Page 60 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 60
page 6 _ __ Sports November 5 _19al~ Soccer"V~ball Triumph in l Soccer beats F&M 2-1' V-ball tops a team currently ranked in Division was dominated by F&M who had Glen Arnold Terrors jumping out to a 9-1 lead on Two. The Terrors dominated play at twice as many shots. on goal as, The WMC Women's Volleyball team the spiking of Donna Mummert. Get- The Western Maryland Varsity Soc- midfield and were ahead three to Western Maryland. Excellent play by finished their undefeated season by tysburg drew within six until Missy cer team defeated two of its south- one, thirty minutes into the game on the defense and goalie Bob Kline' beating a tough, previously unbeaten, Wagner made a spectacular play west division opponents this past scores from Mensah, Butzer, and prevented F&M lrom scoring and the. Gettysburg team which sparked the Terrors to a 15-7 week to retain their nne as division severe, The Terrors impressive per- game was tied at zero for the first! Their victory over Gettysburg gives w'" champions lor the secOnd year in a formance was soon to end as two half. Nine minutes into the second WMC the number one seed in the The Terrors fell behind 4-0 in the row. Four out of their last live games defensive lapses resulted in two half, Western Maryland was awarded MAC Southern Region Tournament third game, and not until the tentl) have ended in victory giving the Mount scores before halftime. Nine a free' penalty kick. Bob Wassman The Terrors had lost before to Gettys- service did WMC regain the lead 8-5. Terrors an overall record of 7 wins, 4 minutes into the second half, goalie took th~ kick and placed' the ball burg in the Towson Tpumey (It is not The Terrors then expanded their lead loses, and 2 ties. Bob Kline was credited with a save.. directly over the goalie's head for the counted as a loss on Ihe team's to 10-6 on the continual gOOdplay of The week began on a very wet and but before punting the ball he lost Terrors first score. Things were look- ·record). This was the Terrors last and Kernan and Mummert. Again Gettys- sloppy Monday afternoon with a visit possession and a Mount St. Mary's ing gOOd for Western Maryland until most important League match. burg fought back and reqained the The first game began with both from the Dickinson Red Devlls. De- forward was there to walk the ball into F&M was awarded a penalty kick for teams making bad shots and the lead at 12-11. On the next lour spite the muddy conditions, the Ter- I~ roes came out on top with a two.. 'to three, which would eventually be an illegal tackle inside the area by a game was' tied at 1-1 after six Gettysburg services the Terrors made the goal putting the Mount ahead four Terror detenseman. F&M scored at;! four excellent team plays to hold zero shutout. Scores came from Chris services. Then Jayne Kernan served the final score. Beyers on an assist 'from Albert The final game of the week was on the kick and the game was then tied. six straight points and the Terrors Gettysburg and win 15-13 Play continued up and down the field After the game Dr. Fritz said, "We Mensah in the first half, and in the Saturday at Franklin and Marshall- but with 2:06 remaining, Chris Beyers appeared to be on Iheir way to an played up to our capability." second half, freshman Jamie DeGrafft Because F&M had only one loss in beat his defender on the right wing easy victory. Gettysburg came back She felt that, though the whole team assisted Albert Mensah for the Ter- division play and Western Maryland and passed the ball inside to mid- with five straight points, to make the played well, that Jayne Kernan and rors final goal. had no losses this game would fielder John Montanye, who shot the score 7-6. Then Jayne Kernan began Missy Wagner were the key to the I The team played again Wednesday decide the Southwest Division Cham- ball into the left side of the net, giving' to dominate the net and lead the victory. The Terrors were also....helped in a match against Mount St. Mary's, pionship. The first half of the game the Terrors a two to one victory. ' Terrors to a 15-8 victory. by the I!et p_layof Don,na Mummert., .Sports ,Analysis The second game began with the Hockey headed Salazar leaves opponents In dust for tourney ~.Rtch_~ experienced marathonefs have ever. ... Sydney Deed. This October. 25, for the first time in dOne th~t (about a dozen). It was the :~~~e~:e~o~~~. aH~a~~~uI2~f~:~~; ~:e~t ru~~eIO~~a~iS:~: r:: .;.~~: The Green Terror hookey team f~r years, I drd not go 10 New York fastest Irrst .marathon ever run. This here could run even one sub-five- is a quote that somewhat epitomizes traveled to Goucher College for the City to ~atch the marathon. I am glad year he said he would break the mile! the effort of the training and the race Baltimore College Reid Hockey Asso- that I.did not go, because of what a world record. What? Derek Clayton Will the mark last long? Salazar It is by the late John F. Kennedy: ciation's selection tournament this certain fellow named Alberto Salazar ran 2:08:33.6 more than 12 years says he can run two or three minutes . 'The credit belongs to the man past week-end after finishing their season with a loss to UMBC last d\~:t t~~=the excitement that ~~~. ~~~~ :~:h c::~ro~~s~ect~~ ~;tt~~e~ ~g~a~O ~~ t:~d;~~nc~~ Who is actually .ln the arena, Wednesday that left them with a flows through the streets of New York people started saying that the course that. It would make him the greatest :;~ses::a~ iSa~darr~?~ ..~:~ season record ohh7-4, . -,' .. on Marathon Sunday. Sure, I missed w§S. short (less th:\n -the standagf marathoner, easily. He may be at- knows the great enthusiasms, At Goucher, Western Maryland was matched against Hood College and :: ~:~~ttod~:n~~d run;:r;::r o~ ~~:s:~:IIY ~~ ~:~' ~~r~~~ ~:~~ re~d~o- :~r :I~n ~~ r~~~~~ct from ~~:nd~ re~~S:ti~ti:n, wo~~~ Goucher on Saturday and came Rodgers, Shorter, and so on. Yet, - is considered slow). But he did it Allison Roe's new women's record, or cause, who at the best knows home with a 1-0 win and a 0-0 lie. On ~\;: ~e~;si':tte~:~c g~~rr: ~:-~~ a:i~he~e he~~~~ C!;~:~~~ the 1400 others who even finished in the end the triumph of high Sunday the team traveled back to ::; ,:£~~:~;~~':n'~:;t:~~!~~~:':::o':;:O::~'b:::::"~;;~:;'!d!t~::i~~~~~~;h!f!~~:;:;'::;i£Oh7:~:,:E::1, losing .0-1: ,and Towson faced and Commu- Hartford nity College. winning 1-0; Essex Com- munity College. 1- Johns Hopkins, also winning 1-0. Hopkins was the Terrors' only win in U~~~:i~ ~I~r~a: 9;:dU~~:,r s~:~ i~ea~~~r~~i~U~e~i~a~~~~:~.~~~.:~ ~:;:~:~ ~~I~ea~h:~iir~~oR:1 ~~ ~~;~: ;1~~7:E~::a~0~ei~e~ regular season play. With a touma· he would break 2:1 6 +1an~ hef ~idf ter yet, like someone hitting 65 home t ~t.anyone saw Salazar's run, they It is one of my favorites. I try to run ment record of 3-H, WMC found against Essex lor the itself pitted a sin.g le sea~t?O.lw!tho~t_; It: :**"*"*.. ***..*"* .. * * *...,. may know what I am talking about that way, Alberto Salazar does run tournament championship, Essex inci- That:wasinc.redible. nya andu a You could almost feel the pain-and 'il ' . * .effort. Maybe, as a distance runner, I that way. dentally was tl1e 1980 National Cham- pion of Junior in Field College ; :' Hockey fights hard Hockey. Unfortunately for Terrors, Essex held the upper hand again as 2 unanswered goals they scored iC .~ for tourney seat against WMC that gave them the tournament champiooship and West- .iC ,.. Sydney Deed. ern Maryland second place Another aspect of ·the BBFHA tour- ijc • an~~e?r:;y T::,~, h~k~~f;:u~a~:I~ ranked second in the MAC Confer- nament is the~opportunity for individ- ual platers to stand selection for the ence for saves and non-goals turned regional team. Western Maryland put ~ ,.. ,. * ~~tl::t~~~ T:;~rs';'u:hhe o~at: ~:; sive as their Varsity as they outscored Diane Cavey, Sue, Cook, Cindy in another outstanding periormance. ~~:st~~:S ~ d'~og~~~:r ;~·~o~s~~ The Messiah J.V. was as aggres- Deeds, Barbie Hen: Renee, ~ WMC and battled out a 0-0 ~ and J.V. WMC's 1-5. Suzie Matthews Barbie Peterson, ·Mickey'Potts, Lori Rafferty up for the selecti?n scored the Terrors only goal, unass- members being chosea,:'nt; On October ~ ff' *' itl:~in~ ~e;!~~:~~ :~~y t~~~; :~~ isted 24, Elizabethtown process and was honor~d with., 4 ~ came to WMC and before a crowd of Chosen for thefirs~ t"lam we're lin~e R~~~~=~at~kDi~~e ;a~~h rIC. *- pow~red Towson J.V. and lost 0-6, watchful parents,' embarrassed West- Barbie Peterson,wiiO! sCOred all, of -tc. ,.. ~~P~::ee N:~~:I~i of Linda Spring ~~~~:~I,a~n~:~gth~~W~: g:~o~: ~~oT~~Of~ ge~~~le~diO~iC8~~;~io~: had many scoring opportunities but ling the WMC midfield~Western Mary- :iC * PI~ynedOc~::r ~~~ t~i~e;~rsa a~:~ none could get by the E-town goalie land had l 2 second- team selections who is ranked first in the MAC in front as well; freshman Barbie Hel! -ind ~\ ,.. ··aggressive team from Messiah CoI- of Tracey Daver wifIQ LOrl':Ra!'$!!!Y, W{lI?,-~~~d ~ .... ~ ":0 T-·~-· II lege and came.~way the losl!!r 1·2, The WMC J.V. lared- only slightly well at a tough position atl weekepd, , "~'tl~. .,......~~_d__.__,j, ,..""'The Terrors stayep~on top" 1;0 jor ~~tt~~~it~~:~~~.:;~~d~~~a~~~ I~~~I~~ P~~e~:~ill1;i~ td Virginia ~e three quarters of'the game on a 'goal from Barb Peterson that was assisted their last game of the season were weekend of November 14-15 to rep- '" Westminster ~-CoIa ~ouling Co" Inc. *' by Lori RaffertY.Again the ~ame was· wing Becky Jackson and Jenny Price resent the Baltimore College area I;, a 52S Old Westnunster Pike a struggle at mid-field until Messiah and inneyLisa McKinney, as W~IIas "". regic;tal tour.n~elJhlf~th~ ~in. ttiere iii~848--5680 _ 876-2028 _
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