Page 59 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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pa__ge 5 Novem~r 5, 1_981 Th. Phosnlx ERA lecturers speak Art Film series, at WMC at area discussion Dream o( Wild Horses views wild The Art Department at Western Maryland State ERA. Both are excel- Maryland can help in this effort will. Maryland College will presenta ser- horses roaming the beaches of the lent speakers with much expertise on be discussed on November 7 and ies of short films on Wednesday, Camarque District of France. The use -r "Equality of Rights under the law this topic. The afternoon will be an there will be time for questions, I November 11 at 8 p.m. in room 106 of slow motion and soft focus cam- shall not be denied or abridged by ntcrmenve.ero exciting one both lor answers and discussions of Memorial Hall. eras produces this cinematic poem. the United States or by any State on those who already support the ERA A $3.00 registration fee is being Buddhism, Man and Nature com- Big Yellow Taxi shows Adam and account of sex," The Equal Rights and for those who want more informa- charged to cover expenses. Bring a bines Oriental art with beautiful land- Eve's paradise paved over by eon- Arrendment was introduced by Alice tion about it. Cleo Campball, Freder- brown bag lunch: beverage and scapes to illustrate the Buddhist dozers as Joni Mitchell sings her Paul in 1923. Since then several ick Attorney. will' be the panel dessert will be provided. There will be concept of the unity of man and song "Big Yellow Taxi" states, 'including Maryland in 1975, moderator ERA buttons, stationery and bumper nature Powers o( Ten explores the awe- have made it a part 'ct their State Ms. Friedman, Baltimore attorney, stickers for sale American Time Capsule: A Very some range of distance in the uni- Constitution. Yet, the struggle to will be speaking from the State For advanced registration or more Short History of the United States is a verse. The camera pans the vast make the ERA a part of our Federal perspective: What changes have at- information call (301) 694-9532 or three-minute overview of the history of regions of the galaxy and then re- Constitution goes on amid centro- ready taken place in Maryland law as write to Ruth Oltman, 182 Key Park- the United Stales, accompanied by a turns to view a single atom of a man's v'ersy and ignorance. What does the a result of our adoption of an ERA, way, Frederick, Maryland. drum solo skin. ERA mean? Why is such an amend- and what_still needs to be done ment necessary? What has' happened Before becoming Chairperson of the Equal Rights Joe Egg comes fo WMC in Maryland as a result of its passage Governor's Commission to Study Im- here? How'has it affected homemak- plementation of the ers, wage earners, property rights Amendment in 1975, Ms. Friedman and education? These arid other served as a consultant to various acting on the college level has the issues surrounding the Equal Rights state and federal commissions in a Jody Mo"lson has recognized. advantages of "better directors and a Amendment will be' discussed by a legal capacity Rob Mcquay, Jr., playing the role lot more freedom." She believes that distinguished panel at the ERA Up:' The ERA is not merely a women's A Day in the Death o( Joe Egg, of Brian, Sheila's husband, feels this play "produces a great psycolog- date spOOsored_.bY the League of issue. All of us - students, homemak- directed by Tim Weinfeld, will be guilty and blames his child and ical effect and explains a lot about Women Voters of Frederick County on ers, wage earners, men and women - presented November 20, 21, and 22 others for his actions. Throughout the society " November 7, 12:00 noon 2:30 p.m. will be affected by the success or on the Mainstage at Alumni Hall. This drama Brian "uses humor tocover his Brian's mother (Joe's Grandmother), at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, failure of this year's final push for play was chosen as part of Project true feelings" and frequently thinks of Grace, is played by Betsy Mitchell - 141S-W. 7th Street, Frederick. ratification otfne ERA. Three more Aware, in recognition of the Year of his past with Sheila before Joe's birth, Grace is a lonely woman, ever since Speakers will be Elizabeth L. Chit- states must ratify the amendment by the Disabled Child. This adult drama This is Rob's second pertcrrnance Brian married Sheila, of whom Grace tick, President of the National June of 1982 if it is to become law. reflects how a husband and wife deal this semester and he believes that does not approve. Grace feels that ~Woman's Party, and Kathleen O'Fer- The League of Women vters of the with their epileptic child and the this play will "touch a lot of people" Joe would be less of a strain on her rail Friedman, Chairperson of the U.S. is one 01 many organizations interactions between themselves and and expecially "hit home with college parent's marriage if they put her in an Commission appointed by the gover- which have mounted a campaign to their friends students" institution. Grace's attitude about chil- no~ to -enov implementation of the reach this goal. Ways in which we in Lori McCoy, playing the part of the Brian's old high school pal, Freddie, dren, as seen by Betsy, involves the child, Joe Egg, explains that her played by David Crowe, truly belives idea that "children are always chil- character is "spastiC, and can hear Chuplcnn films sounds and tones but does not that it is his duty to help their family dren -- wonderful pets." Betsy has mostly been working with the techni- with the problems concerning Joe understand words." Lori conducted David feels tnat Freddie is ''very self- some research on epileptic children first acting role. She is also working which helps her to realistically play important in his own way." David, a cal aspects of theater and this is her freshman, enjoys the professional as- play and Jennifer Gill her role. She describes her part as a pect of perlorming on the college on the props for this Egg is "both comments that Joe Pull out your derbies and your general, there will be an SO-minute "chaileoge" since she has previously level. He is used to comical and light good and important." . walking canes and don't forget your film entitled W1Jen Comedy Was King, acted more subdued characters, -- material and is "honored to have a All of the peformers are perfecting . sense of humor. The master of early a! 7:30 p.m. on November 5' on the Joe's mother, Sheila, played by role in such a serious and important ,., ~~s\ick 'Comedy:· Charlie' Chaplin, Mainstage 01 Alumni Hall. Stacey Pfeifer, feels very angry and play." their British accents for use in Joe Egg, aided by taped recordings pro- Narrated by Dwight Weist, When ~ will make his appearance on campus Comedy Was King combines seven incompetent in dealing with her Maghan. Steeves' role is Pam, Fred- vided by Mr, Weinfeld. They all daughter. Stacey believes that Sheila I this year! die's "shallow and insensitive" wife. expressed excitement concerning Every year, Western Maryland Cor- comic shorts to review the styles of is "burdened, yet only human" in Pam is basically a snob and does not their excellent rehearsals and getting lege's Department of Dramatic Art Chaplin, Keaton, Laurel and Hardy, handling Joe. Sheila's energy is relish the idea of being around Joe. to the heart of their characters presents a special film series dealing and others This film is free for being drained, not only from Joe but She only helps Brian and Sheila .'with a- special era or a particular everyone from her non-supportive husband, because her husband does. Maghan '-''5ub;ect. For_the'next few ~rs, the Some of the upcoming Chaplin too. "The reality of how people deal is also a Ireshm~ and adds that South carroll Secretarial Service .;,series Wil~cover old lime comedy films to be shown lt1is year are City with a handi~ped person" is a Lights on December 1, The Great geniuses auctr as Charlie Chaplin, major theme of the play that Stacey ~,Buster, Keaton, Laurel and Hardy, Dictator on January 21, and Modem SGA Mixer Professional Typing -.«s: Relds and other comedians Times on March 30. These films are r-. ranging from the silent- era to the free tor students and facu~ and Walsh sings IBM Selectric 111 $1.00 for the public. "eaTly 1-940's, Ahh yes, my little chickadee, you Saturday Nov. 7 -tc Introduce the Cliaplin film series will definitely laugh! Laura Cole and the overall comedy series in Sterling Walsh, a senior music 9 P"M. pick up & delivery available Youth comes to WMC :ft~;~~IItn~::.ntN:.~=~or6 ~ic: ' call Vicky Smelkinson Walsh, a student of Julia T. Hitch- !.;;;========:!.....!::::======:s:=t • f p.m in Levine Recital Hall. The Forum at 549.1043 from page 1 has a very bright, sensitive stuoent 0 illusions about a career as a musical music in its ranks, and the Carroll cock, assistant professor of music," P performer, and she is sensitive to the County Schools have a very effective will be accompanied by pianist Ar- need of selecting a career at the Career Educational Program on its leen Heggemeier, professor of music. bobby's hobby lobby tender age 0113. She realiies the hands. To Valerie Brown: Good Luck! Musical selections will include Ger. S k ~~iffm~~,P:~~~h~v~~~~~~~~:sfi~~~ it's all greek to me :'~e~::~ '~~~:~c a:C;7~eri~~ t family hobby center hectic lives that musical performers Tau 'rna er songs. In a special selection of Old lead._ English songs, Walsh will be acccm- All in all, the day seemed like a panied by John Chenoweth on the modds-arts and crafts good one for Valerie Brown - Alpha Gamma-Tau's open smoker lute and Janet Haines Walsh on the ftalurint dungeom and dragOllJ Said she, "The other students here will be held on this Wednesday recorder seem very nice. They have been very eveing at 7:30 p.m. in' the dining Walsh is the son of Mr. and Mrs Phone &48-4350 65 East Main St. Westminster, Md. 21157 helpful, and it was fun to talk with porch. All freshman males and eliqi- Sterling Walsh of Hampstead, Mary· them" tiles are cordially invited to at- land. The recital is free and open to 10% discount with 1.0: Obviously, _tlleqE.asiMidale SbhOC't ....ten_d_.-.Co_"_'_nd_tie_"_QO;_'ed th_'..;.P_Ob_liC -; Rebecca .·Orenstein Ph~tography . LOCUST BOOKS ~. ~ '~, 9 East Main Street WeddlriiJs Westmmster, Maryland 21157 • Maria's ','Beauty Shop·' . Portraits" .'':,; 3011848-68131 ~'. ;. All Haircuts $5 ,_ ~2fli8 ',1 • ' _Imported bo, card5 for X-mas and 'llt.wd'l' &. Sru J'[r, 'Ertra call In evenlnti•.:~, , 198~calendars and date boo", ·now available 7 CCljToll st. &4&;;&)3:3 ; :$'; ;· '1 .•',.;, .Op.n ~ Joy;' a .~, " , ,.,.L,.-.•,.-.•.;.~.;",";:._tm;;.";:.tn5,;:.:":",.r"' •. <"',.,."': .••,..... "'.. ",_."".", .• ",.", •• ,., ..",•. ,..,,,.,.., ."w~a/k;io.~·ln;;.',,;;or~>l'p:;.:-p~t.,,...
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