Page 61 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 61
~~vember 5, 1981 11'1. Phoanlx page 7 CC ends season , Terrors topple L.V. in victorY ShaWn ArmstrOng next. year and an injury-free 1982 As anoiher season ties come to a season, there are many bright spots clo!>:e,new expectations have arisen and a better record L ) in store lor lor" seasons 10 come! The 1981 men them. Sydney 'Deeds converted delense to offensive the delense and everything seemed and women's cross country seasons in the men's department, things just Just like a steamroller, those Green player. r to go ~ight. for us on. o~ense." ended abruptly last week with some- didn't work out. Although they did get Terror gridders keep on rollin' all over Even the Special Teams are click-. Outstanding is a good adjective for l thing they had' been forced to grow blown out in a few occasions, they the MAC South. For the past 3 weeks ing as Mike Gosnell continues to the Terror defense, on as they racked up Western Maryland has pounded out boom the ball, this week 6 times lor 4 Interceptions, 2 kepi a lot of other meets close, due 'Nt1ile the accustomed to: losing. I women's team had very bright spots to the sheer presence of senior Dan points against Moravian, Muhlenberg. 226 yards, And how about that from Tom Knieriem, 1 from Pat Luce, coverage; Lebanon Valley had 3 punt and Eric Walker's interception which and this past Saturday against Leba- Wilson. The best thing to say about throughout the season, the men could not win the meets that were impor- this club and its 6-12 record is to wait non Valley. while adding to their returns for -4 yards, and 5 kickoff turned into 6 points for WMC. This tant. Maybe the phrase "all wind, no for next year. With such a poor growing reputation for one of the returns lor only 86 yards total. defense held Leb. Valley to only 76 rain" typifies the season as a wtore. record, one would think tnat not much stringiest delenses around the '" The Western Maryland scoring ef- yards rushing on the day Contributing to the effort with 4 as With only the MAC Championship happened right. but there were many league. Some would describe it as fort was spread around the whole remaining on their schedules, both bright spots. The team had strong surprising. others as awesome, and team as Selfridge scored in Ihe first sacks were Nick Feurer, Mike Jam- teams would rather assume that the second and third runners on the team still others as just plain great, but the quarter, and then Eric Walker did botsky. Steve James and Bob Up- season is over, electing not to go to (freshman "Mario" Boneau, a,n9 cap- fact is that the Green Terror football double duty defensively as he picked shaw. as well as a fumble' caused by the NCAA Eastern Regional Champi- tain Joe Hedrick) and great progress team is clicking together and oppos- off a pass and ran it back 29 yards Pat Luce and recovered by Nick onships from junior Bill McKegg. Although ing teems are far-fetched to do for 14-0 score. In the 2nd quarter Feurer." The women can look back on a freshman Shawn Armstrong ,did not anything against them Mike Saum scored on a 7 yard pitch This Saturday the Terrors will be season of accomplishment, finding live up to expectations, he was the For instance, this weekend the out and then it was quarterback Paul unloading their talent again against some outstanding runners in Tracey number five runner followed by some Terrors were enjoying soch accrnjcrt- Wallin's turn on an 8'yard keeper. Swartmore College who is 6-1, and Serratetli and Sue Stevenson, both courageous running by Paul Ruthar able lead that they were able to Lebanon Valley got their only score in could possibly be the toughest oppo- freshmen. The team was well bal- and Dwight Eichelberger. With any substitute freely for most of the the 2nd quarter but the Terrors still nent of the year. A win in this battle anced as well as good looking and new and outstanding freshmen, the second half, The Lebanon Valley weren't through as Selfridge scored for 2nd place would put the Terrors in had a lot in store for them, but due to WHOLE team coming back, plus the squad could only muster 6 points on again and Rich Johnson kicked his a good position for a bowl bid behind ~ injuries to their senior standouts. Berit services of Rich Harfst and the a 57-yard pass; that pass alone fifth extra point to put the score at 35- undefeated Widener, As the last Killingstad and Stephanie Opdahl, ineligible Tony Japzon the team has a accounted for half of the total passing 6 Coach Dave Seibert said it all when home game of the season draws near. the team would like to encour- offense for Lebanon Valley. True, the plus Sue, the team did not peak' 10 lot. to look forward to. In response, to Western Maryland passing offense he characterized the game as "an age the fans to come out and support their ability. While Mary Lynn nearly every team on their schedule Schwaab, Ihe team's leading runner. next .seer. to coin a phrase by their was not as gOOdas in the past, with enjoyable game both to play in 8(1d them in their effort at a fifth straight ~enjoyed a p~of!table season, the team fearless leader, Coach Carpenter, it one interception a piece for Jim coach, we had outstanding play 1rom win Selfridge and Paul Wallin, and only 7 did not hil Ihelr goals. In I~ing to will be "lights out" ,completions in 21 throws for the day; MIDDLE ATLANTlC STATES COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC CONFERENCE Student protest but oh, how, they ran the bail!!! FOOTBALL stansncs FOR !oIovember 2, 1981 ...... A total of 9 Terrors carried the ball for a combined effort 01 173 yards on Point• Ov.... n Point. CPS basically just a symbolic one" the ground. Selfridge continues to be w l T PCT F A W e l T PVT F A AMHERST,MA--- The Tableaux was the leading ground gainer with 309 t-~~:er 6 0 0 1.000 15" " 0 0 0 '5' 210 61 1000 is more really want "'Nt1at we Swarth 833 Irom a decade ago: a large student general student input into the univer- yeards on Ihe year while Mike Saum W.Md 5 5 1 1 0 0 .833 112 126 52 57 6 5 1 1 1 786 144 147 52 78 contingent presents a lisl of,demands sity decision-making process. All was Saturday's winner with 61 yards, F8M ·4 2 0 667 166 64 5 2 0 714 204 107 and 'cOmplaints to a univerSity admin- we're asking for is simply to have a wt1ich gives him exactly 200 in only 6 Gettys. 4 2 0 667 139 96 5 3 0 625 173 141 istration, Ihe administration says no, say in what's going on. The adminis- of 7 games played. Jim Johnson also Johns Hop. 4 2 0 667 117 96 5 2 0 714 163 109 teo ver and the students storm and occupy tration seems to think 'student input' ca~ried 9 limes for 33 yards as a 2 4 0 333 84 132 2 5 0 286 98 163 the administration building. consists of listening to decisions Muhl6f1b 2 1 4 0 1 .333 72 126 2 4 0 333 72 68 126 Ursinus 5 But it all happened again at the already made." Big week! Moravian 0 6 , 167 58 47 106 2 0 5 6 1 1 .313 47 106 147 .071 147 071 University of Massachusetts-Ami" arst Student resentment began to build ocenscn 0 6 0 .000 12 155 0 7 0 000 12 191 in late October, though the issue was last spring, Ashman explains. when RESULTS more intimatd'.'The protesl Ihis time UMass Chancellor Henry Koffler pro- WMC 35. Lebanoo Valley 6 ~ was against a new administration ban claimed a "Year of Civility" on' tile Gettysburg 31. Moravian 7 7 12, Dic~inson Muhlenberg on co-ed bathrooms in UMass dorms. I "Separate sex bathrooms are re- campus. Johns Hop~ns 46, Wilkes 13 St. 6 ...._- Delaware Koffler, says spokesman Lyon, was Valley 8. Manslield quired by state law," insists adminis- shocked by a wave of "violence and L~comino 11, Juanita 10 --_....._- tration spokesman David Lyon, "e~en uncivil behavior on campus, much of ---- ------ - inco-ed dorms. We're simply obeYing it racial and anti-semitic in nature. metaw." ~~"It's really a problem," protests (The proclamation) was an attempt to break down barriers and hostilities on -steve Semple, associate news editor campus, We don't consider assaults of'UMass' student newspaper. "Some and rapes things we allow." of our co-ed dorms are za-stcrv Aiming to inspire civility, the admin· towers. If they enforce the -separate sex restriction, some students will istration subsequently banned alcohol have to -walk from one end of the at football games, and temporarily dorm to the 'other just to go to tM curtailed dormatory parties:- But many students saw the mea- john, and a lot of the hallways and sores as repressive manifestations of stairs are littered with trash and the "Year of Civility" policy, though broken bottles" Lyon insists these measures had The controversy actually goes much nothing to do with the proclamation, deeper than mere plumbing priorities, and were necessitated by uncon- protest organizer Harvey Ashman ob- trollably rowdy behavior at campus served before the Oct. 20 building events Unive',.ity of RocheSter occupation. "The restroom issue is Graduate School of Management SUB SPECIALISTS Desree Programs Include Ph.D. in 8usineuA.dminist1<1tion ~;!~~~Z!'ionsin C~A.rNS Economic> Applied 15 Kinds! 2 Slzes! 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