Page 62 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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November U 981 college- -~., Robert Hott grounds of the campus were reno.' NEW WINDSOR -- It is a small town, vated, and buildings were added as located just southwest of Westmin- needed. The complex consisted pri-: ster, and its population is slightly over marily of three buildings: "Old Main", 1,000. New Windsor is a rural, agricu- Windsor Hall, and Becker Hall. -r letural, town, and seems an unlikely I location for a college. Yet, as tate The college continued to offer tradi-" would have it, New Windsor would lional four year educational programs :::"~~~:ti::1O~~~~sfir~~t~~r~~l committee changed the college's sta- until 1927, After 1927 the trustees, County. It was the town's rural loca- tus to a two year junior college, War tion and atmosphere, however, that for a second time had made a made New Windsor the "ideal loca- devastating impact upon the college tion for scholarly pursuit" During World War I in the early , On the hill that overlooks the town 1900's the college faced the complex ;t~~d~~'~dc~r~~~;'c~~n~~:h=~:!' problem of dwindling enrollments combined with competition as well white brick structure, tte Blue Ridge' Several colleges in the Blue Ridge ~ntains, for which Blue Ridgei Mountain region, including Westem Maryland College, began drawing College was named, color the horizon dark purple. Blue Ridge College no students from a recruitment area longer exists, but "Old Main" remains once dominated solely by Blue Ridge as testament to an interesting, and. College often hectic, college heritage i The college---reduced its programs The year is 1839; Carroll County, to Associates of Arts, Degrees were enjoys its second year of fraternity' offered in lour areas: Applied Sci- with the other counties of Maryland. It, ence, Business Administration, Secre- is under the direction of an English tarial Science, and Home Economics, - pastor, John Pym Carter, that the first However, the undertaking of a junior efforts in .ecvarcec education in the college, proved too much of a finan- county are begun with the inception cial burden, and the doors of "Old of the New Windsor High School. In Main" were closed in 1942, never to the month of May, Rev. Carter, in a be opened as a college institution "mild but firm" fashion, begins the again first of two five month sessions for the Yet. the former college campus academic year, 1839-1640. "Old Maln" 8 It etand. In New WlnlHor tod.y. does not stand dormant on the hill in During that first session, Rev, Carter dents at Calvert College concentrated New Windsor, Today, in the spirit 01 instructed his charges in "Orthogra- in the studies 01 "the Classics, Mathe- 1877 the Reverend AJexander M. years community service that emphasized phy, Reading, Penmanship,~Arithme- matics, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Jelly assumed the presidency of the BLUE RIDGE COLLEGE the founding of the college, th~ In 1913 the New Windsor Col/ege tic, Geography, English, and Latin Chemistry, Astronomy, and the Mod- col/ege. During Rev. Jelly's adminis- property was purchasd, and reno- facilities are used as a distribution tration the college received a new center for the Church of the Brethren Grammar." The tuition fee for the first ern Languages; viz. French, German, charter in 1886 for Ihe New Windsor vatec by the Blue Ridge College. "Old Main" still overlooks the town of session was $8.00, For an additional and Spanish.' College and the Windsor Female Operated under the sponsorship of New Windsor, and the Blue Ridge, $12,00, the students attended a sec- On May 31, 1852 a new charter College. T~e cQ!!_e~~,!n~~d A,B. the Church 01 the Brethren, Blue' Mountains still color the horizon dark ond session, beginning in November, was granted 10 Calvert College, 'rf-e degrees for men, and "Mistress of, Ridge College brought to New Wind- purple and were instructed In "Mathematical college was known to be "one of the ~~:\~ell~_~t;,r~~~~'t~~~~:~o~f =~~,::o,..:it:;.' ,:::Ch:::!"'_~"e::.,~g'.::l.,,:::led~iO:..':.::9.:.:;'0;... T:.:,h:::.e----------'t Sciences, I3ookkeeping, Use of the finest classical schools in the I Globes, Latin and Greek Languages, state...and was noted lor its Ihorough- the college granted Bachelor of Sci- ing degrees was changed. Alter 1892 Natural and Moral Philosophy, Chem- ness of its academic departments" ~ the year cost the students $50 each Calvert College was regarded as a ence, Bachelor of Letters, Master of istry, Logic, and Rhetoric." Board for prestigious school, with a number of EnvisioniflQ a broad spectrum of its alumni being very prominent in Arts, Master of science. Doctor 01 MAKE $11,000 fOR COLI.iGE Philosophy, and Doctor of Science education in Carroll County, Rev. their Communities. degrees. The college continued to WHlLElCU'RE CiOINCi Carter, with the aid 01 some Presby- CML WAR DISASTER operate until 1912, when under the terian associates, obtained a charter The 1860's bring disaster lor the leadership of Rev. James Frazier the 1OCOUICiE. from the Maryland legislation in 1843 college. In the year 1860 the roof 01 college closed its doors OI1ce more for the founding of New Windsor "Old Main" is destroyed in a fire, and __Qy_eto insufficient funds, The New College. The buildings lor the college needs to be reconstructed. The roof Windsor College probably enjoyed its were never erected, however, and is replaced with a most peaceful, and academically efforts to institute the college failed gable roof. The new roof gave "Old its last 35 CALVERT COLLEGE BEGINS Main" a striking appearance which Want a pan-time job that doesn't hun your grades! Or Higher education resumes in New still dominates New Windsor today campus life! Give your local Army Reserve unit a weekend Windsor in 1846, under Ihe Catholic However, the Civil War had the most a month and a coupJeof summ c rsduring.wllegt·. and th~j.·n give you over $1 I,CXXl forcnllege inlluenced teaching 01 Mr. Andrew damaging effects upon the college. Up to $HXXl in coJ~ aid isyours JUSt for j()jnjn~mo" Hull Baker. Baker purchased the hilly Most of the college's male population units, An01her$S.O("()f<>r(nurYl';'l'iofmnmhlyw...-h'"d, ground at the north end of town in left to join the Southern Army, also and two-week summer stints. Plus over $2.cro ,hal ynu'1\ 1649 and buill two new buildings, On the college suffered severe financial earn during two summer training periods. AUwhile vou'rc October 31, 1850 education in New difficulties at the same time. It was getting the most out of college. And doing the most you "nn-" Windsor resumed in the newly built the coupling of low enrollment and part-nrne for vour counerv "Old Main," but this time the institu- financial problems that took an irrev- Youdon't have-towait I'Jrcollcl!<'("ioin !h<'Army RC"_'rw tion was named Calvert College, by ersible tol/ upon the college. Unable If you're 17orolde-randajuni,'rorseniorinhil!hSC'h,,,-,1. Join us now! There's 1\(.' b.'!fer part-time joh in town its Catholic sponsors, in honor of the to overcome the crippling effects of Interested! For more information about the Arm)' Calvert family. The buildings were the Civit War, the college was closed Reserve in misarea. call arwof the tdephone numbers bIt.,! reported in the Carrolltonian newspa- and seized by its creditors in 1873 below.Or srop bv per to be "large and commodious, In September, 1874 the college is sufficient to accommodate one reopened under the Presbyterian in- hundred students." fluence of the Reverend l.B.w The acaoemlc year consisted of a Shryock, It is under Rev. Shryock's 26 week winter session and a 18 direction that the College is divided week summer session. The cost for into two independent schools; a [a- "tuition, boarding, washing, and at- dies seminary, and a classical and ARMY RESERvE. tention to clothing" was $125. Stu- mathemalica~_academy I~. BEALL lOU CAN BE. Kelly's Stationery Store COMPLETE LINE: OF Call Army Reserve Opportunities OFFICE SUPPLIES u.s. Route 40 & Elmwood Drive Frederick, MD 21701 (301) 663·8455 , 12 Carroll Plaza Phone: 848·5553' Westminster 876·2160
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