game. 56-52 would do some good. Let someone something regarding that topic. Fed- know that you want something done about destitution in America. I also do eral lunding of nuclear arms projects not think that it would be too much to while Americans are unable to enjoy ask for you to make a contribution to the simple necessities that most take help in the meantime. Atterall there for granted is absolutely absurd are only eighteen more shopping Because of you, it could be working days 'til Christmas better...Happy Holidays! ~. '~ . Maria's Beauty Shop All Haircuts $5 'BIDw.i1)' &> &is .!N< 'f.rtra 7 CIlrroU St. 848•8333 'Westminster 'WtiJi I. or!XjJpt. , LOCUST BOOKS I 9 East Main Street Westminster, Maryland 21157 3011848-6813 Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc Old Westminster Pike Imported box. cards for X-mas and : 848-5680 - 876-2028 1982 calendars and date books now available -c. •• r.....·"""·<-~.·_...'-~, .... _._ '..-~·,.~ ....... ...,.,_.. T... Ch-A""'.r_ Open 7 daY$ a week
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