Page 58 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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page 4 November 5, 1981 College members unite WMC hosts parents in quest for peace SllerrllInkoff The junior class of western Mary- Western Maryland Terrors will take on Swarthmore College in football at Melanie Clippinger World" is scheduled to take place the positive side. sow seeds for land College will host Parent's Day 1:30 p.rn. on the newly renovated Students and laculty members of March 8-11, 1982. The tentative peace'." Noting the resurgence 01 1981 on Saturday, November 7, be- Scott S. Bair Stadium. A flag cere- Western Maryland College have schedule of events include Monday, interest shown concerning the peace ginning at 9 a.m. with coHee and mony by the members of the local formed the Elderdice Peace Lectur- March 8 - a debate on the military. issue Anne Karn sees this renewed donuts on the Dining Porch in Englar sorority, Phi Alpha Mu, will preceed ship Committee. The committee is economic. religious and medical im- interest as a result of the "possibility Dining Halt- the game as the ,women dedicate to currenlly dedicated to planning a plications of nuclear war; Tuesday. of a draft and the Reagan defense A welcome from Dr. Ralph C. John, Western Maryland Coliege a flag week-long event scheduled for March March 9 a despair worashcp: policy" president, and an informative lecture donated to them by Mrs, Mary Pfeif- 1982 in the interest of promoting Wednesday, March 10 - War thru the Anyone seeking further information on 'Marketing of Education: by Dr. L fer, mother of Mary Piei.Her",'82. , awareness of peace as an alternate eyes of the arts (consisting of an art concerning the Elderdice Peace Lec- Earl Griswold, professor of sociology, From 4 to 5 p.rn., following tne lifestyle. The Peace Lectureship Com- exhibit. musical and dramaticai pres- tureship Committee should contact will begin the activities of this tradi- ~~~~,.:c~er ~1I::P~~t~~~~r~~ mittee is being co-chaired by Anne entations): Thursday, March 11 - a chairpersons Charlie Wallace in tional day, planned especially tor Karn and Charlie Wallace main speaker (possible choices in- Baker 104 or Anne Karn in 222 parents of the college stuoents.. entertalnmenLprovided by Sounds oT, Western Maryland College, the clude William Sloane Coffin, William Whiteford Thesetwo events will take place from Silence, a" group of students inter-, Howard County Peace Action Com- Mapes, Helen Caldicott) The next general roeeting of the 10:15 to 11:30 a.m in the Forum ester in educefon of the deaf. wtlO, mittee and the Elderdice Peace Lec- A planned follow-up to the four-day Elderdice Peace Lectureship Commit- Decker College Center. use manual coo:munication. and. sign, tureship Committee are working event consists of speakers being tee will be held November 13 at 3:30 A buffet luncheon will begin at to music. Other. activities open to together to commemorate the life of invited back to classrooms fordiscus- p.m. in the seminar room in Baker 11:30 a.m Cost will be $3 and cereote inclL!de"art .s'lQWs'~f1d rej-, Ooroth Elderdice -- a WMC alumni sene. The committee is seeking to Memorial Chapel. AH interested per- reservations are requested. The g!OUSservcee who in her lifetime was an active involve as many departments and sons are invited to attend peacifist. feminist, and civil rights faculty members as possible. activist Acting secretary of the Peace Lec- tureship Committee, Ira Zepp, de- The commemoration consists of two scribesthe planned week of activities Bad films cam pus fcvori tes honors, "Beating Swords into Plows- hares"- a statue dedicated in honor of as "primarily an educational event out Ms. Elderdice has been placed in the of which may come something to known as G;en or GJend~', 19,52)',_a narthex of Baker Chapel. The second make students more aware" of the CPS scratch-and-sniff Polyester, which second -creanon of Plan Nine From honor is the formulation by the Peace alternatives 10 war. Charlie Wallace MINNEAPOLIS, MN -- After con- stars Tab Hunter as Todd Tomorrow Outer Space director· Edward -Wood. Lectureship Committee of an annual stated that he hopes the program will ducting a "world's worst" movie ser- and 325 lb. transvestite named Divine Harpster- "won't be surprised if WMC event concentrating on peace "on the negative side, make people ies "lest year, the director of the as his leading lady. The company is there's going to be an on-campus The four-day event titled "Ethical aware of the arms build-up and on University of Minnesota's reputable also releasing The Monster From Out surge of demand for movies of \he a spoof of the fifties' sci-fi Town, University Film Society wryly com- Considerations for Peace in a Nuclear plained that bad films were a bigger of fiascoes, and Saturday the 14th, a Beach Blanket Bingo type next" Students take courses dr~wat~:e~t~s~I~: bad-movie film spoof 01 the current mass-murder become a socially-acceptable activity Indeed. the other "type" -has almpst of the Killer formulas. 1978's Attack in forer~n program festivals on campuses across the Tomatoes was another purposefully bynow. In April, 1980, Medvl'!d co- hosted a World's Worst Film Festjval bad stab at the market country is '"Y measure, M;o",,,,"', _ not the only place where students Among other movies that seem to in New York, and inspired other beantests in Toronto, San Diego, and Chris Scotton Mimi Duncan (France), daughter of eerter in large and enthusiastic num- hold a strang fascination for young London, among other cities. Westminster, Md. _ Eleven Western Mr, and, Mrs. James Duncan of bers to pay to see truly-unspeakable adults is I Changed My Sex {also Marytand couece students have been Rockville, for Spring 1982 movies like Wrestling Woman vs. The Aztec Mummy (a Mexican gem seem- accepted to the Central College inter- Ann Glaeser (Spain), daughter of ingly shot with a Brownie in some- WMC celebrates AWARE renoret Studies Program lor this Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glaeser of school year, The program, which is Kingsville, Md" for Spring 1982 one's garage) and Terror of Tmy open only to academically qualified Edward Johnson (Germany), son of Town (a 1938 all-midget western). """'-' moderated by Dr. William the Project Aware ~rqgfam. TtJe,play students, affords them the chance to Mr. and Mrs, Edward Johnson of Film renters report campus re- films will be deals with the problems and frustra- study a foreign culture through me Allentown, Pa., for Spring 1982 quests for laughable Hollywood fail- G. Miller, professor of psychology tions of a family with a cerebral practical experience of everyday liv- 'Brenda Jones (Spain), daughter of ures have increased markedly over and a coordinator of Project Aware palsied (congenitally spastic) child ing. In additiOll to learning the cut- Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones Jr. of the last two years. The films, they A panel discussion to be held on Tim Weinfeld, play director, will mod- J ture, they pursue their academic Lancaster, Pa., fix the year 1981-82. say, are usually screened by rest- Wed" November 18 will explore the erate a discussion after each per- topic "Disabled Persons in the Com- interests in an environment that is Joan Kelly (France), daughter of Mr dence halls, greek houses, student munity." Members 01 the panel will formance, "A Day,in the Death of Joe quite different from Western Maryland and Mrs. Edward Kelly of Huntington, groups and film societies as fundrais- include Hal Baile, social worKer with Egg," will be presented· in All:Il'f\nitlall College N.Y., for-Spring 1982 els the Carroll County Department of on Friday, Saturday and Sunqay, The students accepted into the Elaine Lippy (France), daughter of The happy film rental agencies Social Services, Gary LeGates, Latin November 20, 21, and 22. ,-, , " program are: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly of Tow- guess students flock to these films teacher at Westminster High SchOOl Lectures, films and the panel, dis- Owen Cole (Wales), son of Mr. and son, for the year 1981-82. because they appreciate camp, be- and alumnus of WMC and Mrs, Mollie cussion will be held in, the Forum, Mrs. John Owen Cole of Annapolis, Quinlan Shae (Wales), son of Mr. cause lt1ey have a weird sensibility, Mooney, director of the Carroll Decker College Center, and are open for the year 1981-82. and Mrs, Quinlan Shae Jr. of Colum- and/or because ii's just a decade of County Workshop. The discussion will 10 the public free of charge. T-ick_ets Whatever lt1e reason, the Ann Dowd (London), daughter of bia. for the year 1981-82 excess. has grown 1)ig enough to be moderated by Or, Ira Zepp, for the play are .52 and -available at the information desk in, Decker Col- boom Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dowd of Kathleen Stanford (Wales), daugh- - __ ==-= _ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Stanford inspire some to start making pre- professor of religious studies, and will lege Center, Monday - friday 9 a.l'(I. - Seaford Del., for Spring 1982. begin at 8 p,m. 4 p.m" or at the· Ticket .Dffice in I althe prime =~::~~:d:~Ca: --:-__ \~f Dillsburg, Pa" for Fall 1981 The dramatic production, "A Day in Alumni Hall on the' nigllt of~'the }_r-.:...__ .::_ performance. ~ the Death of Joe Egg" will wrap up . FREE! r?o ~.::JOh:O~"P;;O~k.:::'~::;."~w~a~'e'l'·...,,r::::;:=;_:;_-I._;_--;::;:-:_:_:_;_-l late Nigh,',speci,!:l! New Line Cinema is now dlstribut- scholarship \';~:i~~ra~fc~II~:rit 8 p,m,· p_m. f3a.du.:,t- Hamburger! '"",~ J, _JA fl," I ~ 848·71·16 with purchase of ~.,.~ , ,_to.,~ ••'" ............ ,." , '(:rewfl -srnoddns 'Yillms 1i11Hms ~pplies '- CarroU Plaza ShoppinR Center 20% Discount Bring this ad in an receive: Carriage H(J,Be ti'riqQrS;,>.. 113 W. MaiJi _Street";'; $1.00 off Large Pizza J ~O¢ off Small or Medium Pizza :~':i~~:::::,:~~' Stroh's 12 c~~.c~, eXpireS i$4.7-6cc"".,." ,_, I...,· l1111isl Present Student . . "'f1111181
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